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Amy Tan

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Amy Ruth Tan is an American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships and the Chinese-American experience. Her novel The Joy Luck Club was adapted into a film in 1993 by director Wayne Wang.
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Undo It! book cover
Undo It!
How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases
Dean Ornish - 2019-01-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
Reverse disease and prevent chronic illnesses with this scientifically proven plan from a world-renowned lifestyle medicine pioneer. In this landmark book, readers will learn about the simple yet powerful lifestyle changes that can often undo the progress of common and costly chronic diseases, and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level. This plan includes a whole foods, plant-based diet, moderate exercise, stress reduction techniques, and the transformative power of love and intimacy. With meal plans, exercise recommendations, stress-reduction advice, and inspiring patient stories, this book is a game-changer for anyone looking to transform their health and well-being.
Amy Tan
@MaurSchneider Love his books. He backs everything with science. I have both How Not to Die and The How Not to Die Cookbook. I also like Dean Ornish’s book Undo It.      источник
The How Not to Die Cookbook book cover
The How Not to Die Cookbook
100+ Recipes to Help Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greger Faclm - 2017-12-05
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This comprehensive cookbook by Michael Greger, M.D. and author of the bestselling book How Not to Die, features over 120 plant-based recipes for delicious, life-saving meals, snacks, and beverages. Rooted in the latest nutrition science, each easy-to-prepare recipe is accompanied by stunning photographs and geared towards a longer, healthier life. The cookbook also includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen - the best ingredients to add years to your life.
Amy Tan
@MaurSchneider Love his books. He backs everything with science. I have both How Not to Die and The How Not to Die Cookbook. I also like Dean Ornish’s book Undo It.      источник
Sadia Badiei
Не сдохни! Еда в борьбе за жизнь book cover
Не сдохни! Еда в борьбе за жизнь
Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greger Faclm - 2015-12-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
Как показывают исследования, питание и образ жизни важнее таблеток и скальпеля хирурга. Преждевременной смерти можно избежать, если слегка скорректировать свои пищевые пристрастия и образ жизни.  Врачи героически борются с серьезными и хроническими болезнями, но ничего не могут сделать для их профилактики. Миллионы людей ежегодно умирают от 15 основных заболеваний. Следуйте советам доктора Грегера и вы узнайте, какие продукты следует есть именно вам и как изменить образ жизни, чтобы жить дольше.  Питайтесь правильно, уверяет доктор Грегер, и вам не понадобятся ни операции, ни таблетки!
Amy Tan
@MaurSchneider Love his books. He backs everything with science. I have both How Not to Die and The How Not to Die Cookbook. I also like Dean Ornish’s book Undo It.      источник
Sadia Badiei
Survival of the Friendliest book cover
Survival of the Friendliest
Understanding Our Origins and Rediscovering Our Common Humanity
Brian Hare - 2020-07-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover a groundbreaking theory about the evolution of human nature in "Survival of the Friendliest." According to Brian Hare, professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, our unique friendliness is the key to our success as a species, allowing us to coordinate and communicate with others to achieve cultural and technical marvels. But at what cost? Hare's research shows that our desire to protect our loved ones can also lead us to dehumanize outsiders. A compelling and eye-opening read that challenges us to expand our definition of who belongs in order to survive and thrive.
Amy Tan
The first of my personal book club recommendations: Survival of the Friendliest. A book for our times. @bharedogguy #SurvivalofFriendliest      источник