Winners Take All
The Elite Charade of Changing the World
Anand Giridharadas
This investigative book delves into how the world's elite work, manipulate, and rebrand themselves as saviors of the poor while preserving their power and position atop society. The author takes us into the inner sanctums of a new gilded age where the rich fight for equality and justice any way they can, except for ways that threaten the social order. An essential read for understanding the egregious abuses of power that dominate today's news and a call to action for elites and citizens alike to build a more egalitarian society through democratic means.
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Honorable mention to a few other books I really enjoyed this year: Winners Take All, by Anand Giridharadas; Automating Inequality, by Virginia Eubanks; Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero, by James Romm; In the Garden of Beasts, by Erik Larsen; AI Superpowers, by Kai-Fu Lee; Antarctica, by Kim Stanley Robinson, and its true-life counterpart, Mawson's Will, by Lennard Bickel. – источникWhile today’s rich and powerful are fighting for equality and justice, Winners Take All argues that it is being done in a way that will preserve their position at the top of society. – источник
@AnandWrites is hypnotically articulate and undeniably correct. Listen to this. @winnerstakeall is a book you need to read. It changed the way I think about economic inequality and what we need to do about it. Must read. – источник2020-02-12T16:10:55.000Z
I'm ready to be excommunicated from the VC world: I enjoyed @AnandWrites' book. In fact, you should come on #BusinessDad so we can talk about dad things and the wealth gap. I disagree with a lot of your proposed solutions, but we need to hear these views now more than ever. – источник2018-08-29T10:56:01.000Z
Reading @AnandWrites new book about how to make social change. One of the most insightful and provocative books about what’s going on in America that I’ve read in years. – источник2020-03-05T15:06:31.000Z
Great book from @AnandWrites that will help anyone understand the forces destined to shape our future. Everyone should read – источникWe keep looking for these win-win solutions but sometimes we have to lose a little bit so that everybody wins. And that’s not a good message for capitalists because that’s not how we like to roll. – источник
@k8bischHRLaw @mfaulkner43 @AnandWrites Looking forward to seeing you! Some lessons are similar, but with new examples or twists... and definitely new experiences and learning to share. Life and business are a journey for us all! Will be diving deep in the exec session as well. PS - great book! – источник2022-11-10T23:40:43.000Z
If you want to know more about TED and how it regurgitates the same ideas over and over again in service of the wealthy status quo, read @AnandWrites's book Winners Take All. – источник