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Michael McKean

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Michael John McKean is an American actor, comedian, and musician known for various roles in film and telelvision such as Lenny Kosnowski in Laverne & Shirley, David St. Hubbins in This is Spinal Tap, and Chuck McGill on Better Call Saul.
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Winesburg, Ohio book cover
Winesburg, Ohio
Sherwood Anderson - 1999-11-11 (впервые опубликовано в 1919)
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Explore the enigmatic lives of the eccentric residents of a small town in this gripping read. Discover the dark secrets of Wing Biddlebaum in "Hands" and follow the impulsive behavior of Alice Hindman in "Adventure". Get lost in the mesmerizing stories of the townspeople through the eyes of young newspaper reporter, George Willard. Experience the unsettling realities of isolation and despair in this poignant and thought-provoking novel.
Michael McKean
The prologue in this book is one of the finest pieces about memory and creativity you’ll ever read. All told, a beautiful work.      источник
The Good Old Days–-They Were Terrible! book cover
The Good Old Days–-They Were Terrible!
Otto L. Bettmann - 1974-10-12
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Explore humanity's state of being in the era after the Civil War with this insightful book. The author takes a unique approach and encourages readers to confront the past without nostalgia. He systematically covers every aspect of life with informative commentary, enhanced by stunning artwork and engravings from newspapers of the time. With a collection of over 3 million prints and photographs, the author is known as one of the most prominent graphic historians of our time.
Michael McKean
I loved this book. My first time hearing about NY's Five Points, with copious quotes from GANGS OF NEW YORK.      источник
The Americans book cover
The Americans
Robert Frank - 1998-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1958)
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A stunning collection of photographs taken by Robert Frank during his travels across the United States in 1955 and 1956. These images offer a powerful and poignant snapshot of America during this time, depicting both hope and despair, beauty and tension. Frank's understanding of Americans' love for cars is particularly evident throughout the book. This volume features more than 80 photographs, each with its own page and limited caption information at the back, providing an intimate look at the images. Jack Kerouac's original introduction adds a complementary narrative dimension to Frank's stunning imagery.
Michael McKean
@ManuelRoyalATL His book, The Americans, is such great work.      источник
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The book cover
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The
James Thurber - 2008-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1939)
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Follow the secret daydreams of Walter Mitty, an ordinary middle-aged man searching for excitement and adventure in his mundane life. Laugh along with James Thurber's collection of brilliant, witty, and humorous stories including The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
Michael McKean
This book is phenomenally prescient. It should be read in tandem with Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here, with Thurber’s short story, “The Greatest Man in the World” as a palate cleanser.      источник
У нас это невозможно book cover
У нас это невозможно
Sinclair Lewis - 2005-10-04 (впервые опубликовано в 1935)
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В романе «У нас это невозможно» (1935) известный американский писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии Синклер Льюис (1885—1951) обличает фашизм. Ситуация вымышленная, но близкая к реальной жизни США в 1930-е годы: что могло бы произойти, если бы к власти пришли фашисты.
Michael McKean
This book is phenomenally prescient. It should be read in tandem with Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here, with Thurber’s short story, “The Greatest Man in the World” as a palate cleanser.      источник
Daniel Pink
Мир, полный демонов book cover
Мир, полный демонов
Наука — как свеча во тьме
Carl Sagan - 1997-02-25 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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"Мир, полный демонов" — последняя книга Карла Сагана, астронома, астрофизика и выдающегося популяризатора науки, вышедшая уже после его смерти. Эта книга, посвященная одной из его любимых тем — человеческому разуму и борьбе с псевдонаучной глупостью, — своего рода итог всей его работы. Мифы об Атлантиде и Лемурии, лица на Марсе и встречи с инопланетянами, магия и реинкарнация, ясновидение и снежный человек, креационизм и астрология — Саган последовательно и беспощадно разоблачает мифы, созданные невежеством, страхом и корыстью. Эта книга — манифест скептика, учебник здравого смысла и научного метода. Яркий, глубоко личный текст — не только битва с псевдонаукой, но и удивительная картина становления научного мировоззрения, величайших открытий и подвижников. Наука для Сагана — чистая радость, она удивительна сама по себе. Взять хотя бы несколько фактов: вся информация о человеке содержится в каждой клетке тела; квазары находятся так далеко, что их свет начал излучаться по направлению к Земле еще до того, как она сформировалась; все люди — родственники и происходят от одних и тех же предков, обитавших несколько миллионов лет назад. Наука открывает беспрецедентные возможности, и человечеству давно нет нужды придумывать себе идолов и позволять манипулировать собой.
Michael McKean
This book is phenomenally prescient. It should be read in tandem with Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here, with Thurber’s short story, “The Greatest Man in the World” as a palate cleanser.      источник
Ian Dury book cover
Ian Dury
The Definitive Biography
Will Birch - 2000-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2010)
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Discover the story of a punk icon with a poetic soul. This book delves into the life of Ian Dury, lead singer of The Blockheads and creator of hits like 'What a Waste' and 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick'. Despite his success, Ian faced numerous struggles due to his childhood polio. The author's firsthand interviews with Ian, along with insights from over sixty close associates, give a comprehensive and compelling view of this complex artist.
Michael McKean
@MonikerTommy Cool. I love Will's Ian Dury book.      источник
Born Standing Up book cover
Born Standing Up
A Comic's Life
Steve Martin - 2007-11-20
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This memoir tells the story of Steve Martin's rise to fame as a stand-up comedian in the mid-seventies, ultimately becoming the biggest concert draw in history by 1978. It's a candid and spectacularly amusing account of the sacrifices, discipline, and originality that made Martin an icon, informed by his experiences at Disneyland, the Bird Cage Theatre and Knott's Berry Farm. He also provides a portrait of the era of free love and protests against the Vietnam War, and the transformative new voice of Saturday Night Live in the seventies. Completing the memoir are photographs never seen before. Born Standing Up is a superb testament to one of the greatest and most iconoclastic comedians of all time.
Michael McKean
@CaitlinPacific @stevemartin Best book on stand up ever. Plus: delicious shade thrown on the late John Frankenheimer.      источник