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Jim Knight

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Jim Knight, Senior Partner of ICG, is a research associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. He has spent more than two decades studying instructional coaching, writing several books on the topic.
8 libros en la lista
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An Introduction to Coaching Skills book cover
An Introduction to Coaching Skills
A Practical Guide
Christian van Nieuwerburgh - 2013-12-26
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An Introduction to Coaching Skills is an invaluable resource for novice and trainee coaches. Its accessible, step-by-step style acquaints you with the key skills needed to become a successful coach and, with its focus on the applied side of coaching, the book is an essential text for anyone starting out on their coaching voyage. From the ′how to′, ...
Jim Knight
@Mr_Crome @ChristianvN I think that book is a must-read for coaches.      fuente
High Conflict book cover
High Conflict
Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out
Amanda Ripley - 2021-04-06
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"High Conflict" explores the invisible force that drives us apart in politics, relationships, and daily life. Through captivating stories of people caught in high conflict situations, award-winning journalist Amanda Ripley reveals how we can escape the binary thinking that fuels this damaging phenomenon. From a renowned conflict expert in California to a former gang leader in Chicago, these individuals found ways to transform high conflict into something good. With insights that will transform how we view conflict, "High Conflict" is a must-read for anyone seeking to build stronger connections and break through polarization.
Jim Knight
@JessMattei Two books I really learned a lot from are Conversations Worth Having, by Stavros & Torres, and and High Conflict, by Amanda Ripley.      fuente
Recomendado por
Adam Grant
Conversations Worth Having book cover
Conversations Worth Having
Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement
Jacqueline M. Stavros - 2018-05-22
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Discover how conversations can shape our well-being and ability to thrive in "Conversations Worth Having." This book explores Appreciative Inquiry (AI), a new approach for fostering positive change in individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. Authors Stavros and Torres share 2 practices and 5 principles to create great conversations, followed by real-life examples of people using AI to transform their lives and organizations. Learn how to communicate better and flourish in all areas of your life with this insightful read.
Jim Knight
@JessMattei Two books I really learned a lot from are Conversations Worth Having, by Stavros & Torres, and and High Conflict, by Amanda Ripley.      fuente
Stewardship book cover
Choosing Service over Self-Interest
Peter Block - 2013-05-20 (publicado por primera vez en 1993)
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Discover how Service, Accountability, and Partnership can transform the way organizations distribute power, privilege, and control of money for the better. In this provocative and revolutionary book, Peter Block covers the stifling effects of patriarchy and hierarchy in organizations and advocates for a fundamental shift towards stewardship. This revised and expanded edition includes a new introduction and chapter on applying stewardship to the common good of the wider community. Get ready to open your mind and change the way you work forever.
Jim Knight
@Schoolguy That's one of my favorite books, and it was a big influence on the development of the partnership principles.      fuente
Hábitos mínimos book cover
Hábitos mínimos
The Small Changes That Change Everything
BJ Fogg - 2020-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2019)
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The world’s leading expert on habit formation shows how you can have a happier, healthier life: by starting small. When it comes to change, tiny is mighty. Start with two pushups a day, not a two-hour workout; or five deep breaths each morning rather than an hour of meditation. In Tiny Habits, B.J. Fogg brings his experience coaching more than 40,000 people to help you lose weight, de-stress, sleep better, or achieve any goal of your choice.  You just need Fogg’s behavior formula: make it easy, make it fit your life, and make it rewarding. Whenever you get in your car, take one yoga breath. Smile.  Whenever you get in bed, turn off your phone. Give yourself a high five.  Change can be easy—once it starts, it grows.  Let B.J. Fogg show you exactly how.
Jim Knight
@BrianaBolt284 @lizbellteacher @technolandy @JanetChowMSc @CraigMah @BCPVPA I just finished Tiny Habits by @bjfogg , about how we go about changing behavior, and it gave me a lot of interesting and practical ideas. I'm using the book's ideas in my own life.      fuente
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Arianna Huffington
Sí.......de acuerdo! book cover
Sí.......de acuerdo!
Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
Roger Fisher - 1992-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1981)
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Un libro para comprender el arte de la negociacion en todos sus aspectos. Ejemplos practicos.
Jim Knight
For my #25booksin25days today's book is one that really shaped what I write about and how I write:      fuente
Thanks for the Feedback book cover
Thanks for the Feedback
The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well
Douglas Stone - 2014-03-04
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This book teaches readers how to handle evaluations, advice, criticisms, and coaching to create productive learning experiences. It addresses the tension between our desire to grow and be accepted as we are, and offers a framework to help us receive feedback with curiosity and grace. Written by the bestselling authors of Difficult Conversations, the book blends neuroscience and psychology with practical advice for personal relationships and the workplace.
Jim Knight
Sheila Heen’s books Difficult Conversations and Thanks for the Feedback are coaching classics that have really influenced my thinking. I get to keep the learning going when I talk with her during next week’s coaching…      fuente
Conversaciones Dificiles book cover
Conversaciones Dificiles
How to Discuss What Matters Most
Douglas Stone - 2000-04-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1999)
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Que es una conversacion dificil? Pedir un aumento. Terminar una relacion amorosa. Hacerle a alguien un comentario critico. Decirle 'no' al jefe o a un familiar. Hacer un reclamo por haber recibido un trato poco respetuoso o agresivo. Pedir excusas... Una conversacion dificil es cualquiera en la que tengamos que hablar de algo que nos parece incomodo o complicado. Todos tenemos conversaciones dificiles, independientemente de lo seguros o lo habiles que seamos. Y, con frecuencia, sin importar cuales sean nuestras intenciones, las cosas no salen bien. Debernos decir lo que estamos pensando y arriesgarnos a empezar una discusion? O tragarnos nuestras opiniones y sentirnos como unos tontos? O debemos decirles a los demas lo que se merecen? Pero... que pasaria si somos nosotros los que estamos equivocados? Este libro muestra una salida a este dilema. Ensena como enfrentar incluso las conversaciones mas tensas de manera eficaz y con menos angustia. Con base en quince anos de trabajo en el Proyecto de Negociacion de la Universidad de Harvard y miles de consultas a distintas empresas y personas, los autores explican que es lo que mejor funciona a la hora de enfrentar las conversaciones mas dificiles. A traves de una clara comprension de lo que ocurre realmente en una conversacion dificil, este libro ofrece un metodo claro y concreto para enfrentar y sostener cualquier conversacion importante. Muestra como prepararse, como empezar la conversacion de una manera que reduzca la actitud defensiva, y como mantenerla por un camino constructivo, independientemente de la reaccion que tenga la otra persona. Enriquecido con ejemplos de la vida diaria, Conversaciones dificiles sera con seguridad un librofundamental para tratar con todas las personas que nos rodean y sortear todo tipo de conversaciones en las que nos estemos jugando algo importante.
Jim Knight
Sheila Heen’s books Difficult Conversations and Thanks for the Feedback are coaching classics that have really influenced my thinking. I get to keep the learning going when I talk with her during next week’s coaching…      fuente