15 книг в списке
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The Kitchen Pantry Scientist Physics for Kids
Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome Physicists, Past and Present; with 25 ... (Volume 3) (The Kitchen Pantry Scientist, 3)
"Physics for Kids" is an engaging guide to inspiring young physicists and memorable experiments. Explore the work of 25 famous physicists, from ancient history through today, and discover the science behind paper airplanes, water rockets, atmospheric pressure, and more. Each lab tells the illustrated story of a scientist and their work, with a fun experiment to try at home. From Galileo to Hawking, this book is perfect for introducing physics concepts to curious minds. Part of The Kitchen Pantry Scientist series, don't miss out on the chance to discover even more science history with Chemistry, Biology, Math, and Ecology for Kids.
Raychelle Burks
The Kitchen Pantry Scientist Biology for Kids
Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome Biologists, Past and Present; with 25 ... (Volume 2) (The Kitchen Pantry Scientist, 2)
Explore the world of biology with the second book in The Kitchen Pantry Scientist series, Biology for Kids. Learn about important scientists like John Snow and Ernest Everett Just, while conducting fun and educational experiments. Discover concepts like natural selection, evolution, and germ theory through hands-on activities that range from simple to more complex. This engaging guide is perfect for aspiring young biologists and offers a snapshot of 25 inspiring scientists who have shaped the field of biology. Inspire the next generation of scientists with this fascinating exploration of biology.
Raychelle Burks
The Kitchen Pantry Scientist
Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome Chemists, Past and Present; with 25 ... (Volume 1) (The Kitchen Pantry Scientist, 1)
Explore the exciting world of chemistry with The Kitchen Pantry Scientist's Guides series. This debut book, Chemistry for Kids, features 25 amazing scientists who have made significant contributions to the field over thousands of years, from ancient times to modern day. Each lab is paired with the story of a scientist, the importance of their work and real-world applications. Hands-on experiments range from simple projects using household materials, to more complex experiments that can be done with a few inexpensive items. Discover how to replicate a chemical reaction used by Marie Curie, distill perfume using an ancient Mesopotamian method and more. Ignite a passion for science in the next generation of great scientists with this engaging guide.
Raychelle Burks
2022-03-04T17:10:28.000ZExplore the dark and dangerous world of nineteenth-century surgery with The Butchering Art. Follow the development of surgery through early operating theaters and learn about the brutal methods used by surgeons before anesthesia. Discover how a young Quaker surgeon named Joseph Lister changed the course of history by discovering the source of all infection: germs. Lindsey Fitzharris recounts Lister's discoveries in gripping detail, while introducing the brilliant and criminal figures of the time. This eerie and illuminating work celebrates the triumph of science and medicine in delivering us into the modern world.
Raychelle Burks
Ed Yong
Examining Tuskegee
The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy (The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture)
This book delves into the forty-year Tuskegee Syphilis Study, a notorious example of medical racism and government malfeasance. The study, which took place in Tuskegee, Alabama, involved untreated syphilis among African American men, who were misled about their treatment. The author, Susan M. Reverby, analyzes the study and its lasting impact on our collective memory. With a rigorous and clear approach, she explores the study from multiple perspectives in this comprehensive examination.
Raychelle Burks
2015-04-05T13:54:08.000ZDiscover the fundamental concepts of physical sciences through examples from the hit TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. The Physics of the Buffyverse explores the melding of magic and science in the weird and wonderful world of the Buffyverse, making complex theories of biology, chemistry, and theoretical physics easy to understand. From vampires to black holes, this book is serious science made palatable for the rest of us.
Raychelle Burks
2015-04-05T13:54:08.000ZDiscover the awe-inspiring tale of a Renaissance genius who revolutionized the field of architecture through his immense dedication and ingenuity. Follow Filippo Brunelleschi, a goldsmith and clock maker turned master builder, as he defies nature's forces to construct an architectural wonder of over seventy million pounds. Through wars, plagues, and political turmoil of Renaissance Florence, author Ross King weaves an enthralling story of Brunelleschi's intense commitment to ingeniously solve the puzzles of the dome's construction, forever changing the field of architecture.
Raychelle Burks
2015-04-05T13:54:08.000ZЭта книга - история цифры 0, одного из самых необычных изобретений человечества. Споры вокруг этого невинного с виду круглого значка потрясали самые основы науки и религии, не раз приводили к войнам. Легендарные мыслители, от Пифагора до Эйнштейна, пытались разгадать тайну ноля. Древние календари и последние достижения астрофизики, вавилонские глиняные таблички и поиски "теории всего" - обо всем этом в книге НОЛЬ. БИОГРАФИЯ ОПАСНОЙ ИДЕИ.
Это книга для каждого, кого интересует история математики и культуры, передовые идеи современной науки.
Raychelle Burks
Bryan JohnsonВремя действия - 1933 год. Место действия - Берлин. Уильям И.Додд только что получил назначение на пост первого посла Америки в Германии и вот-вот станет свидетелем переломного момента в истории. Додд привозит в Берлин своих домочадцев, в том числе восторженную дочь Марту. Она крутит романы и с главой гестапо Рудольфом Дильсом, и с тайным агентом НКВД Борисом Виноградовым, и с представителями местной богемы. Жизнь семьи Додд полна интриг и романтики, но вместе с тем ужаса -гитлеровскую Германию накрыла волна насилия и убийств.
В книге блестяще передана леденящая атмосфера эпохи, наблюдаемой глазами очевидцев, приведены подробнейшие портреты самых отвратительных деятелей нацистского режима - от экстравагантного Геринга до неожиданно очаровательного, однако глубоко порочного Геббельса.
Вооружившись результатами интереснейших исследований, Эрик Ларсон рассказывает захватывающую историю о том, почему мир не сумел распознать в Гитлере смертельную угрозу до тех пор, пока Берлин и вся Европа не были утоплены в крови.
Эрик Ларсон — журналист, лауреат множества премий, автор книг на исторические темы. Среди его работ стоит упомянуть такие, как "Буря Исаака", "Гром небесный" и бестселлер "Дьявол в белом городе", получивший премию Эдгара По и вошедший в шорт-лист премии "Золотой кинжал" за лучшее произведение нон-фикшн, присуждаемой Ассоциацией детективных писателей.
Raychelle Burks
2015-04-05T13:47:19.000ZThunderstruck by Erik Larson
Blood Work by Holly Tucker
The Poisoner's Handbook by Deborah Blum
Longitude by Dava Sobel
Дьявол в Белом городе by Erik Larson
Дочь Галилея by Dava Sobel