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Daniel Burka

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Daniel Burka is best known as the former creative director for website Digg and as a design partner at GV. He is also a founding partner at the web design company silverorange based in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
11 книг в списке
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Patagonia — бизнес в стиле серфинг book cover
Patagonia — бизнес в стиле серфинг
Как альпинист создал крупнейшую компанию спортивной одежды и снаряжения
Yvon Chouinard - 2006-09-05
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История известного альпиниста Ивона Шуинара, который, по собственному признанию, меньше всего хотел становиться бизнесменом, и созданной им легендарной компании Patagonia. Во главу успеха в бизнесе Шуинар ставит философию, которая охватывает все аспекты работы — от найма сотрудников до выбора поставщиков и способов производства. В ее основе лежат социальная ответственность, бережное отношение к экологии и желание быть примером для других компаний.
Daniel Burka
@gonsalves_r It's one of the only business books that really resonated with me. Especially the vision setting stuff.      источник
Breaking Trail book cover
Breaking Trail
A Climbing Life
Arlene Blum - 2007-03-05 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
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"Breaking Trail" tells the story of Arlene Blum, a legendary trailblazer who broke gender stereotypes in climbing and science. Blum led the first all-female teams to successful ascents of Mount McKinley and Annapurna, as well as being the first American woman to attempt Mount Everest. Her scientific work also led to important legislation banning carcinogens in children’s sleepwear. With candor and humor, Blum recounts her journey from an overprotected childhood in Chicago to the tops of some of the highest peaks on earth, and to a life lived on her own terms. This book is a moving testament to the power of taking risks and pursuing dreams.
Daniel Burka
Just finished Arlene Blum's excellent memoir of alpinism Breaking Trail. Can anyone recommend great non-fiction adventure books? I loved the mix of adventure, personal story, and feminism in Blum's incredible book. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐      источник
Just Enough Research book cover
Just Enough Research
Erika Hall - 2013-09-10
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Learn how to conduct effective research for design projects with "Just Enough Research." Co-founder of Mule Design, Erika Hall, shares her experience in this concise cookbook of research methods. Discover how to ask better questions, spot blind spots and biases, and identify impactful changes. Plus, Hall shares why you should avoid holding focus groups. Improve your design process quickly and efficiently with this must-read book.
Daniel Burka
@jes_sherborne @monteiro Other books I recommend are Just Enough Research by @mulegirl and How Buildings Learn by @stewartbrand. And the same @EdwardTufte book that you mentioned.      источник
Tim Kastelle
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information book cover
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Edward R. Tufte - 2001-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1983)
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Unleash the power of data graphics with this essential guide. Learn about the theory and practice of designing effective charts, tables, and visuals for quick and precise analysis. Discover how to create high-resolution displays, small multiples, and multivariate designs. Get detailed analysis of 250 graphics, including the best and worst examples. Learn to detect graphical deception and improve your aesthetics. This second edition includes color reproductions and all corrections from the first edition.
Daniel Burka
@jes_sherborne @monteiro Other books I recommend are Just Enough Research by @mulegirl and How Buildings Learn by @stewartbrand. And the same @EdwardTufte book that you mentioned.      источник
Дизайн – это работа book cover
Дизайн – это работа
Mike Monteiro - 2012-04-10
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Co-founder of Mule Design and raconteur Mike Monteiro wants to help you do your job better. From contracts to selling design, from working with clients to working with each other, this brief book is packed with knowledge you can’t afford not to know.
Daniel Burka
Still one of a handful of books that I recommend to new designers. Classic. 👏 @monteiro      источник
Jared Spool
Good Talk book cover
Good Talk
A Memoir in Conversations
Mira Jacob - 2019-03-26
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Explore American identity, interracial families, and the realities that divide us in this "beautiful and eye-opening" graphic memoir. Follow Mira Jacob's conversations with her half-Jewish, half-Indian son as they navigate difficult questions about race, color, and love amidst the tensions of the 2016 election. Written with humor and vulnerability, this deeply relatable book is a love letter to the art of conversation and the hope that comes from our most challenging questions.
Daniel Burka
Favorite book this year. 10/10      источник
Alicia Keys
Wilder Girls book cover
Wilder Girls
Rory Power - 2019-07-09
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A quarantine has left the girls at Raxter School for Girls stranded and cut off from the world for eighteen months. The Tox infection has taken hold, affecting both teachers and students, transforming their bodies in strange ways. The girls are forced to stay within the school's fence, as the woods beyond have become wild and dangerous. Hetty is determined to find her missing friend Byatt, even if it means risking everything to venture beyond the fence. What she finds will alter her understanding of their existence on the island forever.
Daniel Burka
Just finished reading Wilder Girls. Great book. Thanks for the recommendation @steeve_wonder. Also, that cover is incredible.      источник
Ruined by Design book cover
Ruined by Design
How Designers Destroyed the World, and What We Can Do to Fix It
Mike Monteiro - 2019-04-12
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The book explores how the world is functioning exactly as designed, with everything from guns to social media causing harm. The author makes the case that design is a political act and designers are responsible for their creations. While the book may stir up anger, it provides the tools needed to make better decisions, build diverse teams, and confidently say no to harmful projects. It's a must-read for designers who want to understand their role in creating a better world.
Daniel Burka
I love that @monteiro writes in such clear, direct language. Reading his new book "Ruined by Design" might be difficult or hurt your ego, designers. And, you might disagree with Mike. But you should read it for a clear-headed viewpoint on our mistakes and challenges. 👏      источник
Jared SpoolMiguel de IcazaMassimo Banzi
Фактологичность Десять причин наших заблуждений о мире – и почему все не так плохо, как кажется book cover
Фактологичность Десять причин наших заблуждений о мире – и почему все не так плохо, как кажется
Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Hans Rosling - 2018-04-03
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"Фактологичность" — это рассказ о десяти самых частых ловушках, в которые попадает наш мозг, пытаясь оценить положение дел в мире, а также о том прогрессе, который мы привыкли не замечать, но который каждый день делает нашу жизнь лучше. Специалист по проблемам мирового здравоохранения, основатель шведского отделения "Врачей без границ", создатель проекта Gapminder, Ханс Рослинг неоднократно входил в список 100 самых влиятельных людей мира. Его книга "Фактологичность" — это попытка дать читателям с самым разным уровнем подготовки эффективный инструмент мышления в борьбе с новостной паникой. С помощью проверенной статистики и наглядных визуализаций Рослинг описывает ловушки, в которые попадает наш разум, и рассказывает, как в действительности сегодня обстоят дела с бедностью и болезнями, рождаемостью и смертностью, сохранением редких видов животных и глобальными климатическими изменениями.
Daniel Burka
I just finished reading Factfulness — if you read just one non-fiction book this year, this should be it. A clear-headed, useful book on seeing the whole world more rationally. Plus it's hard to put down. And, the data viz is A++      источник
Задача трех тел by Cixin Liu
How Buildings Learn by Stewart Brand