4 books on the list
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Entangled Life
How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures
Explore the mysterious and hidden world of fungi in this captivating book. From the underground networks that link plants together, to the massive organisms that sustain all living systems, fungi are vital to understanding our planet and ourselves. With a focus on topics ranging from psychedelics to insect manipulation, this journey through the fungal kingdom will leave you with a new perspective on the wonders of nature.
Dilip Cherian
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism is a groundbreaking examination of the power of digital technologies and the threat they pose to humanity. Shoshana Zuboff provides insights into the unprecedented form of power called "surveillance capitalism" and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control our behavior. Through vivid examples, Zuboff illustrates how this threat has shifted from a totalitarian Big Brother state to a ubiquitous digital architecture. This book is a wake-up call, urging us to take action to safeguard our democracy, freedom, and human future.
Dilip Cherian
2020-02-18T02:55:30.000ZExplore the incredible lives of fifty Indian women from all walks of life in this empowering book. From scientists and artists to entrepreneurs and athletes, each story showcases the defining moments that made these women who they are today.
Dilip Cherian
2019-10-18T10:35:59.000ZDiscover the secrets of diets from around the world that have kept people healthy and disease-free for generations in this bestselling book from physician and biochemist Cate Shanahan. Based on her extensive research and personal experience, the book offers a prescriptive plan for "The Human Diet," which includes 4 key nutritional strategies such as fresh food and organ meats. With the latest discoveries in the field of epigenetics, Deep Nutrition shows how your diet and lifestyle can alter your DNA and improve your overall health, from improving mood to building stronger bones and younger, smoother skin.
Dilip Cherian
2019-06-29T07:09:30.000ZRecommended by
Preston Pysh