12 книг в списке
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The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur
366 Daily Meditations to Feed Your Soul and Grow Your Business
This book offers entrepreneurs a much-needed guide for tapping into wisdom that is relevant to the entrepreneurial life. It features daily meditations and inspiring thoughts from notable American authors. The author, John Jantsch, draws from his successful coaching experience to guide readers towards trusting their ideas and overcoming everyday challenges. The book covers a range of topics including self-awareness, trust, creativity, resilience, failure, growth, freedom, love, integrity, and passion. It is a practical handbook for anyone seeking deeper meaning in their work and life.
Jeffrey Shaw
2019-11-12T19:30:31.000ZDiscover the power of fascination and how it can influence behavior in this updated and revised guide by award-winning consultant Sally Hogshead. With insights from neurobiology, psychology, and evolutionary anthropology, learn how to make your messages, ideas, and products irresistible to consumers in our limited time and attention culture. Structured around the seven languages of fascination, explore how triggers like power, passion, and prestige can make your offerings more successful. A must-read for anyone looking to capture an audience and drive behavior.
Jeffrey Shaw
2019-11-12T19:30:31.000ZAo revelar o segredo do seu sucesso ao jornalista Napoleon Hill, o multimilionário Andrew Carnegie serviu de inspiração a um dos maiores best sellers de todos os tempos. Pense e Fique Rico reúne os segredos de alguns dos homens mais influentes do século XX, como Henry Ford, Jonh D. Rockefeller ou George Eastman, o fundador da Kodak. A formula mágica que os conduziu ao sucesso encontra-se nos 15 capítulos de Pense e Fique Rico, um livro prático que transformou a vida de milhares de pessoas.
Conheça os três princípios básicos de Napoleon Hill:
> Qualquer sucesso começa com uma ideia
> Qualquer pensamento exige acção
> pense positivo e obterá resultados positivos
Jeffrey Shaw
2019-11-12T19:30:31.000ZDiscover a 7-step plan for living a life filled with hope and possibility in this inspiring account of triumph over tragedy. Surviving a near-fatal fire at the age of nine, the author reflects on his journey to recovery and the life-giving choices made along the way. Through O'Leary's emotional honesty, On Fire encourages us to seize the power to choose our path and transform our lives from mundane to extraordinary, embracing the smaller opportunities that can have a profound impact on ourselves and others.
Jeffrey Shaw
2019-11-12T19:30:31.000ZExplore how creative genius is linked to specific places and times with this witty and insightful book. Travel the world from Athens to Silicon Valley, and back through history, to discover settings that promote ingenuity. Follow the paths of geniuses like Michelangelo and Socrates to see if the spirit that inspired them still lingers in these places. Learn how culture plays a crucial role in nurturing creativity, and discover practical tips to become more inventive. This New York Times bestselling book is an intellectual odyssey, traveler's diary, and thrilling romp all rolled into one.
Jeffrey Shaw
Derek SiversDiscover the key to standing out in a crowded market with "Louder than Words" by Todd Henry. Learn how to find your unique voice and package your message in a compelling way. Through exercises, strategies, and real stories, you'll develop the five attributes of resonant work: authenticity, uniqueness, consonance, empathy, and timing. This audiobook will guide you towards building a body of work that deeply resonates and achieves lasting impact.
Jeffrey Shaw
Человеку свойственно продавать
Удивительная правда о том, как побуждать других к действию
"Человеку свойственно продавать" представляет собой философское переосмысление привычного отношения к продажам через рассмотрение этого понятия в максимально развернутом контексте. По мнению Дэниела Пинка, несмотря на то, что технологии интернет-шопинга не оставили камня на камне от профессии коммивояжера и представляют реальную угрозу для работы продавцов-консультантов розничных магазинов, глобальная картина остается неизменной: ежедневно более 15 млн человек по всему миру зарабатывают на жизнь, убеждая других совершить тот или иной шаг с целью обмена "того, что есть у них на то, что есть у вас".
Прочитав книгу Дэниела Пинка "Человеку свойственно продавать", вы научитесь эффективно побуждать окружающих к действию, а также узнаете, почему желание и способность продавать (в самом широком смысле слова) - неотъемлемое свойство человеческой натуры.
Jeffrey Shaw
Andrew Gazdecki
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History
Learn marketing strategies from the pioneers of unconventional marketing, The Grateful Dead. This book shares how the band broke the rules of the music industry by cultivating an active community, creating a unique lifestyle, and giving away content. Written by marketing experts and lifelong Deadheads David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead provides insights into how you can apply principles of social media and inbound marketing to your business to create passionate loyalty and long-term success.
Jeffrey Shaw
Hiten Shah"The Brain Audit" explores how customers make decisions and what causes confusion in the decision-making process. This book shows you how to provide the necessary information to customers so they can make informed decisions and feel happy to buy from you. It doesn't rely on persuasion or mind tricks, but rather presents the "seven bags" required for a customer to make a decision in the right sequence. Learn how to get customers to buy without pressure tactics.
Jeffrey Shaw
2019-11-12T19:30:31.000ZChange or Die by Alan Deutschman
Сказать жизни "Да!" by Viktor E. Frankl
Война за креатив by Steven Pressfield