4 books on the list
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The Sense of Style
The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
Steven Pinker's The Sense of Style tackles the age-old questions of why so much writing is bad, if texting and social media are corrupting the English language, and whether good writing still matters. Pinker applies insights from the sciences of language and mind to teach readers how to craft clear, coherent, and stylish prose. With examples of great and gruesome writing, Pinker shows us how mastering the art of writing can be both pleasurable and intellectually stimulating.
Arvind Narayanan
2019-12-22T01:10:26.000ZDiscover the secrets behind ideas that stick with Made to Stick. In this instant classic, Chip & Dan Heath reveal the anatomy of successful ideas and outline ways to make your own ideas stickier, from creating curiosity gaps to using the Velcro Theory of Memory. Along the way, you'll be entertained with stories of success (and failure) that will transform the way you communicate. Whether you're an entrepreneur, teacher, politician, or journalist, this book is essential reading in the "fake news" era.
Arvind Narayanan
The Computer Book
From the Abacus to Artificial Intelligence, 250 Milestones in the History of Computer Science (Sterling Milestones)
Explore the history and future of computer science with this illustrated guide, featuring 250 landmark inventions, publications, and events. From the Sumerian abacus to superintelligence and social media, two expert authors delve deep into topics like Morse code, cryptography, early computers, programming languages, virtual reality, and more. Perfect for anyone interested in technology and its impact on society.
Arvind Narayanan
2019-01-02T16:58:45.000ZExplore the nature of everyday randomness and its impact on our lives in this fascinating read. Inspired by Albert Einstein's comparison of the arbitrary movement of particles with the movement of a drunkard, the author delves into the concept of the "drunkard's walk" and how it applies to human decision-making. Discover how seemingly random events affect our personal lives and change your perception of them forever.
Arvind Narayanan