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Reed Hastings

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Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr. is an American billionaire businessman. He is the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Netflix, and serves on a number of boards and non-profit organizations.
4 книг в списке
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That Will Never Work book cover
That Will Never Work
The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea
Marc Randolph - 2019-09-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the inside story of how a small idea turned into one of the world's most iconic companies with this captivating book. Follow co-founder and first CEO Marc Randolph as he shares the true tale of Netflix's journey from concept to triumph. Filled with counter-intuitive concepts and binge-worthy prose, this transformative journey answers some of our most fundamental questions about grit, gut instincts, and determination—a must-read for anyone who wants to change the world, no matter what obstacles they may face.
Reed Hastings
Engaging and insightful.      источник
Dharmesh Shah
Tools and Weapons book cover
Tools and Weapons
The Promise and the Peril of the Digital Age
Brad Smith - 2019-09-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the future of technology with Microsoft's President as he delves into the challenges and responsibilities that come with digitization. From privacy to cybercrime and artificial intelligence, Brad Smith offers a thought-provoking analysis of the world's most crucial emerging issues. Hear firsthand how one of the world's largest tech companies is striving to balance innovation and responsibility in an ever-changing landscape. This engaging read is a must for anyone interested in the role of technology in shaping our world.
Reed Hastings
Coming from an industry driven by disruption, it’s refreshing to read the author’s call for the tech sector to assume more responsibility.      источник
Принципы book cover
Жизнь и работа
Ray Dalio - 2017-09-19
Рейтинг Goodreads
Жизненные и управленческие принципы Рэя Далио и история его детища, крупнейшего в мире хедж-фонда Bridgewater. Принципы, которые он формировал и использовал в течение сорока лет, добиваясь выдающихся результатов в жизни и бизнесе. И которые может использовать любой человек или компания для достижения своих целей. Рэй Далио не просто пересказывает свои принципы и свою историю в книге, он делится размышлениями, которые за ними стоят. Структура книги Первая часть - краткая биография Рэя Далио и история его детища, хедж-фонда Bridgewater, на фоне экономических перипетий начиная с 1970-х и по сей день. Вторая часть - принципы жизни Рэя. Третья часть - принципы работы, позволившие создать уникальную корпоративную культуру Bridgewater. Особенности Бестселлер #1 New York Times Книга № 6 на Амазоне среди всех разделов Для кого эта книга Для финансистов, руководителей, собственников бизнеса и вообще всех, кому интересны жизненные принципы Рэя Далио, основателя крупнейшего в мире хедж-фонда.
Reed Hastings
Had a profound positive impact on my leeadership style.      источник
Beyond Entrepreneurship book cover
Beyond Entrepreneurship
Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company
James Collins - 1995-09-21 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Build a long-lasting and high-performing company with the help of "Beyond Entrepreneurship." This motivational book offers practical advice and real-world examples from top industry leaders such as Nike and Wal-Mart. Discover how to sustain success and become a prominent leader in your field for generations to come.
Reed Hastings
For young CEO's I would say memorize the first 86 pages of Beyond Entrepreneurship. Someone gave it to me in '94 and I've read it every year since.      источник