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Benedict Evans

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Benedict Evans is a consultant and long-time mobile analyst and pundit. He has been working in the media and tech industries for 15 years on the analytical/strategic side. He first entered the industry as a sell-side equity analyst for investment banks. Then he moved on to roles at Orange, Channel 4 and then NBC Universal.
4 книг в списке
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Secrets of Sand Hill Road book cover
Secrets of Sand Hill Road
Venture Capital and How to Get It
Scott Kupor - 2019-06-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the secrets of venture capital in the heart of Silicon Valley's Sand Hill Road. In this Wall Street Journal Bestseller, lawyer-turned-entrepreneur-turned-VC Scott Kupor shares insight into how VCs make investment decisions and how entrepreneurs can build successful relationships with them. Learn why storytelling is crucial to raising capital, how to handle a "down round," and the importance of building relationships with potential acquirers. Packed with insider advice and practical takeaways, this guide is a must-read for any entrepreneur looking to turn their startup into a unicorn.
Benedict Evans
I am not impartial, but @skupor book “Secrets of Sand Hill Road” is a great manual explaining the mechanics of venture capital in 2019. Especially useful for people outside the Silicon Valley ecosystem wondering why their angel investor wants 50% and a 3X liquidation preference      источник
Talking Prices book cover
Talking Prices
Symbolic Meanings of Prices on the Market for Contemporary Art (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology)
Olav Velthuis - 2005-07-25
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the fascinating world of contemporary art pricing in Talking Prices. Sociologist Olav Velthuis examines how art dealers in New York and Amsterdam navigate the complex relationship between art and economics. Through qualitative and quantitative data, including interviews with dealers, Velthuis shows how highly ritualized business practices are used to convey meaning and identity through pricing. This groundbreaking book reveals the symbolic system of the price mechanism and how it parallels language in the art world.
Benedict Evans
@naval @semil (This is a great book on venture capital))      источник
Life book cover
A User's Manual
Georges Perec - 1988-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1978)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the vibrant lives of Paris apartment residents in this ingenious modern fiction work. Follow Serge Valene as he contemplates the complex stories of his building's inhabitants while planning an intricate painting of the space he's called home for 60 years. With diverse tales ranging from avenging murderers to eccentric millionaires, Life is a captivating microcosm of humanity.
Benedict Evans
This is a great book, that touches on this.      источник
Donald Knuth
Дамское счастье book cover
Дамское счастье
Émile Zola - 2008-09-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1883)
Рейтинг Goodreads
«Дамское счастье» - восьмой роман французского писателя, публициста Эмиля Золя (1840 – 1902). Книга входит в 20-томную серию «Ругон-Маккары», семейную сагу времен Второй империи 1852 – 1870 гг. Юная сирота Дениза Бодю, вынужденная содержать младших братьев, приезжает к дяде в Париж. Её ждет работа в магазине «Дамское счастье», новые друзья, зависть коллег и множество поклонников. Однако Дениза отдаст сердце лишь одному-единственному…
Benedict Evans
This is perhaps the best book about the future of ecommerce      источник