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Wolfgang Blau

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Wolfgang Blau is the global Chief Operating Officer of Condé Nast and President of Condé Nast International with responsibility for the company's print and digital portfolio and new businesses in China, Japan, Taiwan, Russia, India, the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Mexico as well as license relationships in 16 countries. Globally, he oversees Product & Technology, Data & Insight, Business Development, Brand Licensing, Business Transformation & Delivery, as well as Global Editorial Operations.
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Supercharge Me book cover
Supercharge Me
Net Zero Faster
Eric Lonergan, Corinne Sawers - 2022-02-24
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"Supercharge Me" offers practical solutions for fighting the climate crisis without sacrificing lifestyles or increasing taxes. Grounded in reality, the authors draw lessons from successful positive incentives and smart regulations. This book provides hope and tangible ideas for change that will inspire activists and reframe the climate crisis as an opportunity.
Wolfgang Blau
@GeoffreyLean @tomjennings @DavidRVetter Completely agree, Geoffrey. On that note, you may enjoy the book ‘Supercharge me: Net Zero faster’ which very much focusses on a new balance between incentivising and disincentivising (or punitive) climate policies. Hastily edited, but still eye-opening:      fuente
SOS book cover
What You Can Do to Reduce Climate Change
Seth Wynes - 2019-10-01
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Discover how you can make a positive impact on the environment with this book on reducing your carbon footprint. Climate change researcher, Seth Wynes, provides simple and effective ways to make changes at home, work, and in your daily life. Start with one thing your family can change today and see the science behind the impact. Don't wait - take action now to help save our planet.
Wolfgang Blau
In my interviews with news organisations, many journalists mentioned that their readers/viewers/listeners were most interested in the practical actions they could take to help reduce climate change. This book by @WynesSeth is refreshingly pragmatic and easy to read:      fuente
Indian Givers book cover
Indian Givers
How Native Americans Transformed the World
Jack Weatherford - 1989-11-29 (publicado por primera vez en 1988)
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"Indian Givers" by Jack Weatherford explores the vital contributions made by the indigenous people of the Americas to modern society. From our federal system of government to modern medicine, anthropology expert Jack Weatherford uncovers their impact on agriculture, architecture, and ecology. Discover a groundbreaking book that uncovers a true American history.
Wolfgang Blau
Rick Santorum should have read this book about the profound influence Native Americans had on the US Constitution and thus also on the French Revolution and European democracies of today:      fuente
Recomendado por
Patrick OShaughnessy
Don't Even Think About It book cover
Don't Even Think About It
Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change
George Marshall - 2014-08-19
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This groundbreaking book asks the question: despite overwhelming scientific evidence, why do we still ignore climate change? George Marshall takes us on a journey through the psychological mechanisms that cause us to know something is true but act as if it is not. With engaging stories and insights from Nobel Prize-winning psychologists, as well as conservative activists and leading climate scientists, Marshall argues that understanding what motivates us is key to rethinking climate change. Don't Even Think About It is not just about the environment, but also about what makes us human and how we can rise to face the greatest challenge of our time.
Wolfgang Blau
@brendonvolpe :-) and that book is great, indeed. Such a brave thing George Marshall did there, questioning his own assumptions.      fuente
Climate Crisis for Beginners book cover
Climate Crisis for Beginners
Andy Prentice - 2021-02-25
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"Get informed about the climate crisis with this simple and engaging guide, featuring clear illustrations and expert insights from a climate science leader. Learn about the rapid changes affecting our planet and discover suggestions for how our lifestyles can be changed to make a difference. Part of the award-winning 'for Beginners' series, this book features colorful illustrations and tips for staying motivated in the face of overwhelming news."
Wolfgang Blau
Part of my climate journalism research focusses on how to even define ‚climate literacy‘: Which basic facts should be ‚general knowledge‘ in newsrooms? To my surprise, I found children‘s magazines and books to be a great starting point. I recommend this:      fuente
El mapa cultural book cover
El mapa cultural
Las 8 escalas de nuestras barreras culturales y cómo sortearlas
Erin Meyer - 2014-05-27
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Cuando te das cuenta de que, antes de hacer una crítica, los estadounidenses se hartan a halagos mientras que los alemanes no se andan con rodeos; o que los asiáticos muestran reverencia por la jerarquía, mientras que para los suecos cualquiera puede ser jefe, caes en que nos regimos por un contexto cultural que es imprescindible entender antes de pensar en relacionarse con alguien de otro país. La comunicación entre culturas es el gran reto de la economía global, y disponer de las claves necesarias para facilitar la comprensión puede ser la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso. La experta reconocida Erin Meyer desgrana los 8 puntos diferenciales de nuestros rasgos culturales y nos facilita las herramientas para afrontar de manera eficaz los retos comunicativos más comunes en el mundo de las relaciones internacionales. El mapa cultural se ha convertido en la obra de referencia para cualquier lector que quiera desenvolverse de la forma más consciente y cómoda en este terreno sutil, y a veces traicionero, en el que se espera que personas de orígenes distintos trabajen juntas en armonía.
