Лучшие книги о пиратах
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Embark on a swashbuckling adventure with Jeremy Jacob, a young boy who is unexpectedly swept up into the world of pirates. Join Captain Braid Beard and his crew as they teach Jeremy the finer points of pirate life, including how to sing sea chanteys, throw food, and even say "scurvy dog." But there are also some surprising lessons to be learned about the downsides of life at sea. With playful and textured illustrations, this book by Melinda Long and illustrated by David Shannon is a witty and fun-filled look at the joys and challenges of pirate life.
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"Set sail on an adventure with a brave pirate boy and his unyielding love for his mother. When Danny dreams of life as a pirate, his mom promises to always find him, even if it means battling sea monsters and shrinking to their size. Discover a heartwarming story of family and the boundless courage of a mother's love in this captivating tale, perfect for young readers."
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Join the Jolley-Rogers, a pirate family who has moved from the high seas to suburbia to fix up their ship in the quiet town of Dull-on-Sea. The neighbors are quick to gossip about this unusual crew, but young Matilda defies the adults and befriends young pirate Jim Lad. When the Jolley-Rogers return to sea, the town discovers buried treasure in their yards. While Matilda is sad to see her friend go, she gains a pen pal and her own treasure. Explore the joys of friendship and adventure with this fun children's book.
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Embark on an unforgettable alphabet adventure with a brave and bumbling pirate crew who will stop at nothing to capture every letter of the alphabet. Written by June Sobel and illustrated by Henry Cole, this hilarious and irresistible book is perfect for young pirate-loving kids who are also learning the ABCs. Join the swashbuckling crew in Shiver Me Letters and help them find an A, a Z, and everything in between before it's too late!
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Pered vami - sudovoi zhurnal kapitana Uiliama Labbera, otpravivshegosia v pogoniu za piratami. Na kazhdoi stranitce chitatelia zhdut otkrytiia i tainy, emu predostavliaetsia vozmozhnost otgibat, razviazyvat, raskryvat i oshchupyvat mnozhestvo intriguiushchikh siurprizov, uznavat znacheniia piratskikh flagov, nepisanye piratskie zakony, osnovy navigatci i mnogoe drugoe. 12 marta 2006 g. vodolazy, kotorye veli poiski na dne Bolshoi Niufaundlendskoi banki, obnaruzhili ostov sudna. eksperty datiruiut ego nachalom XVIII veka. Sudno zatonulo v khode morskogo srazheniia. Sredi drugikh predmetov vodolazy podniali so dna matrosskii sunduchok. Vnutri nakhodilsia sudovoi zhurnal, pismo-poruchenie ot Semiuelia Shiuta, byvshego gubernatora Massachusetsa, na imia kapitana Labbera. V sunduke lezhali meshochek s zolotym peskom, chernyi piratskii flag, lotciia na ispanskom iazyke, silno povrezhdennaia karta, a takzhe izobrazhenie zhenshchiny, podpisannoe «Arabella Drammond, groza morei». Poka chto ne naideno faktov, podtverzhdaiushchikh sushchestvovanie etikh liudei. No odno to, chto byla obnaruzhena, po-vidimomu podlinnaia karta s ukazaniem mestonakhozhdeniia piratskikh kladov, vyzvalo nemalyi interes u iskatelei sokrovishch.
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Adventure awaits in this hilarious new addition to the Underpants series. Join a group of vibrant pirates on a special quest to find the fabled Pants of Gold for the Captain's Treasure chest. Filled with humor, sharks, and treasure, you won't be able to stop yo-ho-ho-ing until the sails come down!
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История знаменитых морских разбойников XVIII века
Pirate Captains, Crews, Ships, and Laws
Вниманию читателя предлагается уникальная книга, впервые переведенная на русский язык. Она оказала большое влияние на развитие целого направления в художественной литературе, послужив богатейшим источником информации об истории морского пиратства.
Автор - "капитан Джонсон" - жил в период, называемый "золотым веком" пиратства, и был непосредственным свидетелем той эпохи, имел возможность присутствовать на судебных процессах и беседовать с реальными, а не выдуманными пиратами. Это - человек явно образованный, о чем свидетельствуют многочисленные ссылки на библию, литературные произведения, мифологию и исторические факты. Он любознателен - ему интересны не только личности знаменитых пиратов, но и подробности быта, географические и природные особенности районов их "промысла". В этом - огромная ценность книги, а отдельные неточности и даже домыслы для придания большей занимательности вполне простительны. Ведь порой мы смысл даже происходящих на наших глазах событий не можем толком объяснить, а во время написания книги, не забудем, "на дворе" стоял век восемнадцатый.
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Остров сокровищ - самый прославленный роман известного английского писателя Роберта Луиса Стивенсона о приключениях, ставших спутниками многих поколений. Благородство и великодушие противостоят в них злу и насилию. Того, кто еще не прочитал эту книгу, ждет большое удовольствие, а тот, кто уже однажды познакомился с удивительными приключениями, вновь встретится с любимыми героями.
Издание богато иллюстрировано.
