Лучшие книги о грибах
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With descriptions and keys to over 2,000 mushroom species, MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED is the ultimate guide for mushroom hunters. David Arora provides a beginner's checklist of the 70 most distinctive and common mushrooms, as well as detailed chapters on habitats, cookery, toxins, and scientific names. Illustrated with over 950 photographs, this book is an indispensable companion for beginners and experienced mushroom hunters alike.
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Под словом «гриб» мы обыкновенно имеем в виду плодовое тело гриба, хотя оно по сути то же, что яблоко на дереве. Большинство грибов живут тайной – подземной – жизнью, и они составляют «разношерстную» группу организмов, которая поддерживает почти все прочие живые системы. Это ключ к пониманию планеты, на которой мы живем, а также наших чувств, мыслей и поведения.
Талантливый молодой биолог Мерлин Шелдрейк переворачивает мир с ног на голову: он приглашает читателя взглянуть на него с позиции дрожжей, псилоцибиновых грибов, грибов-паразитов и паутины мицелия, которая простирается на многие километры под поверхностью земли (что делает грибы самыми большими живыми организмами на планете). Открывающаяся грибная сущность заставляет пересмотреть наши взгляды на индивидуальность и разум, ведь грибы, как выясняется, – повелители метаболизма, создатели почв и ключевые игроки во множестве естественных процессов. Они способны изменять наше сознание, врачевать тела и даже обратить нависшую над нами экологическую катастрофу. Эти организмы переворачивают наше понимание самой жизни на Земле.
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Full-color illustrated guide to identifying 200 Western mushrooms by their key features....
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Explore the weird and wild world of mushrooms with Elise Gravel in The Mushroom Fan Club. Gravel combines her love of nature and talent for anthropomorphism to bring these fascinating fungi to life in all their felt-tip-marker glory. From stompable puffballs to musically inclined chanterelles, join Gravel on a magical tour of the forest floor as she examines her favorite alien specimens up close. This book is perfect for inspiring curiosity and creativity in young readers, encouraging them to seek out all of life's little treasures - stinky or not!
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The Complete Mushroom Hunter, Revised
Illustrated Guide to Foraging, Harvesting, and Enjoying Wild Mushrooms - Including new sections on growing your own incredible edibles and off-season collecting
Discover the fascinating world of mushroom hunting and gathering with this comprehensive guide. From mountains and woodlands to urban and suburban parks, mushrooms can be found everywhere. This revised edition includes a brief history of mushroom hunting, a fully illustrated guide to the common mushrooms, and over 30 delicious recipes. With anecdotes from living the mushroom lifestyle, this book is perfect for amateur mycologists and mushroom enthusiasts looking to enrich their understanding of the natural world.
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Discover over 700 North American mushrooms with this comprehensive photographic field guide. Organized by color and shape, identifying the species is simple and accurate. Detailed physical descriptions include information on edibility, season, habitat, range, look-alikes, alternative names, and facts on edible and poisonous varieties, uses, and folklore. With supplementary sections on cooking and eating wild mushrooms and illustrations, this guide is essential for any mushroom enthusiast.
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Learn how growing more mushrooms can help save the environment in this groundbreaking text from mushroom expert Paul Stamets. Discover how the microscopic cells called "mycelium" can recycle carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements to create rich new soil, while also serving as a powerful tool for decomposing toxic waste and pollutants, filtering water, controlling insect populations, and enhancing the health of our forests and gardens. This comprehensive guide covers everything from mycoremediation to mycoforestry, along with the medicinal and nutritional properties of mushrooms, inoculation methods, log and stump culture, and species selection. With beautiful illustrations and extensive references, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the fascinating world of mushrooms and their potential to revolutionize the way we care for the planet.
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Michael PollanDiscover the world of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms with this updated handbook! Learn about production techniques for home and commercial cultivation, growth parameters for 31 mushroom species, and troubleshooting tips. Whether you're a chef, health enthusiast, or home cook, this book will help you cultivate your own mycological landscapes to impress your neighbors.
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Healing Mushrooms
A Practical and Culinary Guide to Using Mushrooms for Whole Body Health
"Discover the healing power of adaptogenic mushrooms in this ultimate guide to boosting immunity and achieving whole body health. From the Ten most powerful mushrooms to easy-to-follow recipes, this book covers everything you need to know about incorporating mushrooms into your daily diet. Learn about their ability to increase energy levels, reduce brain fog, and keep hormone levels in check, and more. With practical advice, fun illustrations, and 50 mushroom-infused recipes, Healing Mushrooms is your go-to resource for unlocking the vast potential of this often-overlooked superfood category."
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Enter the curious and intricate world of fungi with this stunning collection of illustrations. From the common mushrooms we see in stores to the historical penicillium, this book explores the importance of fungi to our ecosystem. Learn why fungi are crucial for our planet, as you marvel at the exquisite, detailed images by acclaimed illustrator Katie Scott. Welcome to the fascinating world of the Fungarium!
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Mushrooms (Collins Gem) by Patrick Harding
The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible by K Mandrake
Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest by
Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast by Noah Siegel, Christian Schwarz
Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation by Tradd Cotter
The Mushroom Cultivator by Paul Stamets, J. S. Chilton
Mushroom Cultivation by Richard Bray
Edible Mushrooms by Geoff Dann
Wild Mushrooms by Kristen Blizzard, Trent Blizzard
Medicinal Mushrooms by Martin Powell
Tales of the Mushroom Folk by Signe Aspelin
Humongous Fungus by DK
DIY Mushroom Cultivation by Willoughby Arevalo
Гриб на краю света by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
Mushrooms of the Northeast by Teresa Marrone, Walt Sturgeon
Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World by Paul Stamets
Дети лесного гнома by Elsa Beskow
Peterson Field Guide to Mushrooms of North America by Karl B. McKnight, Joseph R. Rohrer, Kirsten McKnight Ward, Kent H. McKnight
Christopher Hobbs's Medicinal Mushrooms by Christopher Hobbs L. Ac. Ahg
Radical Mycology by Peter McCoy
Mushrooms by John Wright
The Fungal Pharmacy by Robert Rogers
Mushrooms of the Northwest by Teresa Marrone, Drew Parker
Collins Fungi Guide by Stefan Buczacki
Fungus Is Among Us! by Joy Keller
Plants That Never Ever Bloom by Ruth Heller
Mushrooms of the World with Pictures to Color by Jeannette Bowers, David Arora
Fantastic Fungi Community Cookbook by Eugenia Bone
We Are Fungi by Christine Nishiyama
Mason Goes Mushrooming by Melany Kahn, Ellen Korbonski
The Mushroom Cookbook by Michael Hyams, Liz O'Keefe
Fungalphabet by William Brown
The Mushroom Hunters by Langdon Cook