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Tools of Titans
The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers
Explore the tools, tactics, and life lessons of almost 200 world-class performers with this groundbreaking book. Delve into morning routines, workout regimens, recommended books, time-wasting pitfalls to avoid, and daily supplement intake of celebrities, athletes, Special Operations commanders, and black-market biochemists. This ultimate notebook of high-leverage tools has been vetted, explored, and applied by the author himself, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking success and efficiency in their personal and professional lives.
Manu Ginobili
The Boys in the Boat
Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics
Join nine young American rowers on their epic journey towards winning gold at the infamous 1936 Berlin Olympics. Through perseverance and determination, this group of underdogs rise above the competition and overcome adversity both on and off the water. Discover an inspiring true tale of teamwork, triumph, and the pursuit of gold in this captivating read.
Manu Ginobili
2019-10-07T17:01:25.000ZDiscover how stillness can be the secret weapon for success and happiness in the new book by bestselling author Ryan Holiday. Drawing on timeless philosophical wisdom from the Stoics and Buddhists, he shows how stillness is not inactivity, but the key to self-mastery, discipline, and focus. Holiday offers examples of figures throughout history who exemplified the power of stillness, including Winston Churchill and Anne Frank, and argues that in our busy world, stillness is more important than ever. Learn how to achieve this ancient way of living and find meaning, contentment, and excellence.
Manu Ginobili
2019-10-02T13:53:44.000ZThis book explores how our own egos can hold us back in life, hindering our potential for success and growth, and highlights the benefits of overcoming it. Through the use of compelling stories, from famous historical figures to modern-day success stories, readers will learn valuable lessons to apply in their own lives. With these tactics and strategies, readers can learn to achieve their goals without their ego getting in the way.
Manu Ginobili
2019-10-02T13:53:44.000ZDiscover the power and purpose of slumber with this international sensation of a book. Sleep expert Matthew Walker examines every aspect of our physical and mental well-being, from learning and mood to regulating hormones and preventing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. In this “compelling and utterly convincing” read, Walker explains how to improve our lives by harnessing the benefits of sleep.
Manu Ginobili