Adam Robinson
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Adam Robinson is an American educator, freelance author, and a US Chess Federation life master. He is the co-founder of The Princeton Review. He currently works as a global macro advisor to the heads of some of the world's largest hedge funds through his company Robinson Global Strategies.
14 books on the list
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What Works on Wall Street
The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Investment Strategies of All Time
Discover the long-term investment strategies that consistently outperform the market with this comprehensive guide. Packed with historical data, What Works on Wall Street offers insights into stock performance dating back to 1926. Learn about market capitalization, price-to-earnings ratios, dividends, and much more. This refreshingly objective view on a often overhyped subject provides winning strategies for every investor. Don't follow the experts, follow the data. Make What Works on Wall Street your investing bible.
Adam Robinson
2022-09-13T21:18:16.000Z"Unlock Peak Performance with Science-Backed Techniques for Managing Stress" - In "Heart Breath Mind," biofeedback and sport psychology expert Leah Lagos shares her 10-week program used by top athletes, CEOs, and business leaders for the first time. Lagos recognizes the connection between heart rhythms and stress, using clinically tested exercises and breathing techniques to allow readers to control their physical response to stress. Combining cognitive-behavioral exercises, Lagos provides a two-tiered approach to strengthen health and performance, enabling readers to be more focused and confident under pressure."
Adam Robinson
2021-10-20T11:21:00.000Z"God in the Pits" is a fascinating memoir of Mark Andrew Ritchie, a man who grew up in poverty and rebellion during the Vietnam War. After working various odd jobs, he pursued a career in the cutthroat financial markets of Chicago. This book is praised for its poignant writing and unexpected story, making it a true page-turner. With endorsements from well-known figures such as Donald J. Trump, this memoir is a must-read for those interested in the financial world and personal transformation.
Adam Robinson
2021-01-28T18:37:37.000ZThis book explores the idea that talent is not fixed at birth, but can be developed and honed through certain approaches to learning. The author draws on cutting-edge research and examples from music schools and tennis academies to show how the wiring of our brains can be transformed. Learn why some teaching methods are more effective than others, and how we can all achieve our full potential if we train our brains in the right way.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small Stuff
Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Series)
Learn to let go of the things that bother you with Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small Stuff. In this invaluable guide, author Richard Carlson shares insightful ways to stay calm and collected in the midst of life's daily stresses. Through practical tips like "think of your problems as potential teachers" and "lower your tolerance to stress", you'll discover powerful techniques to prioritize what truly matters and live a more peaceful, fulfilling life.
Adam Robinson
2019-03-03T16:06:16.000ZRecommended by
Susan J. FowlerDiscover the exquisite and mystical poetry of thirteenth-century Sufi mystic Rumi in this bestselling book, The Essential Rumi. With a new introduction by Coleman Barks and over 80 never-before-published poems, this revised and expanded edition is a must-read for anyone seeking spiritual enlightenment. Through Barks' lyrical translations, Rumi's ecstatic poetry has been made accessible to readers across the world. Don't miss out on the definitive selection of Rumi's most beautiful and moving poetry.
Adam Robinson
Discover a powerful work that shaped the thought of a generation with a focus on the true nature of mind and reality. This book defines culture as a "cosmic egg" and gives techniques to break through logical systems for expanded ways of creative living and learning. Explore the relationship between mind and reality, and uncover nature's blueprint for self-transcendence through the insights of Teilhard, Tillich, Jung, and Jesus. This popular New Age classic challenges assumptions and helps readers develop their potential through new creative modes of thinking.
Adam Robinson
This groundbreaking book challenges the idea that human consciousness has always existed, proposing that it is a learned process that emerged just three thousand years ago. Its controversial thesis has implications for our psychology, history, culture, religion, and future.
Adam Robinson

The HeartMath Solution
The Institute of HeartMath's Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart's Intelligence
Unlock Your Heart's Intelligence
Discover the ultimate guide to tapping into the untapped power of your heart's intelligence. Learn how to improve your focus, creativity, emotional clarity, and overall well-being. Reduce your stress and anxiety levels and boost your immune system. This book is the ultimate solution to help you elevate your life to new heights.
Adam Robinson
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel
The Act of Creation by Arthur Koestler
Judgment Under Uncertainty by Daniel Kahneman
My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer