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Explore the fascinating world of evolutionary ecology with this engaging book. Written by a renowned author, it delves into the intricacies of the science, showcasing theories, behaviors, and adaptations that have shaped the natural world as we know it. Whether you're a seasoned biologist or a curious reader, this book is sure to captivate and inform. Order now and discover the secrets of the ecosystem!
Heather E Heying
Weapons of Mass Instruction
A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto exposes the mechanisms of schooling that stifle creativity and hinder critical thinking, while exploring the harmful political theories that support it. Gatto's passionate storytelling and examples highlight the consequences of relying on credentials rather than true education. Gatto argues for a new approach to learning, called "open source learning," which encourages self-reliance and independence. This book is a must-read for anyone navigating through the traditional school system.
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2021-01-27T02:59:43.000ZThis book explores the challenges facing returning veterans and the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder. Author Sebastian Junger draws on history, psychology, and anthropology to show how modern society clashes with our tribal instincts. Junger argues that many veterans struggle not only with trauma, but also with reintegrating into individualist societies. With well-researched analysis and compelling writing, this timely book offers a new perspective on veteran's affairs and the need to repair our social dynamic.
Heather E Heying
2020-12-06T18:20:59.000ZThis book tells the inspiring story of American heroism during a time when it was unfashionable to admire it. The author documents the early days of NASA's manned space program and its pioneers, including Chuck Yeager, the first to break the sound barrier, and the seven initial astronauts. Through his skillful storytelling, the author captures the daring and courage required to achieve the impossible, making this book an epic masterpiece.
Heather E Heying
2020-12-06T18:20:59.000ZDiscover the radical new vision of motherhood and its crucial role in human evolution in this provocative and groundbreaking anthropological study by renowned author Sarah Hrdy. Stripping away stereotypes and gender-biased myths, Hrdy argues that traditional views of maternal behavior are essentially wishful thinking codified as objective observation. Through a nuanced and stunningly original interpretation of relationships between mothers and fathers, babies, and social groups, this book offers not only a revolutionary new meaning to motherhood, but an important new understanding of human evolution.
Heather E Heying
2020-12-06T18:20:59.000ZThis thought-provoking book delves into the themes of isolation, political rebellion, and the search for universal knowledge. Shevek, a brilliant physicist, embarks on a dangerous journey to challenge the status quo of his anarchist planet and tear down the walls of hatred that have separated his people from the rest of the universe. As he questions the unquestionable, he must be willing to sacrifice everything, even his own life, to create radical change.
Heather E Heying
2020-09-20T14:53:17.000ZExplore the fascinating connection between development and evolution with this comprehensive book, covering all aspects of development across all levels of organization and in all organisms. Using modern findings on behavior, genetics, endocrinology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory, and phylogenetics, this book provides a new synthesis that solves key problems and explains major patterns of change. Discover how organisms are not genetically programmed, learn why environmental induction is crucial for evolution, and explore the pivotal role of alternative phenotypes in fostering diversification and speeding change. An essential read for biologists and anyone interested in the development and evolution of living organisms.
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2019-06-07T17:51:34.000ZExplore the art of living through Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Follow the story of a father and his young son on a transformative journey across America's Northwest. This meditative examination of our daily lives offers insightful guidance on improving the way we live.
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2018-12-19T19:31:25.000ZExplore the diverse ways children are raised across cultures and societies with this captivating book. Through anecdotes from ethnography and everyday media, discover the role of children in different structures such as family, reproduction, caretaking, treatment at different ages, play, work, schooling, and transition to adulthood. With an organized developmental approach, this revised edition catalogs over 100 years of anthropological scholarship and references over 750 sources to provide a nuanced and credible look into childhood around the world. Don't miss out on this insightful read!
Heather E Heying
2018-04-13T17:34:15.000ZShop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew B. Crawford