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Erika Hall

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Erika Hall is the co-founder and Director of Strategy at Mule. She has advocated for the importance of evidence-based design and strong language since the late 20th century. This represents decades of fisticuffs. Her consulting practice focuses on helping organizations make better, more evidence-based decisions.
17 книг в списке
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A General Theory of Love book cover
A General Theory of Love
Thomas Lewis - 2001-01-09 (впервые опубликовано в 2000)
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Discover the latest scientific research on the complexities of love and its essential role in human well-being. A General Theory of Love tackles the difficult task of reconciling what artists and thinkers have known for thousands of years about the human heart with what has only recently been learned about the primitive functions of the human brain. Learn how relationships function, how parents shape their child's developing self, how psychotherapy really works, and how our society dangerously flouts essential emotional laws. This work of rare passion and eloquence will forever change the way you think about human intimacy.
Erika Hall
I recommend the book "A General Theory of Love" from which I learned how employers take advantage of the limbic system to get more love and loyalty than they offer. "Assuming mutuality where none exists is a mammal's grave and occasionally fatal error."      источник
Producing Politics book cover
Producing Politics
Inside the Exclusive Campaign World Where the Privileged Few Shape Politics for All of Us
Daniel Laurison - 2022-06-14
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Discover the hidden world of political campaign professionals that shapes American democracy in Producing Politics. Through interviews with key staff and consultants, sociologist Daniel Laurison unveils the outdated strategies, biases, and preconceived notions that polarize and alienate voters. This eye-opening book highlights the impact of national campaigns on the US democratic process and redefines our understanding of political candidates and the people who craft them.
Erika Hall
As we head into the finale of election season, I strongly recommend the @Daniel_Laurison book Producing Politics.      источник
When Strangers Meet book cover
When Strangers Meet
How People You Don't Know Can Transform You (TED Books)
Kio Stark - 2016-09-13
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Learn how talking to strangers can transform your life and our world in "When Strangers Meet," a captivating exploration by Kio Stark. In a world where we are increasingly isolated, this book celebrates the joys and unexpected beauty of striking up conversations with people we don't know. Stark weaves together moving personal anecdotes with insightful analysis of the dynamics of interactions between strangers, urging readers to break out of their routines and connect with new people. "When Strangers Meet" offers practical tips for starting conversations and includes fun challenges for those who want to take their social daring to the next level.
Erika Hall
If you would like to read a book that is *actually* about the benefits of talking to strangers. Get this one: (Kio also wrote the foreword to JER 2nd ed)      источник
The Elements of Choice book cover
The Elements of Choice
Why the Way We Decide Matters
Eric J. Johnson - 2021-10-12
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"Unlock the Inner Workings of Decision-Making with Comprehensive Guide. Discover the hidden factors that affect our choices with ‘The Elements of Choice’. This book offers a systematic guide to understanding effective choice architectures that can be applied to any situation. Delve into the mind-bending world of decision-making with the lead researcher’s in-depth insights, and explore how small elements can make a significant impact on our reasoning. As choice architects, create environments that enable better decision-making for ourselves and others. Ideal for students, professionals and anyone looking to make better choices. "
Erika Hall
Went down a choice architecture path this afternoon, as one does, and started reading @ProfEricJohnson's The Elements of Choice. Turns out it's a very practical interaction design book. So, if you're a designer, you should probably read it.      источник
Order without Design book cover
Order without Design
How Markets Shape Cities (The MIT Press)
Alain Bertaud - 2018-12-04
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This book argues that urban planning can greatly benefit by applying the tools of urban economics to the design of regulations and infrastructure. The author, a renowned urban planner with five decades of urban planning experience in forty cities worldwide, explains how markets provide the indispensable mechanism for cities' development, examines the spatial distribution of land prices and densities, stresses the importance of mobility and affordability, and critiques land use regulations that aim at redesigning existing cities instead of alleviating clear negative externalities. By linking cities' productivity to the size of their labor markets and discussing the new role joint teams of urban planners and economists can play, this book offers valuable insights for anyone interested in the welfare of urban citizens.
