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Alan Kay

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Alan Curtis Kay is an American computer scientist. He has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society of Arts.
11 libros en la lista
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Molecular Biology of the Gene book cover
Molecular Biology of the Gene
James D. Watson - 2003-12-23 (publicado por primera vez en 1965)
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This comprehensive book provides current and authoritative coverage of the fast-changing world of molecular biology. With 22 concise chapters co-authored by six highly distinguished biologists, you'll learn about topics such as the structure of DNA, RNA, and proteins, genome structure, and mechanisms of transcription. The perfect read for those seeking to gain basic knowledge of molecular biology.
Alan Kay
A lovely book to read.      fuente
20.000 leguas de viaje submarino book cover
20.000 leguas de viaje submarino
Jules Verne - 2002-04-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1869)
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Un monstruo marino ha puesto en marcha todas las alarmas, y finalmente se organiza una expedición para capturarlo, en la que figuran el célebre profesor de Historia Natural Pierre Aronnax, su ayudante Conseil y el experto arponero canadiense Ned Land, a bordo de la fragata estadounidense Abraham Lincoln. El monstruo resulta ser un sorprendente submarino a las órdenes del capitán Nemo, y el hecho de que deba mantener el secreto plantea un grave problema al capitán en cuanto a la liberación de los tres personajes principales. El capitán Nemo, el sabio atormentado y desengañado de la raza humana, en el que confluyen el individualismo libertario y un exacerbado sentido de la justicia, se ha convertido sin duda en uno de los paradigmas de la novela de aventuras y su presencia ya bastaría para justificar el lugar de honor que ocupa Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino en el género. Y sin embargo contiene muchos otros alicientes: emoción, conocimiento, suspense, personajes inolvidables, lances inesperados... Uno de los hitos de la novela de aventuras y fuente inagotable para la posterior narrativa de anticipación.
Alan Kay
A formative book in so many ways.      fuente
Recomendado por
Richard Branson
Biología Molecular de La Célula book cover
Biología Molecular de La Célula
Bruce Alberts - 2002-03-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1983)
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Como la cantidad de información en Biología se expande cada vez más, se hace cada vez más necesario que los libros de texto reflejen el vasto conocimiento científico en concisos principios y conceptos duraderos. Como en ediciones anteriores, Biología Molecular de la Célula 6ª edición, cumple este objetivo con un texto claro y excelente puesta al día con las últimas investigaciones en el campo de la biología celular y proporciona un sólido apoyo tanto al profesor como al estudiante.
Alan Kay
For many years it has been the best single volume narrative of 'life from scratch'.      fuente
The Principia book cover
The Principia
The Authoritative Translation and Guide
Isaac Newton - 1999-10-20 (publicado por primera vez en 1687)
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The Principia by Isaac Newton is a monumental work that lays out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. This completely new translation, the first in 270 years, includes extracts from the earlier editions, corrects errors found in earlier versions, and replaces archaic English with contemporary prose and up-to-date mathematical forms. Newton's principles describe acceleration, deceleration, and inertial movement; fluid dynamics; and the motions of the earth, moon, planets, and comets. The Principia revolutionized the methods of scientific investigation and set forth the fundamental three laws of motion and the law of universal gravity, effectively ending controversy concerning the Copernican planetary system.
Alan Kay
I have never forgotten the combined shock and thrill of making my way through this in my 20s.      fuente
Recomendado por
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Mitología book cover
Todos los relatos griegos, latinos y nórdicos
Edith Hamilton - 1998-09-14 (publicado por primera vez en 1942)
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Esta mitología clásica –con un completo compendio de los mitos griegos, latinos y de los países nórdicos- constituye uno de esos libros intemporales imprescindibles en toda biblioteca. Se trata probablemente de la mitología más completa y citada del mundo, y, desde su publicación en 1942, varias generaciones de lectores han encontrado en él las bases culturales y sentimentales de la sociedad occidental La vividez literaria de Hamilton nos hace leer su relato de la guerra de Troya, los viajes de Ulises, la peripecia de Jasón tras el Vellocino de Oro o la tragedia del Rey Midas como grandes aventuras narrativas y, al mismo tiempo, como claves que nos permiten desentrañar la pintura, la literatura y la sociología de nuestra época. Unánimemente aclamada en todo el mundo por su rigor académico y su lucidez, la Mitología de Edith Hamilton es una obra maestra, con la que se comparan todas las obras de su sector. Con 22 ilustraciones originales de Abraham Lacalle, artista español presente en las colecciones permanentes del Reina Sofía y la Fundación La Caixa, la Mitología de Hamilton es un deleite también para la vista.
Alan Kay
A few more books like this, and by the time I got to first grade I had been ruined for the 'single book - single truth' ideas of school and church.      fuente
The Sciences of the Artificial book cover
The Sciences of the Artificial
Herbert A. Simon - 1996-10-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1969)
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Explore the organization of complexity and the science of design in this classic work on artificial intelligence. The updated edition features a new chapter on the current themes and tools for analyzing complexity, such as chaos, adaptive systems, and genetic algorithms. Discover how a physical symbol system has the necessary means and tools for intelligent action, and gain insights into advances in cognitive psychology and the science of design. With recommendations from experts in the field, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in artificial intelligence.
Alan Kay
A much stronger way to think about computing — and what 'Computer Science' might mean.      fuente
Recomendado por
Scott Barry Kaufman
The Mythical Man-Month book cover
The Mythical Man-Month
Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition)
Frederick P. Brooks Jr. - 1995-08-02 (publicado por primera vez en 1975)
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A must-read for those in software project management, this influential book offers a blend of engineering facts and thought-provoking opinions from Fred Brooks, drawing from his experience on the IBM System/360 and OS/360 software system. Revisited 20 years later, the new chapters include a crisp summary of the original propositions, Brooks' current view on them, a reprint of his classic 1986 paper, and his thoughts on the assertion that "there will be no silver bullet within ten years." Discover insightful advice on managing complex projects and achieving conceptual integrity.
Alan Kay
An early look and experience with timeless truths (and gotchas) from systems building with teams.      fuente
The Art of the Metaobject Protocol book cover
The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
Gregor Kiczales - 1991-07-30
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This book introduces the CLOS metaobject protocol, an elegant and high-performance extension to the Common Lisp Object System. The authors describe its evolution and design principles and present a formal specification of a metaobject protocol for CLOS. They also show how the protocol can be applied to programming language design that meets a broad set of design criteria, allowing users to adjust the language to better suit their needs while enhancing performance. With actual code and exercises included, readers can gain hands-on experience with the design process.
Alan Kay
A real gem for helping to think about design and implementations.      fuente
Computation book cover
Finite and Infinite Machines (Automatic Computation)
Marvin Lee Minsky - 1967-01-01
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This book delves into the growing influence and capabilities of computers and other machines, and how they will affect society's future. With their ability to handle control, information, and intellectual processes, it is crucial for all of us to understand their potential and limitations. While challenging to categorize and analyze, the theoretical range of these devices is enormous with subtle and elusive limitations. This thought-provoking read reveals that there are no limitations that machines share with humans.
Alan Kay
It is actually a 'math book' — with lots of ideas, theorems, proofs, etc., — but presented in the friendliest way imaginable by a great mind.      fuente
LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual by Michael I. Levin
A Programming Language by Kenneth E. Iverson