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Bradley Whitford

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Bradley Whitford is an American actor and political activist, noted for his portrayal of White House Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman in the NBC television political drama The West Wing, for which he was nominated for three consecutive Primetime Emmy Awards from 2001 to 2003, winning in 2001.
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Invisible Storm book cover
Invisible Storm
A Soldier's Memoir of Politics and PTSD
Jason Kander - 2022-07-05
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This powerful memoir by a former army intelligence officer tells a story of impossible choices and the struggle with PTSD. Despite being touted as a potential presidential candidate, the author turns to a mayoral race and eventually drops out of public life due to depression and thoughts of suicide. He candidly shares his fight for healing and the support of his family, offering hope to readers going through similar struggles.
Bradley Whitford
Incredible. I never served in the military or ran for office, but I think we’ve all gone through dark times where we’ve lost ourselves and our connection to the people we love. Jason shows us, under extraordinary circumstances, a way back to the light. This book is for everyone.      источник
Blacktop Wasteland book cover
Blacktop Wasteland
A Novel
S. A. Cosby - 2020-07-14
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A former getaway driver turned honest mechanic, Bug Montage is forced back into a life of crime to solve his financial struggles. But when a diamond heist goes terribly wrong, he's dragged into a seedy underworld that endangers everything he loves. BLACKTOP WASTELAND is a thrilling crime novel that explores the dark side of the American dream, perfect for fans of Don Winslow and Attica Locke.
Bradley Whitford
Incredible read!!! Don’t miss this book!!!      источник
Stephen KingJoe HillCaroline Paul
Every Day Is a Gift book cover
Every Day Is a Gift
A Memoir
Tammy Duckworth - 2021-03-30
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Illinois senator and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth shares her inspiring life story in Every Day Is a Gift. Duckworth's resilience shines through as she recounts facing discrimination, poverty, and war from childhood, culminating in the RPG attack that took her legs during her service in Iraq. But her story doesn't end there - after recovering at Walter Reed, she pursued politics and became a U.S. Senator in 2016. This book is a remarkable testament to Duckworth's strength and dedication to public service.
Bradley Whitford
I inhaled this book by one of my favorite public servants on the planet, ⁦@SenDuckworth⁩. What. A. Life. Beautifully written, hilarious and beyond inspiring. Don’t miss #everydayisagift      источник
Касты book cover
Истоки неравенства в XXI веке
Isabel Wilkerson - 2020-08-04
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Лауреат Пулитцеровской премии Изабель Уилкерсон исследует истоки кастового общества в современном мире и доказывает: в XXI веке людей продолжают делить на касты высших и низших. • Книгу рекомендуют ОПРА УИНФРИ и БАРАК ОБАМА • ГЛАВНЫЙ НОН-ФИКШН 2020 ГОДА по версии TIME, People, The Washington Post и Publishers Weekly • Победитель премий PEN, Los Angeles Times Book Prize и National Book Critics Circle Award • Будущий хит NETFLIX Америка, Индия и Третий Рейх — что общего между этими странами? В каждой из них зародилась своя уникальная кастовая система, разделившая людей на низшие и высшие сорта, и подготовившая почву для современных шовинистических движений по всему миру. В своей книге лауреат Пулитцеровской премии, журналистка Изабель Уилкерсон рассматривает способы угнетения и ограничения людей в правах на основании их национальности, цвета кожи или места рождения, а также показывает, какой ущерб это наносит и их качеству жизни, и экономике в целом. Ее книга доказывает: даже несмотря на прогресс, кастовая система все еще существует, лишая людей равных прав и возможностей, убивая заложенный в них человеческий потенциал. Сплетенная из множества человеческих историй, пронизанных несправедливостью, гневом и болью, книга «Касты» наглядно показывает несостоятельность искусственных правил и предрассудков, которые привели к холокосту, протестам Ганди и законам Джима Кроу — а в XXI веке к масштабным расовым протестам в Америке. Это также противоядие от идей шовинизма и ксенофобии, которые до сих пор овладевают умами людей по всему миру. Подробное исследование расизма, неравенства и несправедливости. Это болезненно резонансная книга, и она вышла в нужное время. The Guardian Книга Уилкерсон — мощный и поучительный отчет о том, как иерархия воспроизводит саму себя, а также призыв к нелегкой работе по ее устранению. The Washington Post Потрясающе смело как на уровне идеи, так и в подаче… Экстраполяция идей Уилкерсон на современную Америку наводит на тревожные мысли о том, как глубоко кастовая система укоренилась в современном обществе. San Francisco Chronicle Сила этой книги — в человеческих историях, связанных между собой, словно жемчуг. «Касты» — это запоминающееся чтение, несущее огонь праведного гнева в острой, как алмаз, прозе, которую станут изучать будущие поколения журналистов. Minneapolis Star Tribune
Bradley Whitford
Tap and read this from @Isabelwilkerson’s brilliant “Caste”. Buy the book. Also, tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in many states. Go to if you haven’t already. Make a plan to vote as early as you can.      источник
Our Time Is Now book cover
Our Time Is Now
Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America
Stacey Abrams - 2020-06-09
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Empower yourself and reshape progressive politics with this empowering blueprint to end voter suppression and reclaim identity. Author Stacey Abrams draws on extensive research and personal experiences to demonstrate how suppression and identity have harmed citizens in overt and subtle ways. With the upcoming 2020 election, the stakes couldn't be higher. Our Time Is Now shows us where we fall short as a democracy and empowers us to become the democracy we're meant to be.
Bradley Whitford
To understand the full scope of the @GOP’s ongoing, un American strategy of voter suppression and what we need to do about it, you need to buy this book today. ⁦@staceyabrams⁩ ⁦@fairfightaction⁩      источник
Ibram X. Kendi
Winners Take All book cover
Winners Take All
The Elite Charade of Changing the World
Anand Giridharadas - 2018-08-28
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This investigative book delves into how the world's elite work, manipulate, and rebrand themselves as saviors of the poor while preserving their power and position atop society. The author takes us into the inner sanctums of a new gilded age where the rich fight for equality and justice any way they can, except for ways that threaten the social order. An essential read for understanding the egregious abuses of power that dominate today's news and a call to action for elites and citizens alike to build a more egalitarian society through democratic means.
Bradley Whitford
@AnandWrites is hypnotically articulate and undeniably correct. Listen to this. @winnerstakeall is a book you need to read. It changed the way I think about economic inequality and what we need to do about it. Must read.      источник