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Jake Parker

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Jake Parker is an American comics short-story creator, concept artist, illustrator, and animator. Parker worked as a set designer for Blue Sky Studios where he contributed to the animated films Horton Hears a Who, Rio and Epic.
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Weird Field World book cover
Weird Field World
Rob Turpin - 2020-01-01
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Jake Parker
I got a copy of this and I can confirm that this is a good sci-fi book. I'd hop on this if I were you:      источник
Mike Mignola book cover
Mike Mignola
The Quarantine Sketchbook
Mike Mignola - 2021-03-16
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Discover a new collection of original pencil sketches by legendary Hellboy creator, Mike Mignola. During quarantine, Mignola auctioned off these sketches online to raise money for José Andrés' World Central Kitchen. The sketches went viral and are now available in print for the first time, with all profits going to support the charity. This oversized hardcover collection features sketches of Hellboy, popular culture characters, macabre chess pieces, gothic vegetable creatures, strange vampires, and more. Don't miss your chance to own these unique and captivating sketches while supporting a worthy cause.
Jake Parker
@blambson @artofmmignola Absolutely love that book. What a great gift!      источник
Tuki book cover
Fight for Fire
Jeff Smith - 2021-10-01
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Journey back in time to 2 million years ago, when the ancient world was filled with spirits and powerful forces. Join three lost children and their mysterious guide Tuki as they search for the Motherherd of all Buffalo, risking their lives to navigate rival species, dangerous territory, and even tribal spirits and giants! In the dawn of humanity, evolution chose fire as its tool, but the Habiline hunt and kill anyone who dares use it. Will Tuki and the children survive their perilous journey?
Jake Parker
I got @jeffsmithsbone Tuki book! I love the landscape format so much. And this story’s setting is such neglected time period in fiction. Really enjoying it. Also…kind of refreshing to open a Kickstarter package and have there JUST be the book. Haha.      источник
Работа пером и тушью book cover
Работа пером и тушью
The Classic Book On Pen and Ink Techniques for Artists, Illustrators, Architects, and Designers
Arthur L. Guptill - 1997-08-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1976)
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Эта книга была написана много лет назад, но счастливо сохранила свою актуальность и привлекательность для специалистов (художников и архитекторов), а также (благодаря подробной трактовке всех вопросов - от простейших до самых сложных - и насыщенности иллюстрациями) для широкого круга читателей, пока что менее искушенных в выполнении изображений ручкой и тушью.
Jake Parker
@kyletwebster Great book, but man is it dense!      источник
Figure Drawing book cover
Figure Drawing
Design and Invention
Michael Hampton - 2009-08-31
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Learn figure drawing through a simplified understanding of surface anatomy with Figure Drawing: Design and Invention. This instructional book is perfect for both novice and experienced artists and emphasizes the creation of a skill set to be applied to other media. With practical usage in mind, it presents a cohesive working process for artists to follow.
Jake Parker
@LeoCosta75 The best book on learning anatomy that I've studied is "Figure Drawing: Design and Invention" by Michael Hampton:      источник
Сила привычки book cover
Сила привычки
Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Charles Duhigg - 2012-02-28
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Теперь вы точно узнаете, как изменить свои привычки, - как заставить себя меньше есть, ходить в спортзал, не курить, не раздражаться на близких, эффективно работать (что там еще у вас в списке?). Это не просто и не быстро. Но возможно. Чарлз Дахигг показывает, как образуется закостенелая привычка. Что именно в "привычке" заставляет вас поступать так, а не иначе. И что значит "иметь волю". Вы сможете отыскать "винтики" привычного для вас способа действий и подкрутить их - чтобы удержаться от привычной реакции, почувствовать себя хозяином над собой. А вы знали, как меняют привычку группы людей? Как, например, целую страну приучили чистить зубы? Или что формирование привычки в чем-то незначимом - ну, например, убирать постель по утрам - кардинально перестраивает образ жизни в целом. К бизнес-компаниям это, кстати, тоже относится. Привычка мешает, но привычка и спасает. Просто сегодня наука знает о привычках то, о чем полвека назад нельзя было даже и подумать. Невероятно практичная и умная книга.
Jake Parker
@Gromy16 same with the book on Habits.      источник
15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management book cover
15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
The Productivity Habits of 7 Billionaires, 13 Olympic Athletes, 29 Straight-A Students, and 239 Entrepreneurs
Kevin Kruse - 2015-10-09
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Increase your productivity by 5x or even 10x with the secrets of ultra-productive people! Discover the remarkable findings of a study by New York Times bestselling author Kevin Kruse as he reveals the habits of billionaires, Olympic athletes, and over 200 entrepreneurs. Learn how to cure procrastination, prioritize your tasks, conquer email overload, reduce stress, and manage your time like the pros. Plus, take a quiz to discover your Time Personality and get inspired with over 100 quotes on time management. Get ready to take control of your time and transform your life!
Jake Parker
@Gromy16 that book on time management was eye opening.      источник
Inkworks book cover
Darren Quach Sketchbook Vol. 01
Darren Quach - 2015-01-15 (впервые опубликовано в 2014)
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Explore the world of mech sketches in this visual journal by a top video game designer. Inkworks is a charming "artist sketchbook" filled with private and treasured drawings that offer insight into the techniques of concept design. Enjoy the delightful collection of mech sketches and appreciate the talent of the author.
Jake Parker
@PatrickBallest @cottonwood_arts I highly recommend Darren's book. It's incredible.      источник