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Discover how women are systematically ignored and discriminated against in a world largely built for and by men in this eye-opening book. With case studies, stories, and research from across the globe, it exposes the gender data gap and its profound impact on women's lives. From government policy to medical research and technology, Invisible Women reveals the biased data that excludes women and the urgent need for change. A powerful and provocative read that will make you see the world anew.
ADHD Nation
Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of an American Epidemic
This eye-opening book delves into the widespread misdiagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and how it has become one of the most controversial conditions in medicine, with serious effects on children, adults, and society. More than one in seven American children are currently diagnosed with ADHD, leading to overmedication and potential harm. Schwarz exposes the dirty secrets of the growing epidemic, including the troubling role of drug companies and the need for urgent action. A must-read for anyone interested in the current state of American healthcare.
Discover the untold history of autism research through the brave and lonely journey of autistic people and their families in this eye-opening book. Explore long-sought solutions to the autism puzzle and learn how we can create a more humane world for people with learning differences. Uncover the story of Hans Asperger and the covert campaign by child psychiatrist Leo Kanner to suppress knowledge of the autism spectrum. Join the growing movement of "neurodiversity" activists seeking respect, support, technological innovation, and accommodations for those with cognitive differences.
Uta Frith
2015-06-22T17:12:11.000ZRecommended by
Bethany S. Mandel