Erika Hall
Order Without Design (2018) is an interesting book. The fundamental premise is that a city is foremost a job market, and that market shapes the city. San Francisco's most pressing issue is that all those fancy jobs that started here no longer need to be done downtown.      источник
Leo Polovets
Биология добра и зла book cover
Биология добра и зла
Как наука объясняет наши поступки
Robert M. Sapolsky - 2017-05-02
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Как говорит знаменитый приматолог и нейробиолог Роберт Сапольски, если вы хотите понять поведение человека и природу хорошего или плохого поступка, вам придется разобраться буквально во всем — и в том, что происходило за секунду до него, и в том, что было миллионы лет назад. В книге автор поэтапно — можно сказать, в хронологическом разрезе — и очень подробно рассматривает огромное количество факторов, влияющих на наше поведение. Как работает наш мозг? За что отвечает миндалина, а за что нам стоит благодарить лобную кору? Что «ненавидит» островок? Почему у лондонских таксистов увеличен гиппокамп? Как связаны длины указательного и безымянного пальцев и количество внутриутробного тестостерона? Чем с точки зрения нейробиологии подростки отличаются от детей и взрослых? Бывают ли «чистые» альтруисты? В чем разница между прощением и примирением? Существует ли свобода воли? Как сложные социальные связи влияют на наше поведение и принятие решений? И это лишь малая часть вопросов, рассматриваемых в масштабной работе известного ученого.
Erika Hall
From Robert Sapolsky’s Behave, which I recommend. Categories have material consequences, but often arbitrary (or opportunistic, or political, etc) origins. He does a great job demolishing the nature/nurture dichotomy further in the book.      источник
The Future Is History book cover
The Future Is History
How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia
Masha Gessen - 2017-10-03
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The Future Is History dives deep into the recent history of Russia, chronicling the rise of a new strain of autocracy over a generation. Author and journalist Masha Gessen follows the lives of four people who were born with great promises of democracy and opportunity, but who were ultimately crushed by the regime's relentless persistence to maintain power. Gessen paints a powerful and urgent picture of a country on the brink of destruction, making this book a cautionary tale for all.
Erika Hall
I recommend reading all of Masha Gessen's stuff. There's a bit in The Future is History that explains how the lack of legitimate social science under the Soviet regime made it impossible to build democratic institutions after the fall.      источник
Roger Bennett
Trees in Paradise book cover
Trees in Paradise
A California History
Jared Farmer - 2013-10-28
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Explore the fascinating history of California's green landscape in Trees in Paradise. Discover how American settlers transformed the barren countryside into lush groves, wooded suburbs, and landscaped cities by planting millions of trees. From the blue-green eucalypts to the majestic coastal redwoods, these non-native trees brought both prosperity and decline to the state. Learn how the landscape proved to be no paradise but ultimately became a sustainable forest of second-growth redwoods. This insightful, character-rich narrative offers a new perspective on the history of the Golden State and the American West.
Erika Hall
This is a great book. The first chapter is giant sequoias, white supremacy, extractive capitalism, and spectacle. And a small colony of socialists.      источник
Research Practice book cover
Research Practice
Perspectives from UX researchers in a changing field
Gregg Bernstein - 2021-01-19
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This practical field guide delves into the day-to-day world of user research, offering insights from experienced practitioners on everything from getting started to expanding your practice. Rather than focusing on common methodologies, the book explores the challenges and triumphs of building awareness, navigating relationships, and taking ethical stands. Perfect for newcomers and those looking to grow their careers, this book offers invaluable advice on what a job in user research entails and where it can take you.
Erika Hall
Tell everyone to buy this book!      источник
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Невидимые женщины by Caroline Criado Perez
Design Is Storytelling by Ellen Lupton
Make It So by Nathan Shedroff
23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang
Implementing Value Pricing by Ronald J. Baker
Designing for the Digital Age by Kim Goodwin
Great Empresses and Queens Paper Dolls in Full Color by Tom Tierney