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Tom Critchlow

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Tom Critchlow is an independent strategy consultant working at the intersection of media, technology and art. Critchlow's consulting work focuses on strategic media design and he has recently worked with clients such as The New York Times, Mashable and Gartner.
10 книг в списке
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The Dark Dark book cover
The Dark Dark
Samantha Hunt - 2017-07-18
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The acclaimed novelist Samantha Hunt’s first collection of stories blends the literary and the fantastic and brings us characters on the verge—girls turning into women, women turning into deer, people doubling or becoming ghosts, and more...
Tom Critchlow
The dark dark is a magnificent book:      источник
Popisho book cover
Leone Ross - 2021-04-20
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Popisho is an uproarious and sensual novel that conjures a world where magic is everywhere, food is fate, politics are broken, and love awaits. Set in the stunningly beautiful and mischievous archipelago of Popisho, the macaenus of the generation must create a perfect meal for all of the residents. Meanwhile, the governor's daughter is demanding a feast for her wedding, and hard questions are being asked from an unknown source. This wildly imaginative narrative takes readers on a journey through the islands and the lives of unforgettable characters, all while exploring themes of desire, addiction, corruption, and colonialism. With lyrical, rhythmic writing and a blend of languages, Popisho is a dazzling and major work of fiction.
Tom Critchlow
Just finished Popisho last night. What a magical book! Raw and juicy and colorful. A magical riot but tender as well. Definitely recommended.      источник
Impro book cover
Improvisation and the Theatre
Keith Johnstone - 1987-01-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
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Unlock your improvisation skills with this classic book by Keith Johnstone. Originally published in 1987, the book focuses on the art of improvisation, exploring the subjects of spontaneity, storytelling, and creativity. Get ready to challenge your notions and unleash your creativity in this must-read for anyone interested in improvisation.
Tom Critchlow
@wilreynolds I'd recommend reading Impro by Keith Johnstone for more on coaching and teaching people to say "yes"!      источник
Stewart BrandLaszlo Bock
The Field Study Handbook book cover
The Field Study Handbook
Jan Chipchase - 2017-01-01
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"The Field Study Handbook" is a must-read for anyone interested in running international field research to inform and inspire their work. This guide covers everything from product development to communications strategy and has been called the "canonical classic reference for cross-cultural research" by author Kevin Kelly. With its crisp design and typography, this book is a timeless and elegant resource for any professional seeking to broaden their cultural knowledge and improve their work.
Tom Critchlow
@nickcammarata Godel escher bach is pretty beautiful. IIRC douglass learned typesetting manually to lay out the book just as he wanted it. More recently - this is a wonderful book      источник
Гёдель, Эшер, Бах book cover
Гёдель, Эшер, Бах
Эта бесконечная гирлянда
Douglas R. Hofstadter - 1999-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
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Не часто приходится держать в руках книгу, которая открывает новые миры, в которой сочетаются глубина мысли и блестящая языковая игра; книгу, которой удалось совместить ничем на первый взгляд не связанные сложные области знания. "Гедель, Эшер, Бах" - такая книга. Выдающийся американский ученый изобретает остроумные диалоги, обращается к знаменитым парадоксам пространства и времени, находит параллели между картинами Эшера, музыкой Баха и такими разными дисциплинами, как физика, математика, логика, биология, нейрофизиология, психология и дзенбуддизм. Автор размышляет над одной из величайших тайн современной науки: каким образом человеческое мышление пытается постичь самое себя. Хофштадтер приглашает в мир человеческого духа и `думающих` машин. Это путешествие тесно связано с классическими парадоксами, с революционными открытиями математика Курта Геделя, а также с возможностями языка, математических систем, компьютерных программ и предметного мира говорить о самих себе с помощью бесконечных отражений. Начав читать эту книгу, вы попадете в волшебные миры, отправитесь в путешествие, изобилующее увлекательными приключениями, путешествие, после которого вы по-иному взглянете на мир и на самого себя. Переведенная на 17 языков, книга потрясла мировое интеллектуальное сообщество и сразу стала бестселлером. Теперь и русский читатель получил доступ к одной из культовых книг XX века.
Tom Critchlow
@nickcammarata Godel escher bach is pretty beautiful. IIRC douglass learned typesetting manually to lay out the book just as he wanted it. More recently - this is a wonderful book      источник
Working Identity book cover
Working Identity
Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career
Herminia Ibarra - 2004-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2002)
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Discover a new model for career reinvention with Working Identity. Through engrossing stories of successful career changers, Herminia Ibarra outlines ways to experiment with new professional activities, interact in new networks of people, and make sense of emerging possibilities. Craft and execute "identity experiments," create "small wins," and connect with role models and mentors to ease your transition. A call to the dreamer in each of us, Working Identity explores the process for crafting a more fulfilling future.
Tom Critchlow
@nick_dewilde @expertlypaul Love that book (reccd to me by @vaughn_tan!). The internet is an incredible platform for iterating on your network, identity and career      источник
Danielle Morrill
Ученик убийцы book cover
Ученик убийцы
Robin Hobb - 1996-03-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1995)
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Фитц, герой романа, - незаконнорожденный сын наследного принца. Воспитанный слугами, он вырос в темных коридорах королевского замка, не зная ни почета, ни славы. Его ждала дорога убийцы, верно и преданно исполняющего приказы своего сюзерена…
Tom Critchlow
Think I'm still coming to terms with how deeply this book (and series) affected me. My fave fantasy series of all time. And here I am 20 years later writing about the fool..      источник
Dark Matter and Trojan Horses book cover
Dark Matter and Trojan Horses
A Strategic Design Vocabulary
Dan Hill - 2012-05-22
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Discover a new vocabulary of design in this transformative book. Explore the concept of "dark matter" and how it affects the often-political world of design. Author Dan Hill asserts that successful design requires navigating these murky waters, and he provides the tools to do so. Learn how to smuggle this knowledge into positions of power and make a difference in the field.
Tom Critchlow
@RobertHaisfield @jordanmoore Well I think the first thing is recognizing that solution thinking in inherently flawed. This book and Helsinki Design Lab stuff helped me see systems as complex things hard to diagnose and change:      источник
A Wicked Pack Of Cards book cover
A Wicked Pack Of Cards
a book of unusual business spells (Volume)
Marcus John Henry Brown - 2020-01-30
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A captivating poem, A Wicked Pack Of Cards, blends old stories and traditions with digital fantasies and strategies of the commercial world, creating a post-apocalyptic world where business consultants discover paganism and sorcery. The poem is made up of thirteen cards and a riddle, each one a spell - a business spell that will take you down the dark back-alleyways of burnout, depression, and imposter syndrome. But read carefully, and it will eventually deliver you into the light of optimism and the most powerful spell of all: true love.
Tom Critchlow
This is a magical little book. Bewitching and powerful in it's influence.      источник
Satin Island by Tom McCarthy