19 книг в списке
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Discover the fascinating world of botany with this guide, perfect for garden enthusiasts and visitors alike. Learn about plant structure, reproduction, and what happens inside a seed. Written in accessible language, this bestselling book now includes new photos and illustrations, an appendix on plant taxonomy, and a comprehensive index.
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Discover the fascinating relationship between humans and plants in The Botany of Desire. Michael Pollan explores four fundamental human desires and the plants that satisfy them: sweetness, beauty, intoxication, and control. Through the stories of the apple, tulip, marijuana, and potato, Pollan illustrates how these plants have evolved to meet our most basic yearnings. As we benefit from them, we also domesticate them. Who is really in control? Explore the reciprocal relationship between humans and plants in this insightful book.
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Лес — привычное и обыденное чудо. Поставщик древесины и кислорода, местообитание множества живых организмов, родина сказок и легенд, он кажется таким знакомым и понятным. Однако много ли нам известно о самих деревьях, об их чувствах и взаимоотношениях? Как они общаются между собой и можно ли освоить их язык? Чем отличаются городские деревья от своих лесных родственников? Существует ли связь между деревьями разных поколений? На все эти вопросы просто и доступно отвечает лесник из Западной Германии Петер Вольлебен — специалист с многолетним стажем и автор множества популярных книг о природе.
Книга адресована биологам, экологам и всем тем, кто любит природу.
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Discover the fascinating origins of your favorite drinks in "The Drunken Botanist." This book delves into the plant-based history and science behind over 150 plants, flowers, trees, and fruits that have been fermented and distilled to make some of the world's most unique drinks. Learn how molasses played a role in American independence and how rye, a common ingredient in spirits, contains a precursor to LSD. With vintage-style illustrations, growing tips, and over fifty drink recipes, this book is the perfect mix of education and fun for gardeners and cocktail lovers.
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Explore the fascinating world of plants and their inner workings with this stunning photographic celebration. From delicate ferns to stately palms, Flora is a comprehensive guide to the plant kingdom. Learn about the mechanics of photosynthesis, how cacti store water, and how seeds know when to grow. Discover how plant roots and leaves communicate with their surroundings and how flowers use color and scent to manipulate creatures. With sumptuous photos and crystal-clear artwork, Flora is an engaging and fresh introduction to the mystery of botany.
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"Explore a virtual museum of plant life with over 160 expertly curated exhibits in Botanicum Postcards. As a part of the 2017 Welcome to the Museum series, this stunning guide features artwork from Katie Scott of Animalium fame, bringing a fascinating botanical exhibition to life on the pages of a single book. Discover the inner workings of perennials, bulbs, and tropical exotica through superb cross-sections and gain a wealth of botanical knowledge with this beautifully designed postcard book."
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The Secret Life of Plants explores the fascinating relationship between plants and mankind, including their ability to act as lie detectors and ecological sentinels. Discover how plants adapt to human wishes, respond to music, and even communicate with us. This book suggests that the most important revolution of the 20th century could come from the bottom of your own garden. With hard facts and astounding scientific insights, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the mysteries of nature.
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Explore the elegantly simple lives of mosses in this beautifully written mix of science and personal reflection. Gathering Moss intertwines the lives of countless beings, from salmon to redwoods, explaining the biology of mosses while reflecting on what we can learn from them. Written by a scientist, mother, teacher, and Native American writer, this book will appeal to bryologists, natural history enthusiasts, and anyone interested in contemporary nature and science writing.
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Nature Anatomy by Julia Rothman
Botany in a Day by Thomas J. Elpel
Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell
The Botany Coloring Book by Paul Young
The Botanical Bible by Sonya Patel Ellis
Medical Herbalism by David Hoffmann
Practical Botany for Gardeners by Geoff Hodge
Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in WildPlaces by Steve Brill
Происхождение всех вещей by Elizabeth Gilbert
Голос земли by Robin Wall Kimmerer