Los mejores libros de control de la ira
Domina el arte de la tranquilidad con estos libros clave de control de la ira, respaldados por reconocidos expertos en psicología y autoayuda. El proceso de selección destaca los libros más recomendados para transformar la ira en un cambio positivo.

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La base de todas las enseñanzas de Buda consiste en que la infelicidad humana se asienta fundamentalmente en tres elementos: la ignorancia, el apego y la ira. Y, de hecho, la ira, como ha demostrado la ciencia veinticinco siglos después, puede causar graves daños psíquicos y físicos. Sin embargo, no sólo podemos dominarla, sino incluso convertirla en una fuerza positiva, para lo cual disponemos de las herramientas necesarias en nuestro interior. Sólo tenemos que quererlo.
Presentado en 15 artículos

Una vaca se estacionó en mi lugar
A Zen Approach to Overcoming Anger
Road rage. Domestic violence. Professionally angry TV and radio commentators. We're a society that is swimming in anger, always about to snap. Leonard Scheff, a trial attorney, once used anger to fuel his court persona, until he came to realize just how poisonous anger is. That and his intense study of Buddhism and meditation changed him. His transformation can be summarized in a simple parable: Imagine you are circling a crowded parking lot when, just as you spot a space, another driver races ahead and takes it. Easy to imagine the rage. But now imagine that instead of another driver, a cow has lumbered into that parking space and settled down. The anger dissolves into bemusement. What really changed? You-your perspective.Using simple Buddhist principles and applying them in a way that is easy for non-Buddhists to understand and put into practice, Scheff has created an interactive book that helps readers change perspective, step by step, so that they can replace the anger in their lives with a newfound happiness. Based on the successful anger management program Scheff created, The Cow in the Parking Lot shows how anger is based on unmet demands, and introduces the four most common types-Important and Reasonable (you want love from your partner); Reasonable but Unimportant (you didn't get that seat in the restaurant window); Irrational (you want respect from a stranger); and the Impossible (you want someone to fix everything wrong in your life).Scheff shows how, once we identify our real unmet demands we can dissolve the anger; how, once we understand our "buttons," we can change what happens when they're pushed. He shows how to laugh at ourselves-a powerful early step in changing angry behavior. By the end, as the reader continues to observe and fill in the exercises honestly, it won't matter who takes that parking space-only you can make yourself angry.
Presentado en 15 artículos

Controla tus emociones
A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Explosive Anger
The June 2006 edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry reported that some 7 percent of American adults-as many as 16 million individuals-may suffer from a problem called intermittent explosive disorder (IED) at some time during their lives. This disorder involves episodes of rage so intense that relationships, jobs, property, and even lives can be lost in a single outburst. IED sufferers often report that they even lose conscious awareness of their behavior during these episodes. Obviously, anyone who is stricken with diagnosable IED or even subclincial fits of rage needs help, and they need it as soon as possible. This book, from renowned anger expert Ronald Potter-Efron, offers exactly that.
Unique in its genre, this much-needed book breaks down rage generally into three types: survival, impotent, and abandonment or rejection rage. In the first type, the angry individual's behavior is triggered by a sense of danger or threat; in the second, by a feeling of helplessness; and the third type is triggered by a fear of losing a cherished relationship. After a brief discussion the brain and how it functions during moments of extreme emotion, the book turns to the task of putting rage in check. In classic Potter-Efron style, the book places the responsibility for control squarely on the shoulders of the angry individual. There is no room in this dangerous situation for "whys" and "becauses." Instead, you get no-nonsense approach to getting rage under control once and for all.
Presentado en 12 artículos
"Anger is a signal and one worth listening to," writes Dr. Harriet Lerner, in her renowned classic that has transformed the lives of millions of readers. While anger deserves our attention and respect, women still learn to silence our anger, to deny it entirely, or to vent it in a way that leaves us feeling helpless and powerless. In this engaging and eminently wise book, Dr. Lerner teaches women to identify the true sources of our anger and to use anger as a powerful vehicle for creating lasting change.
Presentado en 10 artículos

The Anger Trap
Free Yourself from the Frustrations that Sabotage Your Life
Discover how unrecognized and unresolved pain from the past can manifest as anger and negatively impact personal relationships and emotional health. In The Anger Trap, Dr. Les Carter debunk myths about anger and presents practical techniques to help you break destructive cycles and free yourself from hidden insecurities, fears, and selfishness. Drawing from spiritual wisdom and cutting-edge research, this landmark book offers real-life examples of how you can choose a better, more enlightened path towards healthier relationships and a happier life.
Presentado en 9 artículos
Through simple language, a young rabbit tells stories about the things that make her angry and the positive ways in which she deals with her emotions. The situations are realistic and will strike a familiar chord with most children-being ridiculed on the playground, having to stop a favorite activity to do a chore, and not being able to get a drawing right.
Presentado en 8 artículos