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Richard BransonThis humorous children's book follows the misadventures of a pirate crew who ends up babysitting a howling infant. The pirates must learn how to change diapers and calm down the baby before they can even think about finding buried treasure. Full of witty pirate lingo and colorful illustrations, this sequel is sure to entertain young readers and fans of the first book.
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Say goodnight to your favorite things with this fun, colorful book. From pirates to parrots, each page will help little dreamers wind down before bed. With rhyming words and joyful illustrations, this book is perfect for parents and toddlers to read together. Sweet dreams! (Ages 1+)
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Pirates Past Noon by Mary Pope Osborne
There Was an Old Pirate Who Swallowed a Fish by Jennifer Ward
Tough Boris by Mem Fox
Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
The Gingerbread Pirates Gift Edition by Kristin Kladstrup
Pete the Cat and the Treasure Map by James Dean
Ten Little Pirates by Mike Brownlow
Pirate Pete's Talk Like a Pirate by Kim Kennedy
The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard
Under the Black Flag by David Cordingly
Одиссея капитана Блада by Rafael Sabatini
How to Be a Pirate by Sue Fliess
The Pirate Cruncher by Jonny Duddle
Pirates Magnified by David Long
Night Pirates by Peter Harris
Pirate by Richard Platt
Pirate's Perfect Pet by Beth Ferry
Pirates! by Celia Rees
Pirates Go to School by Corinne Demas
Piratskie Shiroty by Michael Crichton
Pirate Princess by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Magic Marks the Spot by Caroline Carlson
The Berenstain Bears Pirate Adventure by Mike Berenstain
There Was an Old Pirate Who Swallowed a Map! by Lucille Colandro
A Year on a Pirate Ship by Elizabeth Havercroft
Pirates by Anne Rooney
Pirate's Lullaby by Marcie Wessels
На странных волнах by Tim Powers
The Pirate Hunter by Richard Zacks
Captain Jack and the Pirates by Peter Bently
Pirate Hunter of the Caribbean by David Cordingly
Dinosaur Pirates! by Penny Dale
That's Not My Pirate...by Fiona Watt by Fiona Watt
Pirate vs. Pirate by Mary Quattlebaum
Дочь короля пиратов by Tricia Levenseller
My Granny Is a Pirate by Val McDermid
Port Side Pirates by Oscar Seaworthy
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome
Pirate Mom by Deborah Underwood
Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs by Giles Andreae
Pirates in Pajamas by Caroline Crowe by Caroline Crowe
Pirate Diary by Richard Platt
Captain Beastlie's Pirate Party by Lucy Coats, Chris Mould
The Whydah by Martin W. Sandler
A Stegosaurus Would NOT Make a Good Pirate by Thomas Kingsley Troupe
Blackbeard the Pirate King by J. Patrick Lewis
Pirate Chicken by Brian Yanish
Pirate Stew by Neil Gaiman
Do Pirates Take Baths? by Kathy Tucker
Piratepedia by Alisha Niehaus
Как приручить дракона by Cressida Cowell
Bloody Jack by L. A. Meyer
Pirates Don't Go to Kindergarten! by Lisa Robinson
Pirate Alley by Stephen Coonts
Who Was Blackbeard? by James Buckley Jr.
Pirates by Mary Pope Osborne
Captain LaPlank by Flibber T Gibbet
Pirate Ship by Paul Beck
Everything I Know About Pirates by Tom Lichtenheld
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pirate's Prisoner!You Wouldn't Want to… by John Malam
The Best Book of Pirates by Barnaby Howard
The Usborne Official Pirate's Handbook by Nill
Ned the Knitting Pirate by Diana Murray
Count With The Pirates! by Laura Coleman
The Pirate Bride by Kathleen Y'Barbo
Small Saul by Ashley Spires
Magic of Blood and Sea by Cassandra Rose Clarke
Pirate Pete by Kim Kennedy
Lives of the Pirates by Kathleen Krull
Molly Rogers Pirate Girl by Cornelia Funke
The Treasure of Pirate Frank by Mal Peet
Black Flags, Blue Waters by Eric Jay Dolin
The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
A Pirate's Night Before Christmas by Philip Yates
Sea Queens by Jane Yolen
Captain Bling's Christmas Plunder by Rebecca Colby
The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
The Unbinding of Mary Reade by Miriam McNamara
Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry
Принцесса-невеста by William Goldman
Хищные птицы (The Big Book) by Wilbur Smith
Pirate Pups! by Golden Books
The Underpants 6 Books Collection Set By Claire Freedman & Ben Cort (Aliens Love Panta Claus, Monsters Love Underpants, Aliens in Underpants Save the World, Dinosaurs Love Underpants, Pirates, Aliens) by Claire Freedman
Good Night Pirate Ship by Adam Gamble, Mark Jasper, Harvey Stevenson
Polly Parrot Picks a Pirate by Peter Bently, Penny Dann
Ten little dinosaurs, monsters, princesses, superheroes and pirates 5 board books collection set by Mike Brownlow, Simon Rickerty
Prince and Pirate by Charlotte Gunnufson, Mike Lowery
Веселые Роджерсы и Корабль-Призрак by Jonny Duddle
[ Bizzy Bear by Benji Davies
Isle of Swords by Wayne Thomas Batson