22 books on the list
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The Typewriter Century
A Cultural History of Writing Practices (Studies in Book and Print Culture)
Discover the cultural impact of the typewriter on writers from the 1880s to the 1980s. This book delves into the routines and relationships famous authors like Henry James, Jack Kerouac, and Agatha Christie had with the machine. Learn about how the typewriter depersonalized and bureaucratized text, while also allowing for spontaneous and automatic typing. The Typewriter Century is a fascinating cultural history that examines the typewriter as an agent of change for writers.
Brianne Kimmel
A Paradise Built in Hell
The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
"A Paradise Built in Hell" by Rebecca Solnit explores the surprising joy and sense of community that emerges during disasters. With a hopeful and optimistic outlook, Solnit investigates the moments of altruism, resourcefulness, and generosity that arise during times of grief and disruption, and considers their implications for everyday life. This book challenges conventional beliefs about human nature and offers a vision of a less authoritarian and fearful society that is more collaborative and local.
Brianne Kimmel
A First-Rate Madness
Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness
Discover the powerful links between mental illness and leadership in this groundbreaking New York Times bestseller. Nassir Ghaemi, director of the Mood Disorders Programme at Tufts Medical Center, explodes the myth that leaders must be well-adjusted in A First-Rate Madness. Examining the profiles of iconic leaders such as Churchill, Lincoln, and Hitler, Ghaemi postulates that it's the very qualities of mood disorders that make for great leadership, particularly in times of high stress. With breathtaking insight, this book challenges many perceptions about greatness and the mind.
Brianne Kimmel
2022-10-10T02:33:10.000ZRecommended by
Austen AllredThe Design of Childhood explores how children's playthings and surroundings affect their development. From wooden toys to digital ones, the author delves into how the built environment helps children cultivate self-reliance. This fascinating investigation reveals the surprising histories behind the human-made elements of our children's landscape and how they affect behavior, values, and health. This book will change the way you view your children's world and your own.
Brianne Kimmel
2022-08-30T23:55:53.000ZRecommended by
Linda LiukasDiscover the blueprint for extreme performance improvement with The Art of Impossible. Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of elite performers and teaches you how to stretch far beyond your capabilities, making once impossible dreams attainable. With cutting-edge neuroscience and over 20 years of research, Kotler offers a playbook to shatter your limitations, exceed your expectations, and turn your biggest dreams into achievements. Learn to accomplish the impossible with this masterpiece.
Brianne Kimmel
2021-09-30T16:13:47.000ZLearn from award-winning restaurateur Danny Meyer about how he beat the odds in the tough restaurant industry. In Setting the Table, he shares the tenets of his dynamic philosophy - Enlightened Hospitality - which emphasize strong relationships and customer satisfaction. This motivational work is applicable to anyone in any business and will deepen your understanding and appreciation of a job well done. Discover the secrets to Meyer's success and become more effective and productive in your own career.

The Senses
Design Beyond Vision (design book exploring inclusive and multisensory design practices across disciplines)
"The Senses" is a fascinating exploration of how contemporary designers use space, materials, sound, and light to engage sensory experience. This book is a call to action for multisensory design, inviting readers to challenge their own designs to enhance life for everyone, including those with sensory disabilities. With essays on everything from design for the table to tactile graphics, this is mandatory reading for students and professionals working in diverse design fields.
Brianne Kimmel
2021-01-26T20:33:28.000ZExplore the universal stages of the creative process with this captivating book. Through insights collected from artists, architects, poets, scientists, and more, Kyna Leski takes us on a journey from unlearning to beginning again. Each chapter is vividly illustrated with water droplets, representing the dynamic and ever-changing nature of creativity. Leski's revelations and examples of creative practice, from Paul Klee to Steve Jobs, provide readers with the tools to navigate the empty page, confusion, and doubt, ultimately finding a path to ongoing creative discovery.
Brianne Kimmel
2021-01-26T20:33:28.000ZExplore the Nordic countries like never before with this fascinating book by Michael Booth. Frustrated by the rose-tinted view of Scandinavia, Booth embarks on a journey through all five countries to discover who these "curious tribes" are and what they really think about each other. From the secrets of their success to their quirks and foibles, Booth offers a nuanced and often darker picture of this region. Discover why the Danes are so happy, whether the Finns really have the best education system, and why all of them hate the Swedes.
Brianne Kimmel
2021-01-26T20:33:28.000ZExplore the world of Bobos: a new social class that blends capitalist enterprise with bohemian counterculture. In this witty and insightful book, David Brooks examines the cultural consequences of this hybrid lifestyle and defines a new generation. Are you a Bobo? Find out if you identify with those who value a slate shower stall over a media center or work at a software company where hiking boots and glacier glasses are the norm.
Brianne Kimmel
2021-01-26T20:33:28.000ZRecommended by
Marc AndreessenThe Fabric of Civilization by Virginia Postrel
The Death of the Artist by William Deresiewicz
Boom by Michael Shnayerson
Representing Talent by Violaine Roussel
Things Never to Tell Children by The School of Life
Red Notice by Bill Browder
You Have to F*****g Eat by Adam Mansbach
All My Friends Are Dead by Avery Monsen
The $12 Million Stuffed Shark by Don Thompson
No Applause--Just Throw Money by Trav S. D.
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte
Envisioning Information by Edward R. Tufte