Steve Stewart-Williams
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Steve Stewart-Williams is an associate professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, and author of the books Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life (2010) and The Ape That Understood the Universe (2018). He was born in Wellington, New Zealand.
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Con esta obra, Charles Darwin presentó su teoría de la evolución mediante la selección natural que, pasados más de cien años, continúa siendo la base del estudio de la naturaleza para la biología actual. Gran éxito desde su primera edición, suscitó vivas polémicas y su influencia se hizo notar no sólo en la comunidad científica, sino también en toda la sociedad.
El naturalista inglés Charles Darwin estudió medicina en la Universidad de Edimburgo y biología en la Universidad de Cambridge. De 1831 a 1836 realizó un viaje por América del Sur y las islas del Pacífico a bordo del Beagle. Sus descubrimientos zoológicos y geológicos a partir de esta exploración constituyeron la base de sus teorías de la evolución. Además de El origen de las especies (1859), escribió otras muchas obras de gran relevancia, como Variación de las plantas y los animales en estado doméstico (1868) y El origen del hombre y de la selección en relación al sexo (1871).
“The Origin of Species” challenged the beliefs of its time and questioned the deeply embedded religious theories. Darwin has presented his ideas about the evolution of man and other species through the law of survival of the fittest and natural selection. The book classified animal species into various categories. A revolutionary contribution to theoretical and scientific thought.
Steve Stewart-Williams
The Extended Phenotype
The Long Reach of the Gene (Oxford Landmark Science)
Explore the concept of the extended phenotype in this influential work by a renowned biologist. Discover how genes go beyond physical traits to influence the wider environment, including other organisms. This book offers a deep dive into evolutionary biology and makes important reading for biologists and students, but is accessible to all who are willing to put in the effort.
Steve Stewart-Williams
2020-02-23T22:28:20.000ZRecomendado por
Geoffrey MillerExplore the fascinating link between brain development and personal traits in this groundbreaking book by a leading neuroscientist. With a focus on the deep connections between our psychology, behavior, and brain wiring, the author sheds new light on what makes us each unique. Discover why your personality, intelligence, and even perception of the world around you are more innate than you might think. A must-read for anyone interested in the complex mysteries of the mind.
Steve Stewart-Williams
2019-09-16T00:19:53.000ZRecomendado por
Dorothy BishopDiscover the groundbreaking book that challenges assumptions about gender equality. In The Sexual Paradox, psychologist Susan Pinker examines how fundamental sex differences play out over the lifespan. With lively prose, Pinker guides readers through the latest neuroscience and economics findings to answer unexpected questions, such as which sex is the happiest at work and why some male college dropouts earn more than their bright female peers. By exploring real stories of men and women, Pinker takes a new look at the differences between the sexes and how they impact ambition and career choices. This provocative read is a must for anyone seeking to challenge their assumptions about gender.
Steve Stewart-Williams