Лучшие книги об архитектуре
Эти выдающиеся архитектурные томы формируют контуры дизайна и философии строительства. Их постоянное присутствие в уважаемых архитектурных обзорах и публикациях подтверждает их авторитет и влияние в мире архитектуры.

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Learn the basics of architectural design vocabulary with this classic reference guide. This updated and revised Fourth Edition delves into the fundamental elements of space and form, encouraging critical thought to promote a deeper understanding of architecture. Explore the concepts of form and space in relation to light, view, openings, and enclosures, and discover the elements and relationships of circulation, proportion, and scale. Detailed illustrations bring difficult abstractions to life, revealing the relationships between architecture through the ages and across cultures. Plus, access the online Interactive Resource Center for additional resources!
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Эту книгу студенты-архитекторы предпочтут скрыть от глаз профессоров и будут хранить в своей студии, даже когда закончат образование, потому что в ней ясно и доходчиво изложены те идеи и понятия, которые на лекциях и занятиях кажутся заумными и недоступными. В этой книге представлен 101 урок по дизайну, черчению, творческому процессу и искусству презентации - от "как провести линию" до сложностей теории цветосочетания. Здесь конкретно и доступно описаны основы архитектурной грамотности, которые часто остаются за кадром в процессе обучения на факультетах архитектуры. Каждый урок занимает две страницы: на одной краткое объяснение, на второй - иллюстрация. Книга написана архитектором и преподавателем архитектуры, который прекрасно помнит времена, когда сам был студентом. Она действительно поможет будущим архитекторам разобраться в тонкостях выбранной ими профессии, а опытные профессионалы смогут почерпнуть здесь вдохновляющие идеи для решения разнообразных дизайнерских задач.
Представлено в 16 статьях
"Thinking Architecture" by Peter Zumthor is a collection of essays that sheds light on the architect's approach to designing buildings that evoke emotions and possess a distinct personality. Zumthor believes that designing a building that connects with life requires a deeper understanding of form and construction. This newly expanded edition includes three new essays, beautiful color photos of Zumthor's home and studio, and a fresh typography design. Discover the motivations and methods of one of the world's most renowned architects in "Thinking Architecture."
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This book by a Swiss-born architect explores the art and spirit of architecture beyond mere utilitarian needs. It includes technical and aesthetic theories, views on industry and economics, and much more. The author designed some of the most memorable buildings of the 20th century, and presents his ideas in a pithy style with provocative observations. The book is profusely illustrated with over 200 line drawings and photos. It's indispensable reading for architects, city planners, and cultural historians looking to explore innovative theories in architecture.
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This updated manual on residential and light construction techniques is presented by a professional architect. It covers topics such as environmentally friendly materials, latest technology data, energy efficiency, natural lighting, and masonry. The book includes over 100 line drawings.
Представлено в 11 статьях
Explore the postmodern rebellion against modernist purism in this essential document of architectural literature. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture is a gentle manifesto for a more nuanced approach to architecture, expressed in the most compelling and original terms. Discover the author's ideas on architecture through 350 historical comparisons, beautifully illuminated with architectural photographs. Winner of the Classic Book Award, this remarkable book has been translated into 16 languages.
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The Architecture Reference & Specification Book
Everything Architects Need to Know Every Day
This updated and revised edition of The Architecture Reference & Specification Book is an essential guide for architects planning and executing projects of all sizes. It distills thousands of pages of architectural standards into an easy-to-use reference, covering the most indispensable types of architectural information. Compact and portable, it's the perfect companion for architects on the go. This book is part of the Reference & Specification Book series from Rockport Publishers, offering vital information for creative professionals in a concise handbook format.
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Как влияет то, где мы находимся, на то, кем мы можем стать, - вот идея, питающая эту книгу. Ален де Боттон считает, что задача архитектуры - быть ярким напоминанием о богатстве нашего потенциала. А задача архитектора - проектировать здания, которые способствуют ощущению счастья. Это путешествие по философии и психологии архитектуры, цель которого - изменить наше отношение к своим жилищам, улицам - и, в конечном счете, к самим себе.
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Написанная 50 лет назад, книга Джейн Джекобс «Смерть и жизнь больших американских городов» уже давно стала классической, но до сих пор не утратила своего революционного значения в истории осмысления города и городской жизни. Именно здесь впервые были последовательно сформулированы аргументы против городского планирования, руководствующегося абстрактными идеями и игнорирующего повседневную жизнь горожан. По мнению Джекобс, живой и разнообразный город, основанный на спонтанном порядке и различных механизмах саморегулирования, во всех отношениях куда более пригоден для жизни, чем реализация любой градостроительной теории, сколь бы продуманной и рациональной она не выглядела.
