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Victor Asemota

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27 libros en la lista
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Adapt book cover
Why Success Always Starts with Failure
Tim Harford - 2011-01-01
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"Adapt" by Tim Harford is a groundbreaking read that introduces an inspiring approach to solving life's most pressing problems. Instead of relying on ready-made solutions and expert opinions, Tim Harford advocates for the importance of adaptive trial and error. Through weaving together psychology, biology, economics, and field experience, Harford gives us the necessary ingredients to turn failure into success, making this book a breakthrough handbook for surviving and prospering in an ever-shifting world.
Victor Asemota
I stand by listening to audiobooks as I walk or run. Feed your mind as you tone your body. Listening to “Adapt” by @TimHarford and seeing again that he is one of the best writers to ever exist. His books will last forever.      fuente
Peak Performance book cover
Peak Performance
Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success
Brad Stulberg - 2017-06-06
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Discover the secrets of success with this groundbreaking book on peak performance. Written by a former McKinsey consultant and Olympic coach of athletes, this book combines inspiring stories of top performers with the latest scientific insights on what drives great performance. Learn how to enhance your own performance with practices used by successful individuals across various fields, including alternating periods of work and rest, developing a self-transcending purpose, and priming the body and mind for productivity. Whether you're an athlete, intellectual, or artist, this life-changing book will teach you how to achieve your best and take your game to the next level.
Victor Asemota
This book is extremely interesting and informative. I now understand myself more and why I do certain things. I learned all this from almost fatal mistakes. I’m listening to Peak Performance on my Audible app. Try Audible and get it here:      fuente
Recomendado por
Amy Cuddy
El sutil arte de que te importe un caraj* book cover
El sutil arte de que te importe un caraj*
Un enfoque disruptivo para vivir una buena vida
Mark Manson - 2016-09-13
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Durante los últimos años, Mark Manson -en su popular blog- se ha afanado en corregir nuestras delirantes expectativas sobre nosotros mismos y el mundo. Ahora nos ofrece su toda su intrépida sabiduría en este libro pionero.Manson nos recuerda que los seres humanos somos falibles y limitados: "no todos podemos ser extraordinarios: hay ganadores y perdedores en la sociedad, y esto no siempre es justo o es tu culpa". Manson nos aconseja que reconozcamos nuestras limitaciones y las aceptemos. Esto es, según él, el verdadero origen del empoderamiento. Una vez que abrazamos nuestros temores, faltas e incertidumbres, una vez que dejamos de huir y evadir y empezamos a confrontar las verdades dolorosas, podemos comenzar a encontrar el valor, la perseverancia, la honestidad, la responsabilidad, la curiosidad y el perdón que buscamos.Este manifiesto es una refrescante bofetada, para que podamos empezar a llevar vidas más satisfechas y con los pies en la tierra.
Victor Asemota
@taofeek_ob One of the best books I have ever read.      fuente
The Quest book cover
The Quest
Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World
Daniel Yergin - 2011-09-20
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Explore the global impact of energy on politics, economics, and conflict in The Quest by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin. Delve into our civilization's traditional energy sources and the newer resources that are vying to take their place. Gain insights into coal, electricity, natural gas, and climate change as Yergin leads readers through the rebirth of renewable energies, energy independence, and the return of the electric car. Epic in scope and timely in subject matter, The Quest takes readers on a journey that reveals the technologies, decisions, and individuals that are shaping our future.
Victor Asemota
Reading this book and Trump coming to power backed by Russia became clear. Obama breaking the back of Russia with shale oil shattered Russian calculations. Biden coming with ”clean energy” is an Obama era continuation. Why Trump chose Tillerson as Secretary of State. I am amazed!      fuente
Recomendado por
Bill Gates
La psicología de los objetos cotidianos book cover
La psicología de los objetos cotidianos
Revised and Expanded Edition
Don Norman - 2002-09-19 (publicado por primera vez en 1988)
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¿Por qué los teléfonos modernos tienen teclas que no sirven para nada? ¿Por qué no se sabe, con frecuencia, si para abrir una puerta hay que empujar, o tirar, o si se trata de una puerta deslizante? ¿Por qué es tan difícil entender un manual de instrucciones? Con muchos ejemplos similares y en clave de humor, Donald A. Norman, uno de los psicólogos más imaginativos de las últimas décadas, analiza los problemas del diseño de los objetos que nos rodean en la vida cotidiana y el tipo de conocimiento que cada uno requiere. La obra es también una amena y lúcida lección de psicología que utiliza el diseño como excusa.
Victor Asemota
@TosinOyinloye_ Better to read wide bro. ”The Design of Everyday Things” is one book I still love as it takes one deeper into the field and breaks many assumptions.      fuente
WTF? book cover
What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us
Tim O'Reilly - 2017-10-10
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This book tackles the potential benefits and drawbacks of emerging technologies in today's economy. Tim O'Reilly, a Silicon Valley intellectual, combines memoir, business strategy, and calls to action to explore crucial questions about the future of jobs, education, inequality, and more. Using his experience at O'Reilly Media, O'Reilly provides a framework for understanding how the ecosystem of digital businesses can create marketplace advantage and customer value. He urges entrepreneurs to utilize technology to create amazing human experiences and build a better future. This book challenges readers to think about the future of technology and its impact on society.
Victor Asemota
@imasuen_design Amazon when dey even design how dem dey take work with each other. No be every opata dem dey answer. Recommend the book ”WTF” by @timoreilly to understand Amazon.      fuente
Casta book cover
El origen de lo que nos divide (Contextos)
Isabel Wilkerson - 2020-08-04
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In this book, Isabel Wilkerson gives us a portrait of an unseen phenomenon in America as she explores, through an immersive, deeply researched narrative and stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings. Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people's lives and behavior and the nation's fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more. Using riveting stories about people--including Martin Luther King, Jr., baseball's Satchel Paige, a single father and his toddler son, Wilkerson herself, and many others--she shows the ways that the insidious undertow of caste is experienced every day. She documents how the Nazis studied the racial systems in America to plan their out-cast of the Jews; she discusses why the cruel logic of caste requires that there be a bottom rung for those in the middle to measure themselves against; she writes about the surprising health costs of caste, in depression and life expectancy, and the effects of this hierarchy on our culture and politics. Finally, she points forward to ways America can move beyond the artificial and destructive separations of human divisions, toward hope in our common humanity.
Victor Asemota
The book "Caste" is one of the best books that I've read. I have read each chapter so far more than once to let it sink in. I think of the way we use language to describe each other in Nigeria and understand why the civil war happened. Genocide doesn't happen at once. It is slow.      fuente
The Craft book cover
The Craft
How the Freemasons Made the Modern World
John Dickie - 2020-08-18
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Discover the fascinating and influential world of Freemasonry with this enthralling exploration. From its founding in London in 1717, Freemasonry quickly spread across the globe and became pervasive in shaping society. Throughout history, Freemasonry has been both feared and revered, with ties to famous figures like George Washington and Walt Disney, and the origins of groups like the Mormon Church and the Sicilian mafia. Join author John Dickie on a journey through the misunderstood history of this secret brotherhood that continues to hold influence today.
Victor Asemota
Interesting how Freemasons are directly and indirectly linked to the revolutions in France and America. There was an equality the fraternal society taught to men that became above aristocracy and religion. Reading the book "The Craft" made me understand a bit of history and myth.      fuente
Sólo los paranoides sobreviven book cover
Sólo los paranoides sobreviven
How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company
Andrew S. Grove - 1998-04-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1996)
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Bajo la dirección de Andy Grove, Intel se ha convertido en el mayor fabricante de chips del mundo, la quinta compañía entre las más admiradas en Estados Unidos, y la séptima de las más rentables entre las 500 de Fortune. Pocos líderes pueden vanagloriarse de semejante nivel de éxito que Grove atribuye en gran parte a la filosofía y a la estrategia que expone en Sólo los paranoides sobreviven. Este libro ofrece una perspectiva audaz y novedosa del mundo de los negocios y lleva al lector a conocer lo más profundo del accionar de una gran empresa. El mayor aporte de Grove al pensamiento gerencial es una nueva manera de medir ese momento de pesadilla que todo líder teme: el momento en que se produce un cambio masivo e imprevisto y el mundo se torna incierto. El autor llama a esos momentos “Puntos de Inflexión Estratégica” (PIE). Los PIE pueden ser desencadenados por diversas circunstancias: la megacompetencia, una modificación, incluso mínima, de las reglamentaciones o la tecnología. Sin embargo, en manos de un líder atento, el PIE puede ser una carta de triunfo. Si lo maneja bien, puede convertirlo en una fuerza positiva que le permitirá imponerse en el mercado y resurgir, más que nunca. Para lograr ese nivel de dominio sobre el cambio usted debe conocer sus propiedades internas y externas. Conocedor de todos los riesgos, Grove examina su propio registro de éxitos y fracasos: la dramática situación que atravesó con motivo de la falla en la Pentium, episodio que amenazó gravemente a Intel; y cómo está enfrentando ahora el PIE provocado por la Internet. Resultado de toda una vida de reflexión, Sólo los paranoides sobreviven es un clásico contemporáneo de las técnicas de gestión y liderazgo.
Victor Asemota
@victor_mapunga Yes, my best business book still is ”Only the Paranoid Survive” by Andy Grove the late Chairman of Intel. Paranoia still fails as all empires must die.      fuente
El cisne negro book cover
El cisne negro
Second Edition
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - 2007-05-15
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¿Qué es un cisne negro? Para empezar, es un suceso improbable, sus consecuencias son importantes y todas las explicaciones que se puedan ofrecer a posteriori no tienen en cuenta el azar y sólo buscan encajar lo imprevisible en un modelo perfecto. El éxito de Google y You Tube, y hasta ell 11-S, son “cisnes negros”. Para Nassim Nicholas Taleb, los cisnes negros son parte integrante de nuestro mundo, desde el auge de las religiones hasta los acontecimientos de nuestra vida personal. ¿Por qué no podemos identificar este fenómeno hasta que ya ha sucedido? Según el autor, ello se debe a que los humanos nos empeñamos en investigar las cosas ya sabidas, olvidándonos de lo que desconocemos. Ello nos impide reconocer las oportunidades y nos hace demasiado vulnerables al impulso de simplificar, narrar y categorizar, olvidándonos de recompensar a quienes saben imaginar lo “imposible”. Elegante, sorprendente, y con reflexiones de alcance universal, El cisne negro transformará nuestra manera de mirar el mundo. Taleb es un escritor ameno, ingenioso e irreverente, con un profundo conocimiento de temas tan dispares como la ciencia cognitiva, el mundo de los negocios y la teoría de la probabilidad. De hecho, El cisne negro es auténtico cisne negro en sí mismo.
Victor Asemota
My life at this point has been about looking for human behavior patterns. Black Swan as a book, jarred me into consciousness. I realized that the real patterns to look for are those rare ones with outsize impact. I started looking back at Black Swans in my life.      fuente
The Prosperity Paradox by Clayton M Christensen
Hábitos atómicos by James Clear
Tribu de Mentores by Tim Ferriss
The Power of Moments by Chip Heath
The Innovation Blind Spot by Ross Baird
Enfócate by Cal Newport
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
Superpronosticadores. El arte y la ciencia de la predicción by Philip E. Tetlock
Breakout Nations by Ruchir Sharma
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition by Everett M. Rogers
Conversaciones Cruciales by Kerry Patterson
El Campo de Batalla de la Mente by Joyce Meyer
The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson
The Predators' Ball by Connie Bruck
You Can Get Anything You Want by Roger Dawson
The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley