Sean Lowe
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Sean owe is an American reality TV personality and author, best known for his role on the seventeenth season of ABC's The Bachelor, which he earned by becoming the fan favorite during his time on the eighth season of The Bachelorette with Emily Maynard, where he placed third.
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Red Notice
A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice
This gripping book is part financial biography, part political crusade, and part crime thriller - perfect for anyone looking to understand the corruption and murder engulfing Putin's Russia. The author, accidentally turned activist, Bill Browder became Putin's number one enemy after exposing corruption and was almost killed for it. Red Notice details the plight of Browder's lawyer who wasn't so lucky, and the campaign of one man to expose Putin's regime. Discover how Browder succeeded in having a law passed in the United States - The Magnitsky Act - and the lengths Putin went to in retaliation. A captivating read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Sean Lowe