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Jerry Coyne

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Jerry Allen Coyne is an American biologist known for his work on speciation and his commentary on intelligent design. A prolific scientist and author, he has published numerous papers elucidating the theory of evolution.
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As Gods book cover
As Gods
A Moral History of the Genetic Age
Matthew Cobb - 2022-11-15
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Explore the thrilling and terrifying history of genetic engineering with this awe-inspiring and chilling book. As Gods by Matthew Cobb delves into the power of targeting the extinction of pests, altering our own genes, and creating dangerous new versions of diseases. Discover why geneticists have temporarily halted their experiments four times in the last fifty years, and why this revolutionary technology is far too important to be left solely in the hands of scientists. This thought-provoking read asks the question: should we trust them to keep their ingenuity from producing a hellish reality?
Jerry Coyne
This is an excellent book (I know because I read an early draft and made comments), and the NYT, like Science and the WSJ, gave it a stellar review. It deserves it. Buy it, and maybe Matthew will buy me a few beers.      fuente
Life's Greatest Secret book cover
Life's Greatest Secret
The Race to Crack the Genetic Code
Matthew Cobb - 2015-07-07
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Explore the fascinating history of molecular biology and the race to crack the genetic code in Life's Greatest Secret. Follow the journey of mathematician Norbert Wiener, physicist Erwin Schrödinger, information theorist Claude Shannon, and biologists Jacques Monod and Marshall Nirenberg as they struggle to find answers to questions they didn't know they had. Discover how each discovery propelled our understanding of the natural world forward and showed us just how much more we have yet to learn. Ultimately, this is a story of humans exploring what it is that makes us human.
Jerry Coyne
A nice article by Matthew showing how scientists found that the genetic code was a triplet code and details how it was decoded. If you want to go deeper, I highly recommend his book (written for the curious layperson), "Life's Greatest Secret: The Race to Crack the Genetic Code."      fuente
Kindly Inquisitors book cover
Kindly Inquisitors
The New Attacks on Free Thought, Expanded Edition
Jonathan Rauch - 1995-04-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1993)
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Explore the complex issues surrounding free speech and censorship in "Kindly Inquisitors" by Jonathan Rauch. With a persuasive argument for the value of "liberal science" and the idea that conflicting views produce knowledge, Rauch argues for pluralism over purism. In this expanded edition, Rauch elaborates on his original argument, bringing it up to date in a world where hate speech regulations are growing, both domestically and internationally. Discover how pitting biases and prejudices against each other can foster more fruitful discussions and replace hate with knowledge in our society.
Jerry Coyne
A great book on freedom of speech      fuente
El peor viaje del mundo book cover
El peor viaje del mundo
Apsley Cherry-Garrard - 2006-02-28 (publicado por primera vez en 1922)
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Edición limitada a un precio muy asequible, ya que está encuadernado en tapa dura, de un clásico de las expediciones polares que nos narra las vivencias de la expedición del capitán Scott al Polo Sur. La exploración polar es la forma más cruel y solitaria de pasarlo mal. El explorador británico Apsley Cherry-Garrard nos lo cuenta a través de sus vivencias en la expedición del capitán Scott al Polo Sur, acontecida entre 1910 y 1913, en la que éste y tres de sus hombres hallaron la muerte. Esa expedición estuvo marcada por el infortunio desde el comienzo, cuando, en una etapa previa, Cherry y otros dos hombres al borde de la congelación y la locura consideraron entonces la posibilidad de fenecer. El itinerario hacia el Polo, más terrible aún, se vió además ensombrecido por la noticia de que el noruego Roald Amundsen se les había adelantado por sólo unas semanas. A partir de las anotaciones que dejó Scott y, sobre todo, de su propia experiencia. Cherry-Garrard reprodujo en este libro aquellos tres años de penalidades y heroísmo.
Jerry Coyne
I'd put "Annapurna" up there with it, too. Cherry-Garrard's book is truly a page turner, well worth reading.      fuente
Evolution book cover
What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters
Donald R. Prothero - 2007-11-06
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This engaging book by Donald R. Prothero explores the fascinating history of transitional forms and series found in the fossil record, with extensive coverage of the primordial soup, dinosaur reign and human evolution. Tackling systematics and cladistics, rock dating, neo-Darwinism, and macroevolution, Evolution describes new transitional fossils in vivid detail, reframing creationism as pseudoscience instead of presenting it as a viable intellectual alternative to sound scientific education. Ideal for scholars, teachers, and general readers interested in sound science in this post-truth era.