Wolfgang Blau
@CesarCegamu these two books on intercultural understanding go far beyond the usual stereotypes and helped me a great deal in my work (and life).      fuente
The Geography of Thought book cover
The Geography of Thought
How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why
Richard E. Nisbett - 2004-04-05 (publicado por primera vez en 2003)
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This groundbreaking book by a preeminent psychologist challenges the notion that human behavior is hard-wired and proves that culture plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and perceptions. The Geography of Thought offers a map to the gulf that separates Eastern and Western ways of thinking and a blueprint for a bridge that can span it. A must-read for anyone interested in cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.
Wolfgang Blau
@CesarCegamu these two books on intercultural understanding go far beyond the usual stereotypes and helped me a great deal in my work (and life).      fuente
Utopía para realistas book cover
Utopía para realistas
How We Can Build the Ideal World
Rutger Bregman - 2017-03-14 (publicado por primera vez en 2014)
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Fruto del espectacular avance de la ciencia en los últimos decenios, la globalización está transformando de forma radical el orden social y económico del siglo XXI. En un mundo más pequeño y conectado, el progreso y el bienestar llegan hasta el último rincón del planeta, rescatando de la miseria a cientos de millones de personas. Sin embargo, la nueva economía virtual, sumada a la progresiva sustitución del trabajo humano por robots y computadoras, ha generado también un incremento de la desigualdad de tal dimensión que preocupa incluso a quienes no la padecen. La distribución del trabajo y la acumulación de la riqueza se ha distorsionado, tensando a la sociedad hasta el punto de asomarse al abismo de la ruptura. La incertidumbre y el desconcierto se instalan en la gente y los políticos no ofrecen una respuesta racional sino al contrario, algunos apelan a las emociones más primarias. No la ofrecen porque no la tienen, y no la tienen, sencillamente, porque no son capaces de imaginar un sistema diferente. Este libro, que ya ha provocado un impacto considerable en su versión digital abreviada, llama a encarar el desafío desde una óptica tan audaz como realista. Rutger Bregman no propone recetas milagrosas ni fórmulas magistrales. Reconoce las dificultades que entraña un cambio profundo del modelo social, y está convencido de que éste no surgirá de un genio solitario ni de ningún grupo de iluminados, sino de arraigar en la conciencia colectiva la idea de que otro modelo es posible y beneficioso para todos. Asentado sobre el estudio de hechos históricos contrastados y el análisis de miles de trabajos de investigación, Utopía para realistas es el resultado de un ejercicio de imaginación, libre y sin prejuicios. Su publicación en varios idiomas servirá, sin duda, para avivar el debate acerca de cómo resolver la gran paradoja de nuestro tiempo: que en la era de la abundancia, millones de personas sufran escasez. Pongámonos a pensar. Soñemos con la Utopía. This guide to a revolutionary yet achievable utopia offers three core ideas-a universal basic income, a fifteen-hour workweek, and open borders across the globe-each of them supported by multiple studies and numerous success stories. Utopia for Realists is one of those rare books that takes you by surprise.
Wolfgang Blau
„Bismarck said politics is the art of the possible. In our time, though, politics has to be about making the impossible inevitable“ — paraphrased from Rutger Bregman‘s inspiring book ‚Utopia for realists‘, p. 253      fuente
The Railway Journey book cover
The Railway Journey
The Industrialization of Time and Space in the Nineteenth Century
Wolfgang Schivelbusch - 1987-02-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1977)
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Learn how early industrialization influenced modern society with "The Railway Journey" by Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Discover how the railroad, an early dramatic technological change, altered our perceptions of distance, time, autonomy, speed, and risk. This engaging study covers a variety of topics, including architecture, culture, fatigue, shock, and city planning, and provides valuable insights into the prehistory of modern media and digitalization.
Wolfgang Blau
About my last tweet just now: There is more to it. But if you want to read a fantastic book on real railway history and culture, look for W. Schivelbusch’s ‘The Railway Journey’:      fuente
The Power of Customer Misbehavior by M. Fisher