Letting Go of Anger
The Eleven Most Common Anger Styles And What to Do About Them
Letting Go of Anger: A Guide to Healthy Anger Expression examines the most common anger styles and helps readers learn how to communicate their anger in healthy ways. This book teaches readers which anger styles are appropriate for different situations and which lead to certain disaster. By understanding a range of anger styles, readers will be able to better manage their angry feelings and use their anger as a positive force for building a better life.
Presentado en 8 artículos

What to Do When Your Temper Flares
A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Problems With Anger (What-to-Do Guides for Kids)
Helping kids control their anger is the focus of this interactive self-help book, which includes engaging examples, lively illustrations, and step-by-step instructions to teach children how to cool their angry thoughts and actions. Aimed at ages 9-12, it's part of a series of what-to-do guides for kids and is an excellent resource for parents and caregivers looking to educate and motivate their children. Mom's Choice Award for Self Improvement (Ages 9-12) Young Voices Award, Children's Interactive (Bronze).
Presentado en 7 artículos

The Anger Management Workbook for Women
A 5-Step Guide to Managing Your Emotions and Breaking the Cycle of Anger
Learn to control your anger and live a happier life with this workbook especially designed for women. Clinical social worker Julie Catalano provides a 5-step action plan that helps you understand the source of your anger, release guilt resulting from negative behavior, and learn practical techniques for managing your anger now and in the future. The book includes real stories of women who overcame their anger issues, up-to-date research on how anger occurs in women's brains and bodies, and interactive exercises for assessing negative behavior patterns. Take control and feel empowered with this guidance, tools, and support.
Presentado en 7 artículos
Reconocido autor y experto en relaciones humanas, el Dr. Gary Chapman nos ofrece utiles -y a veces sorprendentes- perspectivas de por que usted se enoja, que puede hacer al respecto y como usarlo de una manera constructiva. Incluye una guia de 13 sesiones para fomentar el debate, perfecta para grupos pequenos. Best-selling author and relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman offers helpful-and sometimes surprising-insights on why we get angry, what we can do about it, and how we can use anger for good. Also included is a thirteen-session discussion guide that's perfect for small groups, workplace studies, and book clubs.
Presentado en 6 artículos
Anger Management Workbook for Men by Aaron Karmin Lcpc
When Miles Got Mad by Sam Kurtzman-Counter
Cuando Sofia Se Enoja, Se Enoja de Veras by Molly Bang
¡Maldita sea! (Fuera de colección) by Thomas Harbin
Angry Octopus by Lori Lite
Mindfulness for Anger Management by Stephen Dansiger Mft
Anger Management For Dummies by Charles H. Elliott
Como Controlar el Mal Genio by Ronald T. Potter-Efron
El sorprendente propósito de la rabia by Marshall Rosenberg
Cómo quitar el Grrrr al enfado by Elizabeth Verdick
¿Por qué se comporta así? Comprender la mente del hombre controlador y agresivo (Divulgación) by Lundy Bancroft
Cool Down and Work Through Anger / Cálmate y superar la ira (Learning to Get Along®) by Cheri J. Meiners M. Ed.
The Anger Workbook by Les Carter, Frank Minirth
A Volcano in My Tummy by Eliane Whitehouse
Angry Octopus Color Me Happy, Color Me Calm by Lori Lite
Mouse Was Mad by Linda Urban
Anger by Carol Tavris
Healing the Angry Brain by Ronald Potter-Efron Msw
Seeing Red by Jennifer Simmonds
Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney
Comienza donde estás by Pema Chodron
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Laura Markham
Hands Are Not for Hitting / Las manos no son para pegar Board Book (Best Behavior®) by Marieka Martine, Heinlen Agassi
The Angry Dragon by Michael Gordon
Coping Skills for Kids Workbook by Janine Halloran
Hands Are Not for Hitting / Las Manos No Son Para Pegar (Best Behavior®) by Martine Agassi
I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad by Lawrence E. Shapiro
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo by Rachel Vail
Zach Gets Frustrated by William Mulcahy
The Anger Workbook for Women by Laura J. Petracek
La inteligencia emocional by Daniel Goleman
Controlar la ira by Raymond Chip Tafrate
Vergüenza by Ronald Potter-Efron
I'm Mad by Elizabeth Crary
Anger Management by Howard Kassinove
The Emotional Affair by Ronald Potter-Efron Msw
Stop the Anger Now by Ronald Potter-Efron Msw
Ravi's Roar by Tom Percival
Mad Isn't Bad by Mundy Michaelene
I Hate Everything! by Sue Graves
Thirty-Minute Therapy for Anger by Ronald Potter-Efron Msw
Deschinga Tu Cerebro by Faith Harper Lpc-S Acs Acn
Going Off by Noreen Msw Palmer Ma