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From pregnancy tests to labor pains, this ultimate guide to pregnancy has got you covered. Packed with must-have information, practical advice, and easy-to-use tips, it answers all your baby questions. Discover the latest on prenatal screenings, medications, and birthing options, as well as tips for managing pregnancy symptoms and lifestyle changes. Whether you're expecting multiples or becoming a dad, this book has something for everyone.
Представлено в 41 статье
Discover the benefits and joys of natural childbirth with Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Written by Ina May Gaskin, the nation’s leading midwife, this comprehensive resource shares practical advice and inspiring birth stories to help women trust in the ancient wisdom of their bodies for a healthy and fulfilling birthing experience. From reducing the pain of labor without drugs to maximizing your chances of an unmedicated birth, this indispensable guide takes the fear out of childbirth and helps restore women’s faith in their natural power to give birth with ease and less medical intervention.
Представлено в 36 статьях

Спокойная и уверенная
Почему распространенные представления о беременности неверны и что вам действительно нужно знать
Эта книга поможет сориентироваться в море информации о беременности и родах. Можно ли запланировать пол ребенка? Не опасно ли мыть кошачий туалет? Не повредит ли малышу выпитый вами бокал вина? Нужно ли отказываться от кофе? И что это вообще за кипа анализов?
Этими и другими вопросами во время своей беременности задавалась профессор экономики Эмили Остер и изучала: факты, статистику, исследования. Проанализировав огромное количество информации, Остер убедилась, что многие распространенные представления о беременности устарели, а некоторые рекомендации откровенно вредны.
Эмили разоблачает заблуждения в этой книге. И признается, что ее единственной целью было дать будущим мамам возможность написать собственный сценарий беременности и рождения малыша. У Эмили это получилось дважды, и у вас обязательно получится.
Представлено в 34 статьях
Find expert advice for planning a healthy pregnancy with the Mayo Clinic Guide. This comprehensive guide covers fertility, prenatal care, common symptoms, childbirth, and pregnancy decisions. With a chapter dedicated to every week of pregnancy and new information about the latest technologies and trends, this book is a must-read for expecting parents. Plus, benefit from expert advice on exercise, meal planning, medication, and more. Get a healthy start for your little one with Mayo Clinic's trusted advice.
Представлено в 26 статьях
A comprehensive guide for soon-to-be mothers, The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth offers a modern and natural approach to pregnancy and childbirth. Written by Genevieve Howland, a popular blogger and YouTube personality known as Mama Natural, this book empowers women to take control of their pregnancy and childbirth experience, providing weekly advice on nutrition, natural remedies, and interventions. Featuring inspiring birth and pregnancy stories from women of all backgrounds, and expert insights from a Certified Nurse Midwife, Registered Nurse, doula, and lactation consultant, this guide is a must-read for anyone looking for a positive and well-informed natural pregnancy journey.
Представлено в 21 статье

Birth Partner 5th Edition
A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Partners, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions
The Birth Partner is a comprehensive guide that offers invaluable insight into providing support to new mothers during labor, delivery, and the postpartum period. Now in its fifth edition, this book is a must-have for partners, friends, relatives, and doulas who want to be fully prepared to help women through every step of the birthing process. From preparing for labor to breastfeeding and newborn care, The Birth Partner covers it all in a practical and accessible manner. Don't miss out on this indispensable resource for anyone accompanying a woman through childbirth.
Представлено в 18 статьях

The Expectant Father
The Ultimate Guide for Dads-to-Be (Fourth Edition) (The New Father (1))
The Expectant Father is the ultimate guide for dads-to-be, written by America’s foremost expert on fatherhood, Armin Brott. With advice from top obstetricians, researchers, and real-life dads, this month-by-month overview of pregnancy helps fathers support their partners, prepare for the baby’s arrival, and prepare themselves for their new role. The book includes information on emotions and physical changes for both partner and baby, as well as specific ways for dads to get involved and feel included in the process. The fully revised fourth edition adds more information on topics such as adoptions, multiples, and dads in the military, and features special sections on labor and delivery, and the first few months after the baby’s arrival. Illustrated with New Yorker-style cartoons, The Expectant Father is a friendly and reassuring companion for dads-to-be, with guidance they can trust.
Представлено в 17 статьях
Discover a bestseller for moms-to-be with over 1.5 million copies in print! In this practical, honest, and hilarious guide, four-time delivery room veteran Vicki Iovine talks to you like a best friend. Get the lowdown on everything you've been too embarrassed to ask, from morning sickness to fashion tips. With a reassuring voice and plenty of laughter, you won't want to miss out on this go-to guide for pregnancy.
Представлено в 15 статьях

