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Anthony Scaramucci

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Anthony Scaramucci, nicknamed "The Mooch", is an American financier, entrepreneur, and political consultant who briefly served as the White House Director of Communications from July 21 to July 31, 2017.
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Trooper at the Beverly Hills Hotel book cover
Trooper at the Beverly Hills Hotel
Susan McCauley - 2022-11-22
Рейтинг Goodreads
A heartwarming story about the love and loyalty of a canine companion, Trooper at the Beverly Hills Hotel follows the adventures of Trooper and his best friend Andrea as they settle into their new home at the luxurious hotel. Praised as a must-read for both dog lovers and children, this delightful tale is perfect for anyone seeking a heartwarming and charming read.
Anthony Scaramucci
Wonderful children’s book. A beautiful story about love, companionship and an amazing hotel, which has been a home away from home for our family.      источник
Confidence Man book cover
Confidence Man
The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America
Maggie Haberman - 2022-10-04
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This book is a revealing and comprehensive take on one of the most controversial political figures of our time. Written by a Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist, it covers every aspect of Donald Trump's life, from his business dealings in New York City to his tumultuous post-presidency. The author draws on interviews with hundreds of sources, including Trump himself, to paint a complicated and contradictory portrait of a man who can be both kind and cruel, pugnacious and insecure. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand Trump’s rise to power and the norms-shattering era of American politics that he ushered in.
Anthony Scaramucci
Reading Confidence Man. @maggieNYT is a great writer and she knows her subject well. She has also done an incredible amount of research. The book is revealing not only about Trump but the America we live in today. It’s worth your time to buy and read.      источник
Marc Caputo
All about Me! book cover
All about Me!
My Remarkable Life in Show Business
Mel Brooks - 2021-11-30
Рейтинг Goodreads
A must-read for all fans of American comedy, this book charts the meteoric rise of a master storyteller from Depression-era kid in Brooklyn to EGOT winner. Mel Brooks shares his never-before-told anecdotes and remembrances from his incredible career in television, film, and the stage. From serving in the US Army during WWII to co-creating the iconic 2000 Year Old Man comedy albums and producing groundbreaking films like The Fly, Brooks always mined his experiences for material. Learn about his friendships and collaborations with comedic greats like Carl Reiner, Gene Wilder, and Madeleine Kahn, as well as the great love of his life, Anne Bancroft. This book is filled with tales of struggle, achievement, and camaraderie, giving readers a deeper understanding of the incredible body of work behind one of the most accomplished and beloved entertainers in history.
Anthony Scaramucci
“What good is a career if you don’t risk it from time to time.” @MelBrooks in the amazing book “All About Me”      источник
Ben SchwartzVern Gambetta
The Last King of America book cover
The Last King of America
The Misunderstood Reign of George III
Andrew Roberts - 2021-11-09
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Discover the truth about the last king of America, George III, in this fascinating and nuanced book. Historian Andrew Roberts combed through never-before-published correspondence to uncover the wise, humane, and enlightened monarch that history has forgotten. Despite popular belief, George III was not a buffoon, but was beset by talented enemies, debilitating mental illness, incompetent ministers, and disastrous luck. The Last King of America offers a new perspective on his reign and legacy, making readers and historians question their previous assumptions.
Anthony Scaramucci
Brilliant ⁦@FareedZakaria⁩ interview with ⁦@aroberts_andrew⁩ the book is fascinating. The Last King of America: The Misunderstood Reign of George III: 9781984879264: Roberts, Andrew: Books      источник
Hugh Hewitt
Preparing for the Inevitable book cover
Preparing for the Inevitable
Why COVID-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic
Scott Gottlieb - 2021-09-21
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"Preparing for the Inevitable" is an essential guide to how the US can prepare for future pandemics by learning from the mistakes made during the Covid-19 outbreak. Based on his experience as former FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb identifies key factors that hindered the US response to the pandemic, such as outdated plans and tools, lack of private sector involvement in manufacturing, and downplaying the threat. Gottlieb warns that without corrective action, the virus will continue to spread, impacting both public health and the distribution of a vaccine. "Preparing for the Inevitable" is a hard-hitting and informative inside account of a preventable failure in American history.
Anthony Scaramucci
Just finished ⁦@ScottGottliebMD⁩ ‘s book. Looking forward to having him this week on ⁦@moochfm⁩ terrific read.      источник
Bob Wachter
Here, Right Matters book cover
Here, Right Matters
An American Story
Alexander Vindman - 2021-08-03
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"Here, Right Matters" is a powerful memoir by retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman. A naturalized citizen, Vindman made the decision to report the infamous phone call that led to presidential impeachment, despite intense pressure to stay silent. In this stirring account, Vindman shares his childhood as an immigrant, his career in service of his new home, and the fallout and cost of his brave actions. "Here, Right Matters" is a call to arms for those who refuse to let America betray its true self.
