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Charles Pierce

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Charles Patrick Pierce is an American sportswriter, political blogger, liberal pundit author, and game show panelist.
9 книг в списке
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Сталинград book cover
The Fateful Siege
Antony Beevor - 1999-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1998)
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Книга посвящена переломному сражению Великой Отечественной войны - Сталинградской битве. Основой для создания книги стали свидетельства участников событий - солдат и офицеров, воевавших по обе стороны фронта.
Charles Pierce
@103_Grahn @iancharris @DMDash71 @WWIIpix Beevor's "Stalingrad" is one of the best nonfiction books of any kind that I ever read.      источник
Richard Branson
The Campaign of the Century book cover
The Campaign of the Century
Upton Sinclair's Race for Governor of California and the Birth of Media Politics
Greg Mitchell - 2011-12-05 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
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This book explores the incredible story of how Upton Sinclair, a lifelong socialist and author of "The Jungle," won the Democratic primary for governor of California in 1934. His mass movement EPIC aimed to end poverty in the state and was met with over one thousand chapters formed, similar to Occupy Wall Street. Sinclair's opponents launched an unprecedented public relations attack against him, resulting in a revolution in American politics and the birth of the "spin doctor" era. The book is a riveting blow-by-blow narrative, featuring famous figures such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Louis B. Mayer, and Katharine Hepburn that brings to life an outrageous campaign that forever transformed the electoral process.
Charles Pierce
Greg Mitchell's "The Campaign Of The Century," an account of Upton Sinclair's 1934 campaign for governor of California and the fiery pushback against it, is probably the best book I've ever read on a single campaign. And now, there's a film!      источник
David Corn
Shout, Sister, Shout! book cover
Shout, Sister, Shout!
The Untold Story of Rock-and-Roll Trailblazer Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Gayle Wald - 2007-02-15
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Discover the groundbreaking musician who paved the way for women in rock: Rosetta Tharpe. As gospel's first superstar and a virtuoso guitarist, Tharpe defied genres and societal norms with her electrifying performances that cossed boundaries and captivated audiences worldwide. Gayle Wald's eye-opening biography highlights Tharpe's impact on popular musicians from Elvis Presley to Eric Clapton, and showcases her role in defining gospel, R&B, and rock music. This must-read book sheds new light on an essential yet nearly forgotten musical heavyweight who forever altered our understanding of women in rock and American culture.
Charles Pierce
@the_60s_at_60 @gaylewald Terrific book. The mother of all rockers.      источник
Myths and Their Meaning book cover
Myths and Their Meaning
Max J. Herzberg - 1968-01-01
Stories from Greek, Latin, Nothern and Celtic mythology....
Charles Pierce
@dallaslibrary @esquire It never was. I missed out on almost all the classic kid's books when I was young but I read over and over a book called Myths and their Meaning by Max John Herzberg. It was published in 1928. What great stories for kids.      источник
The Beginning or the End book cover
The Beginning or the End
How Hollywood―and America―Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Greg Mitchell - 2020-07-07
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Discover the hidden truth behind the creation of the notorious atomic bomb in The Beginning or the End. This shocking exposé covers the Hollywood adaptation of the Manhattan Project, orchestrated by powerful studio chiefs with profound intentions to deliver a cautionary tale about the dangers of atomic weaponry. However, their plans were tampered with by the White House and Pentagon, resulting in a film drained of its original impact. Greg Mitchell delves into secret letters and scripts to uncover the full extent of the propaganda, politics, and vanity that drastically altered this pivotal moment in American history.
Charles Pierce
It is a deceptively breezy book that reveals its depths and its profound questions only slowly in the reader's mind, and one of these is how easily the powerful can sell the country a narrative.      источник
Landslide book cover
LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America
Jonathan Darman - 2014-09-23
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Landslide is a compelling narrative nonfiction book that explores the lives of two American political giants, Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan, as they sought to offer the nation a new vision for the future during a transformative time in America. Darman brings to life the vivid personalities and impulses of these two heroes, showing how they dismantled the long-standing tradition of consensus politics and ushered in a new era of fracture. This book offers a richly detailed portrayal of one of the most consequential times in American history, in which Johnson’s triumphs were overshadowed by his paranoia, and Reagan slowly but surely worked his way back into the spotlight. A tale of myths and a nation that believed them, Landslide will immerse readers in the subtleties of politics and political history, unveiling delusions and self-delusions at the highest levels.
Charles Pierce
@Sifill_LDF Landslide is an important book that almost nobody read closely enough. Theodore Draper’s A Very Thin Line is another.      источник
A Very Thin Line book cover
A Very Thin Line
The Iran-Contra Affairs
Theodore Draper - 1992-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
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A shocking and revealing look into the true story of the Iran-Contra Affair. This fully documented book exposes the conspiracy and incompetence of the government like never before. Gain new insights into how the government truly operates.
Charles Pierce
@Sifill_LDF Landslide is an important book that almost nobody read closely enough. Theodore Draper’s A Very Thin Line is another.      источник
Dark Towers book cover
Dark Towers
Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction
David Enrich - 2020-02-18
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"Dark Towers" is a jaw-dropping exposé of the scandalous history of Deutsche Bank, including its questionable ties to Donald Trump's business empire. Journalist David Enrich traces the bank's past from propping up default-prone developers in the 1880s to helping the Nazis build Auschwitz and laundering money for Russian oligarchs. The book uncovers the bank's unethical and illegal actions, including scamming investors, violating international sanctions, and defrauding regulators. But it's also a tale of a man who knew too much and his son's search for answers after his mysterious death.
Charles Pierce
I’m reading the Deutsche Bank book that @maddow is talking about now. It’s an amazing saga.      источник
Yashar AliBen Carlson
Hockey book cover
A Global History (Sport and Society)
Stephen Hardy - 2018-11-05
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Discover the global phenomenon of ice hockey in this monumental history of the sport. Follow the evolution of rules and equipment, the rise of on-ice stars and organizational visionaries, and the game's migration across international borders. From nationalist battlefronts to today's wide-reaching popularity, Hockey: A Global History by Stephen Hardy and Andrew C. Holman reveals how the coolest game in the world has changed the world.
Charles Pierce
@SlavaMalamud The hockey book is awesome      источник