Best Chess Books
Outsmart your opponents with knowledge from the best chess books, strategically ranked according to endorsements by chess masters and top gaming publications. Enhance your tactics and gameplay with selections from this checkmated list.

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Learn to play chess like a champ with this interactive teaching machine. Each question is designed to build on your knowledge, helping you progress quickly. With expert authors in programmed learning, including a chess master, this book is the ultimate guide to mastering the game. Bobby Fischer himself lent his name to this incredible project.
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Explore the mind of one of the most gifted, troubled and controversial chess players of the 20th century as he takes you through the moves of 60 of his most memorable games, including the awe-inspiring "Game of the Century" played at the young age of 15. With every detail in Bobby Fischer's own words, this authoritative book is a must-read for chess enthusiasts and those who want to understand the mind of a true chess master.
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Adam RobinsonDiscover a legendary chess tournament featuring 210 fiercely competed games, including masterpieces by Smyslov, Keres, Reshevsky, and more. Written by one of the leading competitors, this authoritative English translation from the Russian offers perceptive coverage and 352 diagrams. Dive into the world of chess and witness the first rank strategic maneuvers of the greats.
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Improve your endgame skills with the comprehensive Fourth Edition of Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual, written by Mark Dvoretsky, a respected chess coach. This manual is suitable for players of all levels, and highlights basic theories and "must-know" concepts to help you focus on improving your endgame technique. The book has received high praise from Grandmasters and chess columnists alike, and is considered a masterpiece of research and insight. Whether you're a novice or a master, this modern classic is a must-read for anyone serious about improving their endgame skills.
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Garry KasparovMaster the chess endgame with this comprehensive guide. Written by a leading chess player and instructor, this book breaks down the endgame into achievable stages, improving your skills as you progress. Ideal for players of all levels.
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"Master the art of chess with Logical Chess" - Learn how to improve your game with detailed explanations of 33 complete chess games, move by move. Written by a renowned chess master, this classic book provides valuable insights into strategic planning and effective middle-game plans. Entertaining and informative, Logical Chess is the perfect resource for novice and experienced players alike.
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Improve your chess game with "The Amateur's Mind". This book delves into the common thinking mistakes that hold back amateur chess players and provides insights to help players overcome them. Written by a skilled chess instructor who has analyzed his students' games, this updated edition offers new and expanded information to support players on their journey to improve their chess skills.
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Master the art of chess with a modern classic book! Designed for players in the 1400 to 2100 rating range and for teachers, this 4th edition takes you through the author's groundbreaking concept of imbalances. From imbalance-basics to mastering every detail of them all, learn to achieve a master-level positional foundation. With hundreds of games and stories brought to life by instruction-rich prose, this book is both personal and fun. Authored by an International Master, teacher, writer, and player.
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Daveed Gartenstein-RossImprove your chess game with "My System," a groundbreaking book by Aron Nimzowitsch. Known as the "Stormy Petrel" of the chess world, his theories of positional chess are essential for any serious player. Nimzowitsch's unique style and humor come through in this readable and enjoyable book, which not only covers his famous theory of chess, but also gives insight into the character and genius of its author.
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Master the game of chess with guidance from a world-renowned teacher! With over 5,000 practical examples and clear diagrams, this guide has strategies for every skill level. It includes over 300 checkmate-in-one-move problems, 3,400 mates-in-two moves, 744 mates-in-three moves, 144 simple endgames, and 128 tournament game combinations. Organized by problem type, each example comes with an easy-to-follow solution. With more than 6,000 illustrations, this book is the perfect tool to take your chess skills to the next level.
