Лучшие книги о синдроме дефицита внимания и гиперактивности
Найдите самые авторитетные и информативные книги о синдроме дефицита внимания и гиперактивности, объединяющие знания медицинских профессионалов, опытных нянь и экспертов из области психологии. Эти книги наиболее рекомендуемы своей глубиной и полезными советами.
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Discover how to take control of adult ADHD with expert guidance from renowned researcher and clinician Russell A. Barkley. In this comprehensive resource, readers will find step-by-step strategies and hands-on tools for managing symptoms and reducing the harmful impact of attention, planning, and emotional regulation struggles. From overcoming obstacles in critical areas like work, finances, and relationships to understanding medications and other treatments, this one-stop guide offers a clear path towards a better life.
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Почему я отвлекаюсь
Как распознать синдром дефицита внимания у взрослых и детей и что с ним делать
В этой книге авторитетные специалисты Эдвард Хэлловэлл и Джон Рэйти делятся актуальной и научно обоснованной информацией о синдроме дефицита внимания и гиперактивности. Авторы рассматривают такие вопросы, как мифы и правда о болезни, современные способы лечения, полезные методики борьбы, воспитание ребенка с СДВГ и многие другие. Книга содержит «живые» истории людей с этим диагнозом, которые вдохновляют и позволяют посмотреть на СДВГ с другого ракурса. Воспользуйтесь рекомендациями авторов, и вы сможете извлечь из синдрома дефицита внимания только преимущества и добиться своих целей!
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Hannah HartDiscover the groundbreaking study that reveals how Attention Deficit Disorder affects just as many women as men, and how millions of withdrawn little girls and chronically overwhelmed women go undiagnosed every year. Explore treatment and counseling options, and learn how to empower yourself with three steps to take control of your life and enjoy success on your own terms. The newly revised and updated edition also features a brand new chapter on friendship for women with ADHD.
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NonfictionPsychologySocial SciencesPersonal DevelopmentScienceHealthParentingRelationships & FamilyEducation
Discover the revolutionary approach to ADHD in ADHD 2.0 by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J. Ratey. Drawing on cutting-edge research, the bestselling authors of Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction provide a plan for thriving with ADHD at any age. Learn how to minimize the downsides and maximize the benefits of the condition, including finding the right kind of difficult, reimagining your environment, embracing your neurological tendencies, tapping into the healing power of connection, and considering medication. ADHD 2.0 is both inspiring and practical, helping you unlock your full potential.
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The ADHD Effect on Marriage
Understand and Rebuild Your Relationship in Six Steps
Discover how to overcome the challenges of ADHD in relationships with this invaluable resource. Focusing on the struggles and triumphs of couples affected by ADHD, this authoritative guide offers personal insights and years of research to help you integrate ADHD into your relationship in a positive way. Learn how to identify problem patterns, including nagging, memory issues, and sudden anger, and gain practical tools and exercises to improve communication and rebuild your relationship. With worksheets and tailored techniques to suit your unique situation, this book offers a path to healing and renewed joy.
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The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD
An 8-Step Program for Strengthening Attention, Managing Emotions, and Achieving Your Goals
Unlock the secrets to overcoming the symptoms of ADHD with this comprehensive program that combines mindfulness practice with education on how the ADHD brain works. With 8 steps, including sitting meditation, body awareness, and self-coaching, readers can learn to manage their challenges and improve their relationships and work. Accompanied by an audio program of guided mindfulness exercises, this book is a must-read for the estimated 8 million adults with ADHD in the U.S.
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Взрывной ребенок
Новый подход к пониманию и воспитанию легко раздражимых, хронически несговорчивых детей
В книге профессора Росса В. Грина, специалиста по клинической психологии и психиатрии медицинской школы Гарварда, описывается новый подход к детям, за которыми закрепился эпитет «взрывные». Эти дети демонстрируют непереносимое для окружающих поведение: внезапно впадают в «неадекватное» состояние, зачастую проявляют физическую и словесную агрессию, устраивают длительные скандалы. Метод доктора Грина был разработан, чтобы помочь взрывным детям научиться регулировать свое поведение, справляться со вспышками гнева и раздражения, мирно разрешать споры и разногласия.
Книга адресована родителям, психологам, воспитателям и учителям.
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This comprehensive and updated book illuminates the complexity of ADHD in girls and women across multiple domains of life. From childhood to adulthood, the authors provide clinical examples and case material to reveal the highly individualized journeys faced by females with ADHD. They also emphasize the importance of understanding and treating co-morbid disorders. Their practical means of attacking executive-function deficits and empowerment of girls and families make this book a core guidebook on female manifestations of ADHD. It's written with compassion, sensitivity, and years of experience on the front lines.
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Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD-Revised and Updated
Tips and Tools to Help You Take Charge of Your Life and Get Organized
This book tackles the struggles of 10 million American adults with ADHD, offering a practical and effective solution to stay in control of your life. Written by professional organizer, Susan Pinsky, this revised and updated edition outlines an ADHD-friendly organizing approach with easy maintenance techniques and maximum efficiency methods designed for those with specific needs. The book is filled with useful tips, bulleted lists, and color photos. It's a quick and manageable read, perfect for those with a fleeting attention span. With this unique and step-by-step organizing approach, you'll eliminate stress from your home and lead a happier, healthier, and more organized life.
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Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD, 2nd Edition-Revised and Updated
Tips and Tools to Help You Take Charge of Your Life and Get Organized
Discover practical solutions for organizing your life and managing your ADHD with this revised and updated edition of the bestselling book. Written by experts in the field, this comprehensive guide provides invaluable strategies and tips to help adults with ADD and ADHD create an organized and efficient lifestyle. Don't let the chaos and clutter overwhelm you - take control and thrive with the empowering advice in this must-read book.
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ADHD According to Zoë by Zoë Kessler
The Queen of Distraction by Terry Matlen
ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Judith Kolberg
The Fog Lifted A Clinician's Victorious Journey With ADHD by Kristin Seymour
ADHD & Us by Anita Robertson Lcsw
Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition by Russell A. Barkley
Managing ADHD in School by Russell Barkley
Scattered by Gabor Maté
Order from Chaos by Jaclyn Paul
Raising Girls with ADHD by James Forgan
More Attention, Less Deficit by Ari Tuckman