Царь всех болезней
Биография рака
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Книга "Царь всех болезней. Биография рака" переведена на 33 языка и удостоена:
* пулитцеровской премии;
* премии Пен-клуба как лучшее научно-популярное произведение;
* премии за исследования в области онкологии;
* премии "New York Times" как лучшая книга 2010 года;
* премии журнала "Time" как лучшая книга 2010 года.
Номинирована на:
* книжную премию "Los Angeles Times";
* национальную премию литературных критиков США.
Дата публикации
Рейтинг Goodreads
wow. this book. 👌
Incredible story interleaving the histories of chemotherapy, mastectomies, radiation, tobacco, and so much more. The pulitzer prize is well deserved. Highly recommended. – источникQ: Are there any books you haven’t mentioned that you feel would make your reading list? P.A.: I would also include the following books: The Emperor of All Maladies, Where Men Win Glory, The President’s Club, The Most Important Thing, Sapiens, The Hard Thing About Hard Things, 10 Percent Happier, The Rommel Papers, King of the World, The Corner and Good Calories, Bad Calories. – источник
Emil Freireich, literally a founding father of treating cancer with drugs, has passed.
If you haven't, you should read @DrSidMukherjee's "Emporer of All Maladies." Some good details in @OtisBrawley's book, too. – источник2021-02-04T04:06:24.000Z
Today is #WorldCancerDay
If you still haven't, do read -
"The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer" by @DrSidMukherjee
Great book! – источник2019-10-07T12:47:40.000Z
That's a great concept by Karl Popper. He was thinking about science but you can (to a degree) apply it to starting a company or early-stage investing.
From this excellent book:
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer – источникFor friends who have faced or are facing cancer, I often give them The Emperor of All Maladies. – источник