Представлено в 9 статьях
Explore the history and evolution of modern architecture since 1900 in this contemporary classic. Experience a worldwide perspective that seamlessly brings together technical, social, and intellectual advancements to provide a comprehensive narrative that contextualizes the examination of buildings. Third edition includes expanded coverage of recent world architecture and new material. Described as "immeasurably the finest work covering this field in existence" by Harvard University's James Ackerman.
Представлено в 9 статьях
Yes is More. An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution by Taschen
Десять книг об архитектуре by Vitruvius
The Language of Architecture by Andrea Simitch
Язык шаблонов by Christopher Alexander
Поэтика пространства by Gaston Bachelard
Нью-Йорк вне себя by Rem Koolhaas
A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia Savage McAlester
S M L XL by Rem Koolhaas
Archidoodle by Steve Bowkett
World Architecture by Will Pryce
Похвала тени by Junichiro Tanizaki
The Eyes of the Skin by Juhani Pallasmaa
The Works by Kate Ascher
Architects' Data by Ernst Neufert
A Visual Dictionary of Architecture by Francis D. K. Ching
Образ города by Kevin Lynch
Архитектурная графика by Francis D. K. Ching
Modern Architecture by Kenneth Frampton
Architectural Graphic Standards by American Institute of Architects
The Four Books on Architecture by Andrea Palladio
Experiencing Architecture by Steen Eiler Rasmussen
Rem Koolhaas. Elements of Architecture by Rem Koolhaas
Architecture by Daniel Borden
The New Old House by Marc Kristal
Architecture by Marvin Trachtenberg
Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture by Virginia McLeod
Archi-Graphic by Frank Jacobus
Brunelleschi's Dome by Ross King
The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings by Marc Kushner
Зачем нужна архитектура by Paul Goldberger
Ballpark by Paul Goldberger
The BLDG BLOG Book by Geoff Manaugh
Архитектура города by Aldo Rossi
Architect and Entrepreneur by Eric W Reinholdt
Seeking New York by Tom Miller
The Architecture of Community by Leon Krier
Architectural Detailing by Edward Allen
Гектор-Архитектор by Andrea Beaty
Cradle to Cradle by Michael Braungart
Невидимые города by Italo Calvino
Atmospheres by Peter Zumthor
The Story of Buildings by Patrick Dillon
Operative Design by Anthony di Mari
Constructing Architecture by Andrea Deplazes
Design Like You Give a Damn by Kate Stohr
Introduction to Architecture by Francis D. K. Ching
The Architecture Of Light by Sage Russell
The Architecture of Madness by Carla Yanni
Understanding Architecture by Leland Roth
Architecture As Space by Bruno Zevi
St. Petersburg by Dmitri O. Shvidkovsky
Sustainable Design by David Bergman
Architecture According to Pigeons by Speck Lee Tailfeather
Art and Architecture in Mexico by James Oles
Architecture's Odd Couple by Hugh Howard
Уроки Лас-Вегаса by Robert Venturi
Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture 2 by David Phillips
Источник by Ayn Rand
Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture by Ulrich Conrads
Collage city by Colin Rowe
The Architecture Student's Handbook of Professional Practice by American Institute of Architects
Encyclopedia of Detail in Contemporary Residential Architect by Virginia McLeod
7 навыков высокоэффективных людей by Stephen R. Covey
Design Drawing by Francis D. K. Ching
A Global History of Architecture by Francis D. K. Ching
BIG. HOT TO COLD. An Odyssey of Architectural Adaptation by Taschen
Architecture by Jonathan Glancey
Forensic Architecture by Eyal Weizman
Tadao Ando by Tadao Ando
The Man in the Glass House by Mark Lamster
The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice by American Institute of Architects
Architectural Acoustics by David Egan
Sketching for Architecture + Interior Design by Stephanie Travis
Architecture of First Societies by Mark M. Jarzombek
Architecture of the Sun by Thomas S. Hines
Dictionary of Architecture and Construction by Cyril Harris
Architecture by Clois E. Kicklighter Ed. D.
City on a Hill by Alex Krieger
Как читать церкви by Denis R. McNamara
Architecture and Disjunction by Bernard Tschumi
Fundamentals of Building Construction by Edward Allen
Architecture in Italy, 1400-1500 by Ludwig H. Heydenreich
Architectures of Spatial Justice by Dana Cuff
Architecture After Modernism by Diane Ghirardo
Высоконагруженные приложения by Martin Kleppmann
Город для пешехода by Jeff Speck
Малый бизнес by Michael E. Gerber
Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей by Dale Carnegie, Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster Audio
Дьявол в Белом городе by Erik Larson
Куда ты пропала, Бернадетт? by Maria Semple