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Explore the true history of Silicon Valley and how it shaped Big Tech in America in this groundbreaking work. Margaret O'Mara, a former White House employee during the earliest days of the commercial Internet, gives a behind-the-scenes look at the deep relationship between Silicon Valley and the federal government. With a rich cast of characters spanning four generations and insights into the inner workings of venture capital firms, O'Mara provides an unparalleled account of the evolution of American capitalism and technological innovation. Discover how the fate of Silicon Valley is the fate of us all in this majestic history.
Scott Kupor
2022-06-21T16:04:22.000ZRecommended by
Richard FloridaRange is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their performance. David Epstein examines the world's most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors, forecasters and scientists and shows that generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel in complex and unpredictable fields. By cultivating inefficiency and embracing diverse experiences, people can thrive in a world where computer mastery is taking over. Epstein makes a compelling case for the importance of exploring multiple interests and juggling many passions rather than focusing on one.
Scott Kupor
2019-06-30T00:38:03.000ZAn iconic account of the corporate takeover frenzy of the 1980s, Barbarians at the Gate is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of business and power. With a detailed and gripping narrative, authors Bryan Burrough and John Helyar capture the greed and double-dealing that led to the fall of RJR Nabisco, one of America's biggest corporations. Even decades later, the cautionary tale of Barbarians at the Gate remains relevant and riveting.
Scott Kupor
2019-06-25T00:37:59.000ZRecommended by
Matt Levine
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Learn the unfiltered truth about the challenges of running a business from Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Ben Horowitz. Drawing from his own experiences founding, managing, and investing in technology companies, Horowitz offers essential advice for navigating the toughest problems business schools don't cover. Using anecdotes from his own rise to success, he covers everything from firing friends to poaching competitors, and managing your own psychology while leading a company. With humor and candidness, The Hard Thing About Hard Things is a must-read for both veteran entrepreneurs and those aspiring to start their own ventures.
Scott Kupor