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Marc Benioff

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Marc Russell Benioff is an American Internet entrepreneur with a net worth of $6.9 billion as of January 2020.
8 libros en la lista
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Special Deluxe book cover
Special Deluxe
A Memoir of Life & Cars
Neil Young - 2014-10-14
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"Special Deluxe" is a captivating memoir by a celebrated musician, Neil Young. He delves into his Canadian upbringing, musical influences, and passion for cars, exploring the well-crafted vintage automobile and highlighting its negative environmental impact. Young recounts the saga behind Lincvolt, his modified electric car, as he strives to demonstrate the viability of non-gas-guzzling vehicles. This memoir is an amalgam of witty, eclectic, and candid musings from one of the most genuine and enigmatic artists of our time.
Marc Benioff
Special Deluxe by @neilyoung is amazing. Especially as an audio book read by Neil Young.      fuente
Zucked book cover
Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe
Roger McNamee - 2019-02-05
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Tech venture capitalist and early Facebook mentor, Roger McNamee, recounts his journey to stop the social media giant from destroying our democracy in Zucked. McNamee's intimate reckoning with Facebook's catastrophic failure to address the damage it was causing to society leads him to dig deeper into the issue. Along with a team of Silicon Valley technologists, he raises awareness about the existential threat of Facebook and the persuasion architecture of the attention economy. This engrossing personal narrative and masterful explication of the forces at play offers a necessary account of how a business sector unmoored from normal constraints could jeopardize our public health and political order.
Marc Benioff
Fully captures the disastrous consequences that occur when people running companies wielding enormous power don't listen deeply to their stakeholders, fail to exercise their ethical responsibilities and don't make trust their number one value.      fuente
Principios (Deusto) book cover
Principios (Deusto)
Life and Work
Ray Dalio - 2017-09-19
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En 1975, Ray Dalio fundó Bridgewater Associates desde su pequeño apartamento de Nueva York. Cuarenta años después, Bridgewater es la quinta compañía privada más importante de Estados Unidos (Fortune) y ha conseguido ganar más dinero para sus inversores que cualquier otro hedge fund en la historia (Bloomberg). A lo largo de su trayectoria, Dalio ha descubierto un conjunto de principios únicos que considera la base de su éxito y que ahora comparte con todos nosotros. En este libro repasa su trayectoria, haciendo mayor hincapié en sus errores que en sus aciertos, pues destaca que estos errores han sido su principal fuente de aprendizaje. Un conocimiento que surge de la experiencia y que le permitió, tras acabar arruinado en 1982, ser uno de los únicos gestores capaces de capear con éxito la crisis financiera de 2008. Ray Dalio, que ha sido apodado “el Steve Jobs de la inversión”, te invita a descubrir estos principios y a ponerlos en práctica para conseguir todo lo que te propongas.
Marc Benioff
A masterpiece - It's a must-read!      fuente
El arte de la guerra book cover
El arte de la guerra
Sun Tzu - 2005-01-11 NaN
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Es el tratado sobre estrategia más famoso del mundo, que se ha convertido en un libro de culto en el ámbito de la empresa. Varias películas ambientadas en Wall Street han contribuido a popularizar este pequeño libro, que nos propone unos principios válidos tanto en el mundo de la estrategia militar como en el de los negocios o la política. A pesar de su antigüedad, se trata de un libro extremadamente moderno, que ayudará a reflexionar sobre cualquier tipo de problema y a plantear las estrategias necesarias para solucionarlo sin conflictos. LA EXCELENCIA SUPREMA CONSISTE EN QUEBRAR LA RESISTENCIA DEL ENEMIGO SIN LUCHAR (III-2) . El arte de la guerra es el mejor libro de estrategia de todos los tiempos. Ideal para aplicar en todos los aspectos de la vida para conseguir la victoria sin entrar en conflicto.
Marc Benioff
Served me well. Advocates keeping one’s cool at all times.      fuente
Autobiografía de un Yogui book cover
Autobiografía de un Yogui
Paramhansa Yogananda - 2000-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1946)
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An autobiographical account of an early nineteenth-century yogi as he reaches self-realization, identification with his larger self, mankind, and union with his God
Marc Benioff
If you haven't read it, and if you want to understand Steve Jobs, it's a goood idea to dip into Autobiography of a Yogi.      fuente
The Good Heart book cover
The Good Heart
A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus
Executive Excellence Publishing - 1998-06-15 (publicado por primera vez en 1996)
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Explore the transformative power of spirituality and the "good heart" with the guidance of a beloved spiritual teacher. In this accessible read, the Dalai Lama offers his unique interpretation of passages from the four Gospels, providing valuable insight for seekers of any faith. With stunning illustrations to enhance the reading experience, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of meditation.
Marc Benioff
I started to change my spiritual philosophy based on The Good Heart. I kind of rebooted my religion of origin.      fuente
The Mythical Man-Month book cover
The Mythical Man-Month
Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition)
Frederick P. Brooks Jr. - 1995-08-02 (publicado por primera vez en 1975)
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A must-read for those in software project management, this influential book offers a blend of engineering facts and thought-provoking opinions from Fred Brooks, drawing from his experience on the IBM System/360 and OS/360 software system. Revisited 20 years later, the new chapters include a crisp summary of the original propositions, Brooks' current view on them, a reprint of his classic 1986 paper, and his thoughts on the assertion that "there will be no silver bullet within ten years." Discover insightful advice on managing complex projects and achieving conceptual integrity.
Marc Benioff
Had a huge impact on me.      fuente
Managing book cover
Harold Geneen - 1984-01-01
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Learn management principles from one of America's master managers in this 53 minute Audio CD. Former CEO of ITT, Harold Geneen, provides insights into his unique management style and priorities, giving you valuable knowledge for your own career growth.
Marc Benioff
One of the most powerful books in business I ever read. It changed my life and my whole approach to business.      fuente