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Revolutionize the way you work and live with The 4-Hour Workweek. This guide to luxury lifestyle design provides practical tips and case studies to help you escape the rat race, travel the world, and earn a monthly five-figure income with zero management. Learn how to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour, eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours, and trade a long-haul career for frequent mini-retirements. The newly expanded edition includes real-world templates and the latest tools and tricks for living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either.

Becoming a Category of One
How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison
Learn how extraordinary companies become market leaders in this updated edition of a bestselling guide. Discover the tools and ideas needed to emulate their success through real case studies and personal reflections from successful business leaders. The book includes a new chapter on "tie breakers," updated examples, and contributions from business experts, CEO's, and bestselling authors, making it the perfect guide for businesses of any size, in any industry. Stand out and become a category of one with this reliable and proven advice.
Explore the powerful phenomenon of the "tipping point" with this widely acclaimed bestseller by Malcolm Gladwell. Learn how small, precisely targeted pushes can ignite trends, boost product popularity, and even decrease crime rates. Using real-life examples ranging from the American Revolution to a successful high-tech company, Gladwell identifies the key personality types that spread ideas and provides valuable insights for anyone looking to start and sustain social epidemics. A must-read for anyone interested in sales, marketing, or social behavior.