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Jared Spool

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Jared Spool is an American writer, researcher, speaker, educator, and an expert on the subjects of usability, software, design, and research.
16 книг в списке
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How Design Makes the World book cover
How Design Makes the World
Scott Berkun - 2020-05-05
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Discover the power of design in shaping the world around us in How Design Makes the World. From social media to our homes, everything around us has been designed, but how do designers make decisions? Join bestselling author and designer Scott Berkun on a journey exploring the successes and failures of designers in various fields. Through examining daily experiences, readers will learn to see the world in a new way and become better decision-makers in their own lives. Improve your everyday experiences with insights from great designers in How Design Makes the World.
Jared Spool
@andrewfantastic I'd start with @berkun's How Design Makes the World. Best starter book out there.      источник
Дизайн book cover
Книга для недизайнеров
Robin Williams - 2004-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2011)
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"Большинство, глядя на плохо оформленную страницу, скажут, что она им не нравится, однако они не знают, как ее исправить. Эта книга не заменит учебу в школе дизайна. Я не утверждаю, что после ее прочтения вы станете дизайнером. Но я ручаюсь, что вы больше никогда не будете смотреть на страницы, как раньше. Я гарантирую, что, если вы станете следовать этим базовым принципам, ваша работа будет выглядеть более профессиональной, цельной и интересной. И вы почувствуете, что ваши возможности стали шире". Робин Уильямс Дизайнеры и недизайнеры всего мира уже два десятилетия используют в своих работах фундаментальные принципы, изложенные Робин Уильямс. Познакомьтесь с полностью обновленным полноцветным четвертым изданием "Дизайн. Книга для недизайнеров". Четыре секрета, которые пригодятся в любом дизайнерском проекте; Принципы работы с цветом; Стили дизайна; Оттачивание дизайна с помощью шрифтов; Варианты дизайна для брошюр, листовок, писем, рекламы.
Jared Spool
@sarah_edo @WickyNilliams @JorgeBenevides7 @AdamRackis @KristyT @ChiaraAliotta @kylietimpani @berkun If you are primarily interested in visual design or graphic design, Robin Williams’s The Non-Designer Design Book is a great introduction. Non-Designer's Design Book, The      источник
Дизайн – это работа book cover
Дизайн – это работа
Mike Monteiro - 2012-04-10
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Co-founder of Mule Design and raconteur Mike Monteiro wants to help you do your job better. From contracts to selling design, from working with clients to working with each other, this brief book is packed with knowledge you can’t afford not to know.
Jared Spool
This book was a huge influence for a lot of folks. It's the best book about being a professional designer out there. Even more relevant today than when it came out.      источник
Daniel Burka
Designing Interface Animation book cover
Designing Interface Animation
Meaningful Motion for User Experience
Val Head - 2016-07-01
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Learn how to create effective web animation that balances purpose and style with Designing Interface Animation. This crash course in motion design theory and practice teaches web designers, UX professionals, and front-end developers how to improve feedback, aid in orientation, direct attention, show causality, and express brand personality. Discover how to skillfully blend animation into the user experience with this must-read book.
Jared Spool
@usiriczman The first ones that come to mind are: @danachis’s Handbook of Usability Testing @indiyoung’s books on Mental Models and Empathy @kimgoodwin’s Design for the Digital Age @leahbuley’s UX Team of One @vlh’s book on Animation There are so many others, it would be hard to list all.      источник
Practical Empathy book cover
Practical Empathy
For Collaboration and Creativity in Your Work
Indi Young - 2015-01-15
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Learn how to improve your product development process by adopting a mindset of empathy. Practical Empathy teaches you to understand people's perspectives and thinking patterns to make better decisions and collaborate successfully. This book will show you how to gather and compare empathy patterns to improve your strategy.
Jared Spool
@usiriczman The first ones that come to mind are: @danachis’s Handbook of Usability Testing @indiyoung’s books on Mental Models and Empathy @kimgoodwin’s Design for the Digital Age @leahbuley’s UX Team of One @vlh’s book on Animation There are so many others, it would be hard to list all.      источник
The User Experience Team of One book cover
The User Experience Team of One
A Research and Design Survival Guide
Leah Buley - 2013-07-09
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Discover how to improve user experience with unconventional and efficient approaches in "The User Experience Team of One". With this informative read, you'll gain the tools and insight necessary to create big impact with less time and resources. Recommended for both UX newbies and seasoned practitioners looking to elevate their organization.
Jared Spool
@usiriczman The first ones that come to mind are: @danachis’s Handbook of Usability Testing @indiyoung’s books on Mental Models and Empathy @kimgoodwin’s Design for the Digital Age @leahbuley’s UX Team of One @vlh’s book on Animation There are so many others, it would be hard to list all.      источник
Designing for the Digital Age book cover
Designing for the Digital Age
How to Create Human-Centered Products and Services
Kim Goodwin - 2009-03-03
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Designing successful products and services in the digital age can be challenging. This comprehensive guide, filled with real-life examples and exercises, covers everything from assembling a design team to documenting your finished product in a way that works for engineers and stakeholders alike. Whether you're designing consumer electronics or enterprise web apps, this book provides detailed how-to information on every step of the process, including user research, consensus-building, and iteration. Get ready to deliver compelling user experiences with this essential guide to designing for the digital age.
Jared Spool
@usiriczman The first ones that come to mind are: @danachis’s Handbook of Usability Testing @indiyoung’s books on Mental Models and Empathy @kimgoodwin’s Design for the Digital Age @leahbuley’s UX Team of One @vlh’s book on Animation There are so many others, it would be hard to list all.      источник
Erika Hall
Mental Models book cover
Mental Models
Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior
Indi Young - 2008-02-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover how to increase the chances of creating a perfect product by understanding users' reasons for doing things. In Mental Models, Indi Young provides designers, managers, and anyone else interested in making design strategic and successful with the tools to grasp and design for users' motivations. This roll-up-your-sleeves book is a must-read for those seeking to create successful design.
Jared Spool
@usiriczman The first ones that come to mind are: @danachis’s Handbook of Usability Testing @indiyoung’s books on Mental Models and Empathy @kimgoodwin’s Design for the Digital Age @leahbuley’s UX Team of One @vlh’s book on Animation There are so many others, it would be hard to list all.      источник
Handbook of Usability Testing book cover
Handbook of Usability Testing
How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests
Jeffrey Rubin - 1994-04-29
Рейтинг Goodreads
This handbook covers step-by-step guidelines for testing product usability, whether it's software, cell phones, or refrigerators. By recognizing factors that limit usability, you can set up a test plan and assess goals for your product's usability. Keep up with current industry standards and give your product the advantage of performing the way users expect.
Jared Spool
@usiriczman The first ones that come to mind are: @danachis’s Handbook of Usability Testing @indiyoung’s books on Mental Models and Empathy @kimgoodwin’s Design for the Digital Age @leahbuley’s UX Team of One @vlh’s book on Animation There are so many others, it would be hard to list all.      источник
Mapping Experiences by James Kalbach
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro
Orchestrating Experiences by Chris Risdon
Interviewing Users by Steve Portigal
Married to the Brand by William J. McEwen
Сначала нарушьте все правила by Marcus Buckingham