11 books on the list
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The Big Truck That Went By
How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster
This gripping first-hand account takes readers inside the devastation of Haiti's deadliest earthquake in 2010. Investigating the aftermath of the $16.3 billion in global pledges to aid the country, the author uncovers startling truths about international aid and its impact on poor countries. With a darkly humorous and unexpected portrayal of Haiti's leaders and people, this book is a definitive account of not only the earthquake but the world we live in today.
Dave Weigel
2022-12-09T16:06:48.000Z"Discover what's next for the Republican Party in the post-Trump era. In this Game of Thrones-like telling, author David M. Drucker explores the factions and families vying for control of the GOP. With profiles of notable figures, including Mike Pence and Marco Rubio, learn about the warring rivalries that could determine the fate of the party for a generation. A must-read for those interested in American politics and the future of the Republican Party."
Dave Weigel
Broken News
Why the Media Rage Machine Divides America and How to Fight Back
"Broken News" by Chris Stirewalt exposes the dangerous impact of "rage revenue" in news organizations. Through slanted coverage, these companies drive political division and reward outrageous conduct for easy profit. With witty insight, Stirewalt goes deep into the media industry's history to explain how it contributes to dividing America. He also offers practical advice on how readers, listeners, and viewers can become better news consumers. A fascinating and conversation-provoking study, "Broken News" is a must-read for those who care about our country and want the news to do its job again.
Dave Weigel
Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo and Beyond
Explore the global rise of anti-Olympics activism and the declining popularity of hosting sports mega-events in NOlympians. This thought-provoking book delves into the myths of prosperity and highlights the darker side of hosting the Olympics. Join Jules Boykoff on a journey through Los Angeles, where the Democratic Socialists of America have launched the NOlympics LA campaign ahead of the 2028 Summer Games. He demonstrates how their activism fits with the resurgence of socialism in the US and beyond, backed by research and personal experiences. This is an inspiring story of activists fighting against the odds and embracing the transformative politics of democratic socialism.
Dave Weigel
2021-03-21T20:02:31.000ZIn this captivating novel, Peter is sent on a mission to an unknown world, leaving his wife behind. As he becomes immersed in his work, he discovers a friendly native population struggling with a fatal illness, hungry for his teachings. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Bea's faith falters as natural disasters devastate the planet. As the distance between them grows, they are forced to confront their love and faith like never before. With precise language, this profound meditation on love and our responsibilities to those closest to us will leave you mesmerized.
Dave Weigel
2021-02-08T22:36:45.000ZReaganland is a fascinating portrayal of President Ronald Reagan, which follows the rise of modern conservatism over four years. Chronicling America's transformation into a center-right nation, Rick Perlstein delves into the rise of corporate America, the mobilization of conservative Christians, the war for the Democratic Party, and the ascendancy of Reagan. This book provides timely insights into topics that still resonate today. Hailed as "the chronicler extraordinaire of American conservatism," Reaganland is a must-read for anyone interested in American politics.
Explore the myth and reality of working-class life in contemporary Britain with this highly acclaimed investigation. This book challenges the stereotypes that have landed the working-class with a derogatory label - chavs. Owen Jones exposes the ignorance and prejudice at the heart of this caricature and portrays a far more complex reality behind the term. Discover how governments have used the chav stereotype to avoid genuine engagement with social and economic problems and to justify widening inequalities in society. This updated edition includes a new chapter that reflects on the overwhelming response to the book and the current state of Britain.
Dave Weigel
2020-07-01T19:58:14.000ZDiscover the vibrant and deeply human vision of economist John Maynard Keynes in The Price of Peace. Follow Keynes from turn-of-the-century parties in London's riotous Bloomsbury art scene to diplomatic breakthroughs in the mountains of New Hampshire. Unearth the lost legacy of one of history's most important minds, and learn how his innovative and radical ideas can reinvent national government and reframe the principles of international diplomacy in our own time.
Explore the secrets of the NSA with Edward Snowden, Arundhati Roy, and John Cusack in this thought-provoking book of essays and dialogues. Discover topics like empire, surveillance, and perennial war from the perspectives of unique thinkers. Arundhati Roy, a global justice activist, brings her incisive writing on climate change and free-market development to the table. Meanwhile, John Cusack writes about the importance of freedom of the press, inspired by his own work as a filmmaker and writer with titles like War Inc. and High Fidelity to his name.
Dave Weigel
2019-05-16T17:16:34.000ZThe World Is Flat 3.0 by Thomas L. Friedman
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote