Los mejores libros de diseño de juegos
Mejora tu comprensión de mecánicas y diseño de juegos con esta compilación de libros innovadores, aclamados por expertos en juegos y destacados en publicaciones de primer nivel sobre desarrollo de juegos.

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This book proposes that the most important skill for a game designer is listening. The five kinds of listening are the backbone of all successful game design methods, which fall into three categories: understanding the psychology of gameplay and entertainment, using techniques from traditional disciplines, and processes for inventing new experiences. With case studies and excerpts from a wide variety of sources, this book provides detailed, practical instruction on creating world-class games that will be played again and again.
Presentado en 23 artículos
Recomendado por
Ryan HooverDiscover the hidden language of game design with Game Feel. Learn how designers create the meta-sensation of involvement with a game and how to affect it. This book covers the role of sound, the importance of metaphor, and how people perceive things, among other topics. With a playset available on the website, you’ll be able to experience each sensation described in the book and apply it to your own projects like creating game feel without programming. A must-read for game designers and anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of game design.
Presentado en 19 artículos

Game Design Workshop
A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition
Learn how to create compelling and engaging digital games with Game Design Workshop, Fourth Edition. Tracy Fullerton provides a non-technical, exercise-driven approach to game design, with examples of popular games and refined exercises to strengthen your understanding of game systems. Fullerton covers everything from game theory to how to land a job in the industry, making this book the perfect guide for beginner- to intermediate-level game designers. This updated new edition is extremely relevant, useful and inspiring to all kinds of game designers, and provides the foundation for a career in game design, producing, programming, and visual design.
Presentado en 19 artículos
Discover the secrets of designing games that are truly fun and engaging with this classic book, now in its 10th anniversary edition and updated with full-color illustrations. Theory of Fun for Game Design explores the multidimensional landscape of game design, covering topics like computer science, environmental design, and storytelling. Whether you're a professional game developer or a young gamer, this book provides insightful and inspiring guidance on how to create games that strike the perfect balance between challenge and reward, order and chaos, and more. You'll learn why certain games are enjoyable while others are boring, and how to ensure your games offer a fun and memorable experience for all players.
Presentado en 17 artículos
Recomendado por
Andrew Chen
Level Up! Guía para ser un gran diseñador de videojuegos
The Guide to Great Video Game Design
Rare book
Presentado en 16 artículos
Explore the core concepts of play, design, and interactivity in the world of gaming with this groundbreaking textbook. Rules of Play offers 18 conceptual frameworks for game design, covering topics such as information systems, cultural storytelling, and ideology. Perfect for scholars, developers, and designers alike, this book is the ultimate guide for anyone interested in the theoretical framework behind game creation.
Presentado en 12 artículos
Printed in Asia - Carries Same Contents as of US edition - Opt Expedited Shipping for 3 to 4 day delivery -...
Presentado en 8 artículos
This comprehensive guide to designing great games inspires creativity and offers a step-by-step approach to game design. Drawing on 35 years of experience, the authors link play concepts to practical game design tasks. With full-color examples and practical advice, this book guides you through idea conception, prototyping, playtesting and game realization. You'll create all kinds of game styles, from cooperative to competitive, and learn how to craft unforgettable play experiences. Perfect for game design students and independent game designers.
Presentado en 7 artículos

Video Game Storytelling
What Every Developer Needs to Know about Narrative Techniques
"Unlock Your Game's Narrative Potential with Video Game Storytelling" is a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying storytelling basics in game development. Written by game writer and producer Evan Skolnick, this easy-to-follow reference provides relevant examples from top games and media, breaking down the key roles in game development and showing how a team's shared understanding of core storytelling principles can enhance the player experience. Whether you're a writer, a game designer, or part of the development team, this book will help you create gripping and memorable narratives that keep gamers coming back for more.
Presentado en 7 artículos
Discover how to create video games that provide an involving, emotional experience for the gamer with The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design. Written by top game designers, this complete bible goes beyond the basics, covering topics such as integrating story into the game, writing the game script, creating the design document, and presenting visionary ideas to developers and publishers. Aspiring game writers and designers must have this essential guide in their arsenal.
Presentado en 6 artículos
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook by Karl M. Kapp
Game Mechanics by Ernest Adams
Challenges for Games Designers by Brenda L Brathwaite
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction by Karl M. Kapp
How Games Move Us by Katherine Isbister
Sangre, sudor y pixeles by Jason Schreier
Designing Games by Tynan Sylvester
Game Engine Architecture by Jason Gregory
Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom
Characteristics of Games by George Skaff Elias
Think Like a Game Designer by Justin Gary
The Gamer's Brain by Celia Hodent
Kobold Guide to Board Game Design by Mike Selinker
100 Principles of Game Design by Despain
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development by Jeremy Gibson Bond
Fluir by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Challenges for Game Designers by Brenda Brathwaite
An Introduction to Game Studies by Frans Mayra
Entender el cómic. El arte invisible by Scott McCloud
La gran historia de los videojuegos by Steven L. Kent
Game Over by David Sheff
Real-Time Rendering by Tomas Akenine-Möller
Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 1 by Eric Lengyel
Drawing Basics and Video Game Art by Chris Solarski
Programming Game AI by Example by Mat Buckland
Agile Game Development with SCRUM by Clinton Keith Keith
Designing Virtual Worlds by Richard A. Bartle
Game Design Vocabulary, A by Anna Anthropy
Start Your Video Game Career by Jason W. Bay
¿Por qué los videojuegos pueden mejorar tu vida y cambiar el mundo? by Jane Mcgonigal
Eurogames by Stewart Woods
The Art of Interactive Design by Chris Crawford
Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling by Chris Crawford Crawford
The Game Inventor's Guidebook by Brian Tinsman
Chris Crawford on Game Design by Chris Crawford
Creating the Art of the Game by Matthew Omernick
Game Design by Lewis Pulsipher
Gamify by Biran Burke
Slay the Dragon by Robert Denton Bryant
Game Design Theory by Keith Burgun
Maestros del Doom by David Kushner
Pensar rápido, pensar despacio by Daniel Kahneman
Las trampas del deseo by Dan Ariely
El poder de los hábitos by Charles Duhigg
La psicología de los objetos cotidianos by Don Norman