Лучшие книги по истории искусства
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Это самая знаменитая книга профессора Эрнста Гомбриха. Автор пишет о сложных вещах просто, увлекательно и с большим уважением к читателю. Правильно выбранная интонация позволяет ему соединить в своей книге пользу и удовольствие; недаром ее сравнивают с точной картой, которая не дает неопытному путешественнику потеряться в незнакомой стране искусства.
Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся искусством.
Представлено в 17 статьях

Gardner's Art Through the Ages
The Western Perspective, Volume I and Volume II
Discover the history of Western art and architecture with the most widely read and respected book in English for over 85 years. GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE discusses significant works in full historical and cultural contexts with an engaging approach. Access comprehensive digital resources like interactive eBooks, videos, audio, and critical thinking exercises through MindTap. Perfect for students seeking a thorough understanding of art and its evolution through time.
Представлено в 9 статьях

Искусство видеть
Based on the BBC Television Series (Penguin Books for Art)
Вышло первое русскоязычное издание классической книги о природе искусства, во многом изменившей отношение западного общества к визуальному: будь то живописный шедевр из Лувра или растиражированная рекламная фотография.
На примере общеизвестных произведений изобразительного искусства и типичных рекламных изображений Бергер показывает, что наряду с непосредственным сообщением практически каждая картина, каждый визуальный объект массовой культуры несет в себе идеологический заряд, обусловленный интересами доминирующего класса или же - доминирующего пола.
Книга состоит из семи эссе, из которых четыре посвящены отдельным аспектам оригинальной бергерской концепции, а три представляют собой подборки изображений без комментариев, цель которых - заострить внимание читателя на затрагиваемых проблемах.
Представлено в 8 статьях
Explore the world of art with a visual guide that covers over 2,500 of the most renowned paintings and sculptures. Learn about key movements, styles, and techniques while gaining insights on how to appreciate works by great masters. This monumental book is a must-have for art lovers and enthusiasts alike.
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Discover the world of art with this engaging compendium! From cave paintings to Pop Art, this coffee-table book takes you on a journey through the history of art. Featuring over 1200 works of art, it includes a chronology spanning 38,000 BC to the present and turning points that highlight major artistic movements and technical breakthroughs. The second part explores enduring themes in art, such as portraits and landscapes, allegory and religion, and still life and abstraction. With easy navigation and an extensive reference section, The Collins Big Book of Art is perfect for art enthusiasts of any level.
Представлено в 6 статьях
Discover the key to understanding Western art with Art: A Visual History, now updated and repackaged in a themed slipcase. Explore the paintings, sculptures, schools, and styles that shaped the art world with over 650 artists arranged chronologically. Delve into 22 masterpieces, from Ancient Greek sculpture to 1960s Pop Art, and examine well-known icons alongside lesser-known treasures. Learn about the characteristics and preferred subjects of major schools and movements with insightful features. Art: A Visual History is a knowledgeable, thought-provoking, and accessible guide to Western art.
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Discover the fascinating impact that Ancient Greek and Roman art has had on Western culture in this new exploration of Classical Art. From the excavation of the city of Pompeii to the grandiose monuments of ancient tyrants and the stunning beauty of Apollo and Venus, this book covers it all. Learn about the Roman emperor Hadrian, the greatest art-collector of all time, and the rediscovery of Classical art in the modern world. Gain insight into the origins of art history and the influence that Greek painting and sculpture has had on Western art.
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Discover 600 great painters and sculptors from medieval to modern times in The Art Book. This A-Z guide, now available in a compact and portable midi format, pairs brilliant examples of all periods, schools, visions, and techniques. With a fresh and original approach to art, The Art Book represents an unparalleled visual sourcebook and a celebration of our rich and multifaceted culture.
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в книге собран богатейший фактический материал о жизни и творчестве итальянских художников эпохи Возрождения. В "Жизнеописаниях...", несомненным достоинством которых является живой язык изложения, отражены также и интересные критические суждения самого Вазари. Первое издание книги вышло в 1550 году, а второе, дополненное, увидело свет в 1568 году. Скончался Джорджо Вазари во Флоренции 27 июня 1574 года.
Представлено в 4 статьях

Art That Changed the World
Transformative Art Movements and the Paintings That Inspired Them
"Art That Changed the World" is a stunning visual timeline of the evolution of art, exploring the major styles and movements that shaped the art world throughout history. Each section features a double-page image of an influential painting that defined each artistic style, accompanied by explanations of the events that shaped their evolution. Get a glimpse into the lives of the artists behind seminal works of genius and their historical significance.
Представлено в 4 статьях
Art in Theory 1900 - 2000 by Charles Harrison
50 Artists You Should Know by Thomas Koester
Сила искусства by Simon Schama
Женщины в искусстве by Rachel Ignotofsky
What Great Paintings Say by Rainer & Rose-Marie Hagen
Abstract Art by Pepe Karmel
The Duchamp Dictionary by Thomas Girst
Women, Art, and Society by Whitney Chadwick
Show Time by Jens Hoffmann
Тайная жизнь цвета by Kassia StClair
Непонятное искусство by Will Gompertz
Женщины Девятой улицы by Mary Gabriel
Луна и грош by W. Somerset Maugham
Life with Picasso by Françoise Gilot
Муки и радости by Irving Stone
Письма by Mark Roskill
Broad Strokes by Bridget Quinn
Art History Portables Book 2 by Marilyn Stokstad
История картин by David Hockney, Martin Gayford
The Annotated Mona Lisa by Carol Strickland
Art by Elke Linda Buchholz
Art museum, The by Phaidon Press
A Child's Introduction to Art by Heather Alexander
The Art Book for Children by Editors of Phaidon Press
13 Artists Children Should Know by Angela Wenzel
History of Modern Art Volume I by H. H. Arnason
Techniques of the Great Masters of Art by Waldemar Januszczak
Главное в истории живописи by Nia Gould
AP Art History with Online Tests by John B. Nici M. A.
Стили, школы, направления by Amy Dempsey
The Story of Paintings by Mick Manning
Sister Wendy's 100 Best-Loved Paintings by Sister Wendy Beckett
Contemporary African Art Since 1980 by Okwui Enwezor
The Insider's Complete Guide AP Art History by Larry Krieger
My Name Is Georgia by Jeanette Winter
Gardner's Art Through the Ages by Kleiner
The Visual Arts by Hugh Honour
The Private Lives of the Impressionists by Sue Roe
Suzette and the Puppy by Joan Sweeney
The Art of Art History by Donald Preziosi
Девушка с жемчужной сережкой by Tracy Chevalier
Brunelleschi's Dome by Ross King
Twentieth-Century American ArtFirst Paper edition by E. Doss by E. Doss
The Books that Shaped Art History by Richard Shone
Me, Frida by Amy Novesky
The Last Nude by Ellis Avery
The Judgment of Paris by Ross King
Похищение лебедя by Elizabeth Kostova
Mona Lisa by Donald Sassoon
Marina Abramovic by Marina Abramovic, Katya Tylevich
Art Monsters by Lauren Elkin