Anthony Scaramucci
.⁦@AVindman⁩ you wrote an amazing book about our times, your love for America and your family’s story. If you want to feel optimistic about the people we have in our country and our future go out and buy this book. Looking forward to having you on ⁦@moochfm⁩ 🇺🇸      источник
Michael McFaulMia FarrowEugene Mirman
Clarity in Crisis book cover
Clarity in Crisis
Leadership Lessons from the CIA
Marc E. Polymeropoulos - 2021-06-08
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Discover the proven strategies and core principles for thriving in crisis situations from a highly decorated former CIA operations officer. In Clarity in Crisis, learn how to lead through ambiguity, manage crises effectively, and gain confidence in any less-than-ideal situation. With real-world examples and implementation guidance, this book provides valuable insights for leaders in any industry looking to come through crises stronger than ever.
Anthony Scaramucci
Marc’s book is brilliant and timely. ⁦@Mpolymer⁩      источник
The Sum of Us book cover
The Sum of Us
What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
Heather McGhee - 2021-02-16
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Explore how racism has a cost for everyone, not just people of color, in this powerful analysis of inequality. Economist Heather McGhee takes us on a deeply personal journey across America, detailing how racism has contributed to collapsing public infrastructure, stagnant wages, and increased inequality. But where there is division, there is also solidarity. Through unlikely stories of hope and unity, The Sum of Us offers a new vision for a better America, where racism's devastating costs are finally understood by all.
Anthony Scaramucci
Everyone should read this outstanding book by @hmcghee, who elucidates a phenomenon we all feel but could never explain. Racism makes us all poorer - morally and financially.      источник
Daniel PinkTom PetersRashad Robinson
Касты book cover
Истоки неравенства в XXI веке
Isabel Wilkerson - 2020-08-04
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Лауреат Пулитцеровской премии Изабель Уилкерсон исследует истоки кастового общества в современном мире и доказывает: в XXI веке людей продолжают делить на касты высших и низших. • Книгу рекомендуют ОПРА УИНФРИ и БАРАК ОБАМА • ГЛАВНЫЙ НОН-ФИКШН 2020 ГОДА по версии TIME, People, The Washington Post и Publishers Weekly • Победитель премий PEN, Los Angeles Times Book Prize и National Book Critics Circle Award • Будущий хит NETFLIX Америка, Индия и Третий Рейх — что общего между этими странами? В каждой из них зародилась своя уникальная кастовая система, разделившая людей на низшие и высшие сорта, и подготовившая почву для современных шовинистических движений по всему миру. В своей книге лауреат Пулитцеровской премии, журналистка Изабель Уилкерсон рассматривает способы угнетения и ограничения людей в правах на основании их национальности, цвета кожи или места рождения, а также показывает, какой ущерб это наносит и их качеству жизни, и экономике в целом. Ее книга доказывает: даже несмотря на прогресс, кастовая система все еще существует, лишая людей равных прав и возможностей, убивая заложенный в них человеческий потенциал. Сплетенная из множества человеческих историй, пронизанных несправедливостью, гневом и болью, книга «Касты» наглядно показывает несостоятельность искусственных правил и предрассудков, которые привели к холокосту, протестам Ганди и законам Джима Кроу — а в XXI веке к масштабным расовым протестам в Америке. Это также противоядие от идей шовинизма и ксенофобии, которые до сих пор овладевают умами людей по всему миру. Подробное исследование расизма, неравенства и несправедливости. Это болезненно резонансная книга, и она вышла в нужное время. The Guardian Книга Уилкерсон — мощный и поучительный отчет о том, как иерархия воспроизводит саму себя, а также призыв к нелегкой работе по ее устранению. The Washington Post Потрясающе смело как на уровне идеи, так и в подаче… Экстраполяция идей Уилкерсон на современную Америку наводит на тревожные мысли о том, как глубоко кастовая система укоренилась в современном обществе. San Francisco Chronicle Сила этой книги — в человеческих историях, связанных между собой, словно жемчуг. «Касты» — это запоминающееся чтение, несущее огонь праведного гнева в острой, как алмаз, прозе, которую станут изучать будущие поколения журналистов. Minneapolis Star Tribune
Anthony Scaramucci
It was the best book I read in 2020.      источник
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