6 libros en la lista
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Autonomy-Supportive Parenting
Reduce Parental Burnout and Raise Competent, Confident Children
As parents, we want our children to take responsibility for their schoolwork, their chores, and their choices. We want them to grow into independent adults, but when we see them struggling, we sometimes have a tendency to step in and problem-solve, telling them exactly what to do or even doing things for them ourselves. The problem is the more cont...

The Addiction Inoculation
Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence
Learn how to prevent substance abuse in children with The Addiction Inoculation, a compassionate and evidence-based guide written by a teacher, mother, and recovering alcoholic. Based on research in psychology, child welfare, substance abuse, and neuroscience, this life-saving resource offers practical tools for identifying and supporting addiction-resistant kids, from interpreting early signs of abuse to navigating difficult conversations with children. Parents, educators, coaches, and pediatricians can benefit from this essential guide to raising healthy, happy, and addiction-free children.
Melinda Wenner Moyer
How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids
A Practical Guide to Becoming a Calmer, Happier Parent
Discover a short yet insight-packed program on how to manage triggers and stop meltdowns with your kids. Based on recent research and evidence-based practices, this book teaches parents everything they need to know to decrease stress and increase patience, even in the most challenging family moments. Written by a clinical social worker who has been there, this warm, funny, and empathic guide will leave you feeling empowered and ready to get your sh*t together.
Melinda Wenner Moyer
2021-03-06T21:54:04.000ZNew from the creator of Captain Underpants, it's Dog Man, the #1 New York Times bestselling, crime-biting canine who is part dog, part man, and ALL HERO!
George and Harold have created a new hero who digs into deception, claws after crooks, and rolls over robbers. When Greg the police dog and his cop companion are injured on the job, a life-saving surgery changes the course of history, and Dog Man is born. With the head of a dog and the body of a human, this heroic hound has a real nose for justice. But can he resist the call of the wild to answer the call of duty?
Jorge y Berto han creado a un nuevo héroe que desenmascara el engaño y ataca a los ladrones. Cuando el perro de la policía y su compañero policía se lesionan, una cirugía cambia el curso de la historia y nace Hombre Perro. Con la cabeza de un perro y el cuerpo de un humano, este perro tiene un gran olfato para la justicia. ¿Pero podrá más su naturaleza perruna que la llamada del deber?
Melinda Wenner Moyer
Magic Tree House
Dinosaurs Before Dark, The Knight at Dawn, Mummies in the Morning, and Pirates Past Noon
Explore the world of time travel and adventure with the Magic Tree House series! Join siblings Jack and Annie as they discover a mysterious tree house filled with books, taking them on journeys to different times and places. From hatching baby dinosaurs to finding pirate treasure, these beloved stories are perfect for young readers. Don't miss the first four titles, Dinosaurs Before Dark, The Knight at Dawn, Mummies in the Morning, and Pirates Past Noon.
Melinda Wenner Moyer
Dar y recibir
Por qué ayudar a los demás conduce al éxito (MARKETING Y VENTAS)
Dicen que la gente de éxito tiene tres cosas en común: motivación, capacidad y oportunidad. Si queremos alcanzar el éxito, necesitaremos además trabajo, talento y suerte. Hay, sin embargo, un cuarto ingrediente, un ingrediente crítico pero que a menudo pasa desapercibido: el éxito depende en gran parte de cómo interactuamos con los demás. Cada vez que interactuamos con alguien, debemos elegir entre intentar conseguir el máximo valor posible para nosotros o contribuir a que el otro consiga valor sin preocuparnos por lo que recibimos. Es decir, elegir entre ser «receptores » o ser «donantes». Dar y recibir te descubrirá la clave del éxito de quienes se vuelcan en los demás y cambiará para siempre tus percepciones sobre el triunfo y el fracaso. Pero te enfrentará a una paradoja: poner en práctica las ideas de este libro no te funcionará si sólo te mueve la ambición por conseguir el éxito.
Melinda Wenner Moyer