Ramachandra Guha

Madhu Kishwar
Chair Professor in the Indian Council of Social Science Research

William Dalrymple

Michael Beschloss

Heather Cox Richardson

Rutger Bregman

Yuval Noah Harari

Max Boot

Dan Snow

Ibram X. Kendi

Lucy Worsley

Niall Ferguson

Albert Mohler
President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Tom Holland

Diane Ravitch

Simon Schama

Henry Louis Gates Jr

Greg Jenner

Suzannah Lipscomb

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Brendan Nyhan

Adam Tooze

Walter Isaacson
President of the Aspen Institute

Joanne Freeman

Angus Johnston

Juan Cole

Deborah Harkness

Scot McKnight

Scot McKnight

Frank McDonough

Matthew Ward

Sarah Bond

Mark Pitcavage

Anirban Ganguly

Simon Sebag Montefiore

Caitlin Green

Alex Wellerstein
Creator of NUKEMAP

Samuel Moyn

Eric Rauchway

Mary L. Dudziak