Jerry Coyne
This is the wildcard on my list, the one book that evolution aficionados might not have heard of. It’s important because it is the one book that really lays out in great detail, for the non-specialist, some of the strongest evidence for evolution, which is the fossil record. It’s stuffed full of figures showing fossil transitions, and descriptions of the evolutionary process. I found it fascinating and absolutely convincing. It supplements Darwin, who had almost no fossils.      fuente
El relojero ciego book cover
El relojero ciego
Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design
Richard Dawkins - 2006-04-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1986)
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Acclaimed as the most influential work on evolution written in the last hundred years, The Blind Watchmaker offers an inspiring and accessible introduction to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time. A brilliant and controversial book which demonstrates that evolution by natural selection - the unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process discovered by Darwin - is the only answer to the biggest question of all: why do we exist?
Jerry Coyne
If I had to pick just one self-contained book that lays out Dawkins’s philosophy and methodology, and shows his literary skills, I would have to pick this one. His most famous book is The Selfish Gene because it lays out the gene-centred view of evolution, but it’s a bit of a tough slog. All the stuff you find in it you can also find in The Blind Watchmaker.      fuente
El origen de las especies book cover
El origen de las especies
Charles Darwin - 2004-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1859)
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Con esta obra, Charles Darwin presentó su teoría de la evolución mediante la selección natural que, pasados más de cien años, continúa siendo la base del estudio de la naturaleza para la biología actual. Gran éxito desde su primera edición, suscitó vivas polémicas y su influencia se hizo notar no sólo en la comunidad científica, sino también en toda la sociedad. El naturalista inglés Charles Darwin estudió medicina en la Universidad de Edimburgo y biología en la Universidad de Cambridge. De 1831 a 1836 realizó un viaje por América del Sur y las islas del Pacífico a bordo del Beagle. Sus descubrimientos zoológicos y geológicos a partir de esta exploración constituyeron la base de sus teorías de la evolución. Además de El origen de las especies (1859), escribió otras muchas obras de gran relevancia, como Variación de las plantas y los animales en estado doméstico (1868) y El origen del hombre y de la selección en relación al sexo (1871). “The Origin of Species” challenged the beliefs of its time and questioned the deeply embedded religious theories. Darwin has presented his ideas about the evolution of man and other species through the law of survival of the fittest and natural selection. The book classified animal species into various categories. A revolutionary contribution to theoretical and scientific thought.
Jerry Coyne
The reason why I chose The Origin is because of all the books that have ever been written on science that are accessible to the layperson, this is the most important. It’s the one book you have to have read if you want to be considered an educated person.      fuente
La Falsa Medida del Hombre book cover
La Falsa Medida del Hombre
Stephen Jay Gould - 1996-06-17 (publicado por primera vez en 1982)
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Esta es una de las obras fundamentales del gran paleontólogo recientemente fallecido y uno de los alegatos científicos más devastadores de las teorías racistas. En sus páginas, Gould estudia los diversos intentos realizados a lo largo del tiempo para medir la inteligencia humana: primero a través de los cráneos y del tamaño del cerebro, más tarde por medio de los tests para averiguar el «coeficiente intelectual» y, finalmente, recurriendo a análisis sociológicos como los de La curva de Bell, siempre con la intención de afirmar la naturaleza hereditaria de la capacidad intelectual y, por lo tanto, la inutilidad de cualquier esfuerzo cultural y educativo. Gould denuncia con sagacidad la falsedad científica de estos planteamientos que condujeron en el siglo XX a la matanza de millones de seres humanos y que pretenden hoy perpetuar la pobreza y las injusticias sociales explicándolas como una consecuencia inevitable de la inferioridad innata de determinados seres humanos.
Jerry Coyne
It’s written so well, and it’s so engrossing. There’s a lot of statistics and discussion of mathematics in there, but it’s a really good book – in the last couple of paragraphs you can find some of the finest prose I’ve seen written in science.      fuente
Recomendado por
Geoffrey Miller
Charles Darwin book cover
Charles Darwin
A Biography, Vol. 1 - Voyaging
Janet Browne - 1996-04-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1995)
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Discover the fascinating life and legacy of Charles Darwin, the iconic scientist who still inspires controversy today. With unprecedented access to new material, Janet Browne's two-volume biography offers a vivid and comprehensive portrait of Darwin - exploring how this genteel young man came to challenge religious and scientific norms with his groundbreaking ideas. From struggling with personal demons to experiencing the exhilaration of discovery, Browne's dramatic retelling of Darwin's life sheds new light on one of history's most influential figures.
Jerry Coyne
This book may be the best scientific biography that I’ve ever read. I was quite surprised, as Janet’s previous publications have been largely scholarly ones, though well written. Then, somehow, when she wrote this biography she came into her own. She was able to write in an almost novelistic way, except this is fact and not fiction. It’s just absolutely engrossing.      fuente