Real Food for Pregnancy
The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition
Discover the science-based approach to prenatal nutrition with Real Food for Pregnancy. Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE, provides clear answers on what to eat and why, with research to back up every recommendation. Learn how to bridge the gap between current prenatal nutrition recommendations and what foods are required for optimal health in pregnancy and for your baby s development. This comprehensive resource will guide you to make confident food and lifestyle choices for a smooth, healthy pregnancy.
Представлено в 14 статьях
This authoritative and up-to-date pregnancy guide has sold 1.5 million copies and is now available in full color. It recognizes that there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to maternity care. This book provides information and guidance for safe and satisfying pregnancy, birth, and postpartum periods, empowering parents to make informed decisions based on their preferences, priorities, and values. It takes a reassuring and inclusive tone and covers topics such as sensible nutrition, realistic birth plans, doulas, cesareans, reducing stress during pregnancy, and caring for yourself and your baby after birth.
Представлено в 13 статьях
Nurture by Erica Chidi
We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook by Adrian Kulp
Like a Mother by Angela Garbes
The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
Французские дети не плюются едой by Pamela Druckerman
Всё хорошо! Как избежать ненужных переживаний в первые годы жизни ребенка by Emily Oster
The First Forty Days by Heng Ou
Belly Laughs, 10th anniversary edition by Jenny McCarthy
Pregnancy Day By Day by Paula Amato
The Whole 9 Months by Jennifer Lang
What to Do When You're Having Two by Natalie Diaz
Чего ожидать, когда малыш родился by Heidi Murkoff
Искусство грудного вскармливания by Diane Wiessinger
Be Prepared by Gary Greenberg
The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People by Jordan Reid
The Mindful Mom-To-Be by Lori Bregman
50 Things to Do Before You Deliver by Jill Krause
The Pregnancy Countdown Book by Susan Magee
The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson
From Dude to Dad by Chris Pegula
The Modern Midwife's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond by Marie Louise
Младенец by Louis Borgenicht
Birthing from Within by Pam England
The Healthy Pregnancy Book by William Sears Frcp
Birth Without Fear by January Harshe
HypnoBirthing by Marie Mongan Mhy
The Sh!t No One Tells You About Pregnancy by Dawn Dais
Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad! by John Pfeiffer
Baby Catcher by Peggy Vincent
Hypnobirthing by Siobhan Miller
Active Birth by Janet Balaskas
The Wonder Weeks by Xaviera Plas-Plooij
Pregnancy, OMG! by Nancy Redd
What to Eat When You're Pregnant by Nicole M. Avena
The Sh!t No One Tells You by Dawn Dais
Ваш малыш от рождения до двух лет by William Sears
The Belly Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Pushed by Jennifer Block
A Child Is Born by Lennart Nilsson
Work. Pump. Repeat. by Jessica Shortall
Great with Child by Beth Ann Fennelly
Natural Hospital Birth 2nd Edition by Cynthia Gabriel
Real Food for Gestational Diabetes by Lily Nichols
Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way by Susan McCutcheon
The Expectant Father by Armin A. Brott, Jennifer Ash Rudick
Waiting for Birdy by Catherine Newman
LACTIVATE! by Jill Krause
Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper
Expecting 411 by Michele Hakakha
Strong As a Mother by Kate Rope
New Dad's Playbook by Benjamin Watson
Dad's Guide to Twins by Joe Rawlinson
Debunking the Bump by Daphne Adler
You Can Two! by Jennifer Bonicelli
The Baby Feeding Book by Vanessa Christie
Беби-бомба by Kara Hoppe Ma Mft, Stan Tatkin Mft, Terry Real
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley
Bumpin' by Leslie Schrock
The Natural Pregnancy Book, Third Edition by Aviva Jill Romm
Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies? by Jena Pincott
Роды без страха by Grantly Dick-Read
Your Best Birth by Ricki Lake
Bumpology by Linda Geddes
The Panic-Free Pregnancy by Michael Broder
Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis
Yeah Baby! by Jillian Michaels
The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians by Rachel Pepper
Funny Little Pregnant Things by Emily Doherty
Hollie de Cruz 2 Books Collection Set by Hollie de Cruz
Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
The Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill
Baby 411 by Ari Brown
Nobody Told Me by Hollie McNish
How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn
When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads 4th Edition by Barbara Luke, Tamara Eberlein, Roger Newman
The First-Time Mom's Pregnancy Journal by Aubrey Grossen
Brain Health From Birth by Rebecca Fett
Pregnancy For Men by Mark Woods
Змей и голубка by Shelby Mahurin
The Pregnant Body Book by Publishing
The New Father by Armin A. Brott
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell
Your No Guilt Pregnancy Plan by Rebecca Schiller
The Fifth Trimester by Lauren Smith Brody
Такой забавный возраст by Kiley Reid
Growing You by Korie Herold
Why Did No One Tell Me? by Emma Brockwell
Black, Pregnant and Loving It by Yvette Allen-Campbell
And Now We Have Everything by Meaghan O'Connell
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer