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Весна 1849 года. Илаю МакКалоу было всего тринадцать, когда индейцы команчи напали на его дом в Техасе, убили мать и сестру, а его самого забрали с собой. Сообразительный и отчаянно храбрый Илай быстро привык к жизни среди индейцев и скоро стал одним из них. Не белый и не индеец, мальчик завис между двумя цивилизациями, уходящей и наступающей. Он сам должен отыскать свое место в мире, где приключения и трагедии сменяют друг друга с калейдоскопической быстротой.
1915 год. Питер МакКалоу придавлен чувством вины за происходящее вокруг него, за ту ярость, с какой люди выгрызают себе место под солнцем. Он полная противоположность отцу - он не действует, но созерцает и размышляет. Питер слишком рано явился в этот мир, где в цене лишь сила и напор.
Середина двадцатого века. Джинни МакКалоу - несгибаемая леди, железной рукой управляющая богатейшей компанией Техаса, если не всей страны, глава мощной нефтяной империи. Ее мир - мир.
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У Мэри странная семья. Мать-художница была замужем семь раз, отец-работяга страдает от алкоголизма, а бабушка носит в сумке ножовку и собирает частички пыли в гостях в криминалистические конверты. Единственный в мире друг Мэри – старшая сестра Лиша, но даже с ней Мэри дерется до переломов костей и терпит обидные подколы.
Мэри – единственная девочка, которой разрешено присутствовать на встречах «клуба лжецов» - попойках отца с друзьями, на которых мужчины обмениваются выдуманными байками.
Жизнь Мэри настолько непредсказуема, что о каждом новом событии можно рассказывать в «клубе лжецов», и все примут за чистую монету.
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Explore the vibrant history of Texas with an insider's perspective on the people, politics, and events that have shaped the Lone Star State. Follow the story from prehistory to the present day and discover the emergence of Texas as a republic, the Civil War, and the impact of oil on the state's economy. This lively and engaging account offers a fresh look at the distinct culture and mindset of Texans.
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Ryan HolidayThis book is about a man's farewell canoe voyage on the Brazos River in Texas, where he reflects on the proposed dams that would change the surrounding countryside and people's lives. He delves into the region's old blood feuds, violent skirmishes with native tribes, and courageous and deceitful stories that shaped the river's people and the land's frontier history. Goodbye to a River is a true American classic, a powerful tribute to a vanishing way of life and its ever-changing natural environment.
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Discover the captivating saga of Texas oil tycoons with The Big Rich. Author Bryan Burrough weaves together the multigenerational stories of the industry's wealthiest families, including Roy Cullen, H. L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, and Sid Richardson. Burrough expertly chronicles their rise and fall, complete with monstrous egos, unimaginable sums of money, and Hollywood connections. With phenomenal reviews and sales, The Big Rich is a spellbinding account that only a writer with Burrough's abilities and Texas upbringing could have created.
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В маленьком техасском городке живут бывшие рейнджеры, отважные хранители границ и спокойствия еще совсем юных Соединенных Штатов, и их друзья-ковбои. Разные, они схожи между собой в неистребимом духе романтики, заставляющем их, оставив спокойную жизнь, отправиться на север, где их ждут неосвоенные земли, - через стужу и зной, реки и пустыни, набеги бандитов и нападения диких животных. Страдая, погибая, но не сдаваясь, они преодолевают этот путь.
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Empire of the Summer Moon
Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History
A gripping and meticulously researched historical account of the 40-year battle between the all-powerful Comanche Indians and white settlers for control of the American West. Spanning Spanish colonialism, the Civil War, and the destruction of the buffalo herds, this fascinating narrative centers on Quanah, the greatest Comanche chief of them all, and his pioneer mother Cynthia Ann Parker, who was kidnapped at age 9 and grew to love her Comanche captors. S. C. Gwynne’s Empire of the Summer Moon is a thrilling epic that offers a historical feast for anyone interested in the origins of the United States.
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Friday Night Lights
A Town, a Team, and a Dream. H.G. Bassinger [I.E. H.G. Bissinger]
Follow the winningest high-school football team in Texas history, the Permian Panthers of Odessa, and witness how their single-minded devotion to the sport shapes the community and inspires teenagers who wear the Panthers' uniform. H. G. Bissinger shows with frankness and compassion how every Friday night from September to December, this small, divided, and economically fragile town becomes a place where dreams can come true. Discover how football unites, divides, and inspires a community in this timeless account, now with an updated afterword assessing the state of football today.
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Explore the diverse and controversial landscape of Texas with this award-nominated book. Covering topics such as politics, technology, and income disparities, God Save Texas presents a vivid portrait of a state that reflects America today and tomorrow. Written by a native Texan, Lawrence Wright, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Lone Star State and its significance in shaping the future of the country.
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Experience political drama in the heart of Texas with this novel. It's made up of three unique stories, each following a different character's perspective as they navigate through politics. Meanwhile, the cunning and charming governor, Arthur Fenstemaker, manages to hold the reigns through every twist and turn.
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Gone to Texas by Randolph B. "Mike" Campbell
Lone Star Pasts by Gregg Cantrell
Texas by James A. Michener
Texas History Movies - Collector's Limited Edition by Jack Patton
Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros
Big Wonderful Thing by Stephen Harrigan
The Injustice Never Leaves You by Monica Muñoz Martinez
The Evolution of a State, or, Recollections of Old Texas Days by Noah Smithwick
Кони, кони by Cormac McCarthy
"With His Pistol in His Hand" by Américo Paredes
The Midnight Assassin by Skip Hollandsworth
Кровавый меридиан, или Закатный багрянец на западе by Cormac McCarthy
A Sniper in the Tower by Gary M. Lavergne
Пограничная Трилогия by Cormac McCarthy
Новости со всех концов света by Paulette Jiles
Ливень by Sandra Brown
Isaac's Storm by Erik Larson
Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen by Sarah Bird
Blood and Money by Thomas Thompson
Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She? by Molly Ivins
The Train to Crystal City by Jan Jarboe Russell
The Gates of the Alamo by Stephen Harrigan
Texas by A. Ray Stephens, Carol Zuber-Mallison
The Raven by Marquis James
Armadillo World Headquarters by Eddie Wilson, Jesse Sublett, Dave Marsh
Coronado's Children by J. Frank Dobie
Приключения техасского натуралиста by Roy Bedichek, Ward Lockwood, Rick Bass
Daughters of Dallas by Vivian Anderson Castleberry
Barefoot Dogs by Antonio Ruiz-Camacho
Lot by Bryan Washington
Seeds of Empire by Andrew J. Torget
Fear on Trial by John Henry Faulk
Thursday Night Lights by Michael Hurd
Recollections of Early Texas by Iii John Holmes Jenkins
Ten Dollars to Hate by Patricia Bernstein
And Grace Will Lead Me Home by Michelle M. Mears
The Great Plains, Second Edition by Walter Prescott Webb, Andrew R. Graybill
Farewell by Horton Foote
Beyond Myths and Legends by Kenneth Wayne Howell
Adventures of a Ballad Hunter by John A. Lomax
That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx
Кораблекрушения by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Ilan Stavans, David Frye
Big, Hot, Cheap, and Right by Erica Grieder
Who Killed These Girls? by Beverly Lowry
Friendswood by Rene Steinke
First Train To Babylon, Out Of Africa, Not As A Stranger, Life Among The Savages, The Searchers by Max Ehrlich, Morton Thompson, Anenlly Alan le May, Skirley Jackson, Karen Blixen
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson
Command the Morning, Hold Autumn in Your Hand by Pearl S. Buck, George Sessions Perry
Аристотель и Данте открывают тайны Вселенной by Benjamin Alire Sáenz