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Dharmesh Shah

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Dharmesh Shah is co-founder and CTO of HubSpot. Prior to founding HubSpot in 2006, Dharmesh was founder and CEO of Pyramid Digital Solutions, which was acquired by SunGard Data Systems in 2005.
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Growth IQ book cover
Growth IQ
Get Smarter About the Choices that Will Make or Break Your Business
Tiffani Bova - 2018-08-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the ten simple paths to business growth with this Wall Street Journal bestselling book. Written by Tiffani Bova, a global expert in helping companies navigate a fast-changing business environment, Growth IQ showcases how successful growth strategies can be boiled down to picking the right combination of paths for your current context. Through fascinating, in-depth business stories, you'll learn how companies like Red Bull, Marvel, and Starbucks used customer base penetration, customer and product diversification, and customer experience paths to achieve their growth goals. Increase your business's performance by boosting your Growth IQ.
Dharmesh Shah
@Tiffani_Bova Wait, what? Can't believe you replied to my tweet. Fan of your work. Loved your book "Growth IQ". Lots of highlights on my Kindle. Thank you.      источник
That Will Never Work book cover
That Will Never Work
The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea
Marc Randolph - 2019-09-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the inside story of how a small idea turned into one of the world's most iconic companies with this captivating book. Follow co-founder and first CEO Marc Randolph as he shares the true tale of Netflix's journey from concept to triumph. Filled with counter-intuitive concepts and binge-worthy prose, this transformative journey answers some of our most fundamental questions about grit, gut instincts, and determination—a must-read for anyone who wants to change the world, no matter what obstacles they may face.
Dharmesh Shah
Really enjoying the book "That Will Never Work" from one of the founders of Netflix. Really insightful and interesting read on the life of an idea. By @mbrandolph Recommended:      источник
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