Featured in 7 articles
Recommended by
James AltucherWinning Chess Strategy for Kids by Jeff Coakley
100 Endgames You Must Know by Jesus de la Villa
How to Beat Your Dad at Chess by Murray Chandler
Life & Games of Mikhail Tal by Mikhail Tal
Winning Chess Tactics by Yasser Seirawan
The Seven Deadly Chess Sins by Jonathan Rowson
Fundamental Chess Endings by Karsten Müller
Think Like A Grandmaster by Alexander Kotov
Art of Attack in Chess by Vladimir Vukovic
Chess Fundamentals by Jose Capablanca
Grandmaster Preparation by Jacob Aagaard
Tal-Botvinnik 1960 by Mikhail Tal
Amateur to IM by Jonathan Hawkins
Winning Chess Exercises for Kids by Jeff Coakley
Chess for Kids by Michael Basman
Chess for Children by Murray Chandler
Play Winning Chess by Yasser Seirawan
Complete Book of Chess Strategy by Jeremy Silman
My System & Chess Praxis by Aron Nimzowitsch
Russian Silhouettes by Genna Sosonko
Chess Tactics for Kids by Murray Chandler
Understanding Chess Middlegames by John Nunn
Pawn Power in Chess (Dover Chess) by Hans Kmoch
Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Shereshevsky
My Great Predecessors by Garry Kasparov
Winning Chess Strategies by Yasser Seirawan
Capablanca's Best Chess Endings by Irving Chernev
Chess Duels by Yasser Seirawan
Chess for Zebras by Jonathan Rowson
Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy by John Watson
Masters of the Chessboard, 21st Century Edition by Richard Rã©ti
School of Chess Excellence 2 by Mark Dvoretsky
Attacking Manual Volume 1 by Jacob Aagaard
School of Chess Excellence 3 by Mark Dvoretsky
Pal Benko by Pal Benko, Jeremy Silman, John L. Watson
Winning Chess Puzzles for Kids by Jeff Coakley
Basic Chess Endings by Reuben Fine
Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Shereshevsky
Tragicomedy in the Endgame by Mark Dvoretsky
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess by Patrick Wolff
Grandmaster Preparation by Jacob Aagaard
Grandmaster Preparation by Jacob Aagaard
Lasker's Manual of Chess by Emanuel Lasker
Looking for Trouble by Dan Heisman
The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis
My Great Predecessors by Garry Kasparov
The Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games by Graham Burgess, John Nunn, John Emms
The Mammoth Book of Chess by Graham Burgess
Understanding Chess Move by Move by John Nunn
FCO by Paul van der Sterren
Chess Structures by Mauricio Flores Rios
Modern Chess Strategy by Ludek Pachman
Lessons with a Grandmaster by Boris Gulko, Joel Sneed
The Complete Manual of Positional Chess by Konstantin Sakaev
Positional Decision Making in Chess by Boris Gelfand
Grandmaster Preparation - Positional Play by Jacob Aagaard
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach by Sunil Weeramantry
Evaluate Like a Grandmaster by Eugene Perelshteyn, Nate Solon
Winning Chess Brilliancies by Yasser Seirawan
Pawn Structure Chess by Andrew Soltis
Mastering the Chess Openings by John Watson
Think Like a Super-GM by Michael Adams, Philip Hurtado
Winning Chess Endings by Yasser Seirawan
Under the Surface by Jan Markos
50 Essential Chess Lessons by Steve Giddins
The Art of the Checkmate by Georges Renaud
Back to Basics by Dan Heisman
Dynamic Decision Making in Chess by Boris Gelfand
Secrets of Pawn Endings by Karsten Muller
Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur by Max Euwe
Grandmaster Preparation by Lyev Polugayevsky, Lev Polugaevskii, Kenneth P. Neat
A Strategic Chess Opening Repertoire for White by John Watson
The Kaufman Repertoire for Black and White by Larry Kaufmann
Improve Your Chess Now by Jon Tisdall
The World Champions I Knew by Genna Sosonko
Mating the Castled King by Danny Gormally
Chess Openings for Kids by John Watson, Graham Burgess
The Game of Chess by Siegbert Tarrasch
Chess Strategy in Action by John Watson
Winning Chess Openings by Yasser Seirawan
Winning Chess Puzzles For Kids Volume 2 by Jeff Coakley
Keep It Simple 1.e4 2.0 by Christof Sielecki Christof Sielecki
The Art of Planning in Chess by Neil McDonald
Luzhin Defense by Vladimir Nabokov
The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings by Reuben Fine, Sam Sloan
Secrets of Practical Chess by John Nunn
The Moves That Matter by Jonathan Rowson
Secrets of Creative Thinking by Mark Dvoretsky
Kramnik by Vladimir Kramnik
The Woodpecker Method by Axel Smith