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Matthew Herper

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Matthew Herper is a senior writer at STAT covering medicine, and oversees the editorial portion of STAT's events, including its industry-leading Summits. Before joining STAT in 2019, he worked for 18 years at Forbes, where he wrote 17 cover stories.
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Beezus and Ramona book cover
Beezus and Ramona
Beverly Cleary - 2000-06-08 (впервые опубликовано в 1955)
Рейтинг Goodreads
A relatable story for anyone with younger siblings, this book follows Beezus Quimby as she navigates life with her mischievous little sister Ramona. From taking one bite out of every apple to throwing secret parties, Ramona is always causing trouble and stealing attention. Beezus must balance her responsibility as an older sister with her embarrassment over Ramona's unpredictable antics.
Matthew Herper
@maggiekb1 Great books.      источник
Chelsea ClintonGayle Forman
Царь всех болезней book cover
Царь всех болезней
Биография рака
Siddhartha Mukherjee - 2010-11-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
Книга "Царь всех болезней. Биография рака" переведена на 33 языка и удостоена: * пулитцеровской премии; * премии Пен-клуба как лучшее научно-популярное произведение; * премии за исследования в области онкологии; * премии "New York Times" как лучшая книга 2010 года; * премии журнала "Time" как лучшая книга 2010 года. Номинирована на: * книжную премию "Los Angeles Times"; * национальную премию литературных критиков США.
Matthew Herper
Emil Freireich, literally a founding father of treating cancer with drugs, has passed. If you haven't, you should read @DrSidMukherjee's "Emporer of All Maladies." Some good details in @OtisBrawley's book, too.      источник