Best Books on Capitalism
Navigate the complexities of economic systems with this list of essential reads on capitalism, aggregated from influential publications and blogs and ranked by their recommendation frequency.
16 books on the list
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The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism is a groundbreaking examination of the power of digital technologies and the threat they pose to humanity. Shoshana Zuboff provides insights into the unprecedented form of power called "surveillance capitalism" and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control our behavior. Through vivid examples, Zuboff illustrates how this threat has shifted from a totalitarian Big Brother state to a ubiquitous digital architecture. This book is a wake-up call, urging us to take action to safeguard our democracy, freedom, and human future.
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Economics in One Lesson
The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics
Explore the teachings of Henry Hazlitt, a founding vice-president of the Foundation for Economic Education, in his seminal work, Economics in One Lesson. A classic economic primer and a fundamental influence on modern "libertarian" economics, Hazlitt's perspective on free markets, economic liberty, and the dangers of government intervention remains relevant even after more than 50 years since its initial publication. With concise and instructive insights, Hazlitt's efforts to dissemble economic fallacies have been credited with foreseeing the collapse of the global economy. Discover the timeless wisdom of Hazlitt's anti-deficit stance, committed to non-governmental solutions.
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This groundbreaking book takes a deep dive into economic history, analyzing the rising inequality of the past two centuries. Winner of multiple book awards and hailed by critics as an intellectual tour de force, it aims to revolutionize the way we think about wealth and its distribution. With sweeping insight and thorough research, the author presents an important study of inequality that cannot be ignored.
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This classic of economics explores the origins of national wealth, covering topics from the division of labor to free markets. Written in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, this book provides timeless insight into the building blocks of economic prosperity.
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The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism by Martin Wolf is a powerful and timely exploration of the unraveling marriage between democracy and capitalism. Wolf, a renowned economics commentator, delves into the reasons behind the current recession of liberal democracy and the rise of authoritarianism. In a world where some argue for capitalism without democracy and others for democracy without capitalism, Wolf argues that both are essential for human flourishing. Despite its flaws, democratic capitalism remains the best system, but it has gone astray with slowed prosperity and increasing inequality. The plutocrats have retreated to their privileged enclaves, dismissing government's role in fostering opportunity and sustainability. However, the rise of autocracy will eventually threaten even the plutocrats. Wolf emphasizes that citizenship is not just a slogan, but the key to salvation. This thought-provoking book concludes with the urgent message that our ideals and interests must align, as democracy itself is now at stake.
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Explore a new compass for global development, government policy, and corporate strategy with Doughnut Economics. Economist Kate Raworth outlines seven key ways to fundamentally reframe our understanding of economics for the 21st century, breaking our addiction to growth and creating regenerative and distributive economies. Using emergent ideas from various economic fields, Raworth offers game-changing analysis and inspiration for a new generation of economic thinkers.
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This must-read book is a gripping exposé on the real story behind the financial meltdown. Michael Lewis crafts a compelling narrative through a cast of unlikely heroes, shedding light on the bizarre and secretive world of bond and real estate derivative markets. With a balance of indignation and dark humor, this #1 New York Times bestseller is an essential read for anyone who wants to understand how this crisis came to be.
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This book delves into the concept of moral sentiments and the idea that true happiness comes from virtuous actions, rather than material possessions. It challenges the idea that wealth and status are essential for happiness, arguing that a clear conscience and good health are the only true necessities.
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Work Won't Love You Back
How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone
Unmask the myth of "doing what you love" in Work Won't Love You Back, an insightful book by Sarah Jaffe that examines how this mentality leads to exploitation and work taking over our lives. Through personal stories, Jaffe reveals how this new tyranny of work affects various industries, from unpaid interns to overworked nurses. By understanding the trap of the "labor of love" myth, readers can empower themselves to demand better treatment and find true joy and satisfaction in their work.
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The Passions and the Interests by Albert O. Hirschman
Fault Lines by Raghuram G. Rajan
Winner-Take-All Politics by Jacob S. Hacker
Capitalism by Arundhati Roy
Nudge by Richard H. Thaler
The House of Morgan by Ron Chernow
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx